This 30min training focuses on what AB481 is and covers a number of related topics such as how to review the policy, and how to contact your elected officials.
Bonnie Kerness started her 50-year journey at the American Friends Service Committee as a young tenant organizer in Elizabeth, NJ, where she helped build a citywide coalition to support the right to housing. Prior to joining AFSC she was an organizer during the civil rights movement in the South, an experience which provided her with a deep anti-racist analysis that drives her work to this day.
Everyone deserves to live in safety and peace. But two years ago, under President Trump, a policy called Title 42 was enacted. The statute originated with the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC), but it was adopted against the advice of public health experts who found there was no public health justification for the decision. Its real purpose? Stopping immigrants from seeking safety in the U.S.