The Twin Cities Healing Justice program work to dismantle the school-to-prison pipeline. Our youth group is Students Accelerating Fiercely Everyday. SAFE focuses on the history of race and racism, systemic poverty and community organizing. Youth engage with one another about the issues affecting them.
They develop an analysis of systemic racism. They also learn language that speaks to their lived experience. Youth then engage in direct action and anti-racist community organizing campaigns.
We host monthly and annual events. These include a Summer Intensive and other social justice educational opportunities. The events allow us to connect with youth and introduce them to direct organizing opportunities.
A group of 12 young people serve on the SAFE youth board. They meet monthly to decide the direction of the SAFE work. They also assist in facilitating trainings.
Social justice work can take a toll on an individual's mental and physical health. We continue to learn and investigate ways to organize, resist, and heal with balance and dedication.
AFSC is in a formal partnership with Minneapolis Public Schools. We run a Restorative Practices program within North Community High School. Our goal is to decrease suspensions and expulsions. We provide trainings for students and faculty. We are also involved in community engagement and strategic planning.
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Program News
Midwest Youth Summer Intensive 2024
Youth connected with AFSC programs in St. Louis and Chicago joined Twin Cities young people in Minneapolis July 28-August 3, 2024 for our first-ever Midwest Youth Summer Intensive. Black and Palestinian youth gathered to learn more about the work of making positive change in our communities.