We all know the power of a good story, but how do you know in advance if your story will be powerful? Watch this Skill Up webinar on how to tell a more powerful story for social change.
AFSC’s Director of Research and Analytics, Beth Hallowell, and former intern, Enni Aigbomian, led this webinar on telling compelling stories and getting others to listen.
July 14th is the Bastille day–the day in which the Bastille fell, and that has come to symbolize the French revolution. This year, on this highly symbolic day, a steady, years old anti-corruption movement in Israel morphed itself into something else completely. By the end of that night, more than 50 protesters –including myself–were led to a police station soaking wet after hours of water cannons trying to disperse the hundreds of protesters blocking roads all around Jerusalem.
AFSC’s Nia Eubanks-Dixon gives a presentation on the importance of self and community care during the COVID-19 pandemic and national uprisings.
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Pillsbury, owned by food-manufacturing conglomerate General Mills, is a household name, known for its cookie dough, cinnamon buns, and other sweet treats. But the company manufactures frozen baked goods in an illegal Israeli settlement in the occupied Palestinian territory—violating international law and contributing to gross human rights abuses.
Hear from David, a New Jersey resident who was imprisoned by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for two years. David talks about his confinement and the devastating impacts of being separated from his wife and children.
AFSC’s Newark Immigrants Right Program provided legal representation to David, helping him to secure his release in the spring of 2020.