Tarisai* is a 33-year-old mother of three in Caledonia, a settlement on the outskirts of Harare, Zimbabwe. She is a member of the local peace committee, which helps residents resolve conflicts peacefully. And for the past three years, she has worked as chairperson of the community’s food processing enterprise group, coordinating and leading its efforts. That has allowed Tarisai to earn enough money to put food on table for her children.
Saif is a passionate youth advocate who enjoys designing holistic and multilayered learning journeys to enable the youth to meet their developmental needs positively. Since 2006, Saif worked on the design of several frameworks such as The Hearts & Heads PSS framework, The GirlSPARKS girl-centered-design framework and Shabab framework for the improvement of youth civic engagement.
Rawan has been key in supporting the Shabab Program, she has a passion for working with youth and has led multiple different youth networks. Before AFSC, Rawan led 51 Youth Committees to achieve economic and social engagement, to ensure youth are fairly represented throughout both local and national levels, and supporting youth to be active citizens in their communities.