Image credit: Sarah-Ji @loveandstrugglephotos
It’s time to end our reliance on criminalization and retribution in the U.S. We must adopt transformative alternatives rooted in healing and human dignity.
Prisons and policing don’t keep us safe. Even with the world’s highest incarcerations rate, the U.S. faces high rates of gun violence. AFSC advocates for community-based approaches that work better to create accountability, facilitate healing, and prevent harm.
people registered for our Community Safety Beyond Policing webinar series.
letters from people in New York and New Jersey prisons answered by AFSC staff and volunteers in FY23.
Related Programs
Everyone has a role to play in creating safe, healthy communities for all—without relying on prisons or policing. Our programs work in partnership with communities across the U.S.

Michigan Criminal Justice
AFSC addresses the state violence of the criminal, legal, and imprisonment systems in our communities. We disrupt the paradigm of punishment and build healing, wellness and full liberation for all.

St. Louis Peacebuilding
The St. Louis Peace Education Program works to dismantle the school to prison pipeline and policing practices that negatively impact the lives of Black youth in St. Louis city and county.

Twin Cities Healing Justice
The Twin Cities Healing Justice Program disrupts the cradle-to-prison pipeline through anti-racist youth organizing, restorative practices, coalition building and thought leadership.

New York Healing Justice
AFSC’s NY Healing Justice Program supports people to heal and take leadership roles in confronting injustice. We work to improve the lives of the currently and formerly incarcerated.

AFSC's Wabanaki Program works to heal the trauma of Wabanaki communities in Maine. We draw communities together to confront injustices and promote healing among Maine's four Wabanaki tribes.

California Healing Justice
The California Healing Justice Program works to reduce reliance on incarceration and policing and replace them with restorative, healing practices. We concentrate on three areas: ending mass incarceration, demilitarizing police, and the promotion of healing alternatives.

West Virginia Economic Justice
The West Virginia Economic Justice Project (WVEJ) works statewide on issues affecting low income and working families. We build effective coalitions in support of economic justice for all people.

Chicago Peacebuilding
The Chicago Peacebuilding program works to dismantle militarist practices that disproportionately affect Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) communities. We support the well-being of those who are targeted and criminalized by state violence and work for the abolition of the Prison Industrial Complex.

Action Center for Corporate Accountability

St. Louis Peacebuilding
The St. Louis Peace Education Program works to dismantle the school to prison pipeline and policing practices that negatively impact the lives of Black youth in St. Louis city and county.

Global Policy and Strategy
AFSC has more than a century of experience working with communities across the globe. In our policy and advocacy work, we bring these perspectives to the U.S. capital, United Nations, and other policy bodies.

U.S. Palestine Activism Program
For decades, AFSC has worked to realize a just and lasting peace in Palestine and Israel.

New Hampshire
AFSC’s New Hampshire Program works to nourish a growing movement of people calling for social, racial, and economic justice.