West Virginia Economic Justice (WVEJ) staff press forward in their legislative efforts for a federal COVID-19 relief package as families continue to struggle through the pandemic. The program has spoken out against overturning the Affordable Care Act, reminding us that millions rely on the ACA for coverage while we face COVID-19, and has pushed for action and transparency on the growing threat of COVID-19 in West Virginia’s prisons—which has not been reported on accurately by the state.
WVEJ also partnered in organizing an online film series for the month of October with Healing Justice, as well as a discussion moderated by Reverend Ron English around the key issues and concepts of this powerful documentary. Healing Justice "addresses the school to prison pipeline, the need for comprehensive criminal justice reform, and the importance of healing and restorative practices." Make sure to check out an interview with host Reverend Ron English via the West Virginia Folklife Program.
Additionally, WVEJ and 16 other WV groups have joined together to call on Governor Jim Justice to direct nearly $1 billion from CARES Act funding to where it's urgently needed before the state loses the chance. Only $231 million of the $1.2 billion received from the federal government has been spent, leaving $969 million on the table to help West Virginians affected by the pandemic. You can help by calling the governor's office at (304) 558-2000 or by messaging him on social media (@WVGovernor on Twitter) using the hashtag #CARESACT4WV.