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Related Programs

Chicago Peacebuilding
The Chicago Peacebuilding program works to dismantle militarist practices that disproportionately affect Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) communities. We support the well-being of those who are targeted and criminalized by state violence and work for the abolition of the Prison Industrial Complex.

Michigan Criminal Justice
AFSC addresses the state violence of the criminal, legal, and imprisonment systems in our communities. We disrupt the paradigm of punishment and build healing, wellness and full liberation for all.

St. Louis Peacebuilding
The St. Louis Peace Education Program works to dismantle the school to prison pipeline and policing practices that negatively impact the lives of Black youth in St. Louis city and county.

Twin Cities Healing Justice
The Twin Cities Healing Justice Program disrupts the cradle-to-prison pipeline through anti-racist youth organizing, restorative practices, coalition building and thought leadership.