March in Chicago for Treatment Not Trauma

Youth lead a rally in the Logan Square neighborhood of Chicago to support #TreatmentNotTrauma -- non-police responders to mental health crises.   Sarah Jane Rhee

Chicago Peacebuilding works to dismantle militarism and state violence. We push for investment in communities of color criminalized by those same systems. AFSC works with coalitions and partners. We amplify the voices of directly-impacted people.

Our goals include cutting police spending and supporting community needs through mutual aid. We train youth leaders to confront entrenched power and create real change.

Community Safety Beyond Policing

AFSC Chicago coordinates webinars and study-into-action groups. They explore how we can have less reliance on police and more community safety for all. Topics have included restorative justice and alternatives to calling 911. They've also addressed police-free schools, militarization and white supremacy. 

Defunding the Chicago Police

AFSC works in coalition to get cops out of the Chicago Public Schools. We want to re-direct the $1.7 billion annual Chicago Police budget to community needs. This includes education and health care.

Working to close youth prisons

AFSC is part of the Final 5 Campaign. This coalition is working to close the five remaining youth prisons in Illinois. It's also promoting community investment and youth leadership. AFSC has published several hard-copy newsletters distributed to all youth in Illinois prisons. We lift up youth incarceration as part of AFSC’s national #FreeThemAll campaign.

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