In May 2010, longtime San Diego resident Anastasio Hernandez Rojas was brutally beaten by over a dozen border agents as they were trying to deport him. By the time he arrived at the hospital, the 42-year-old father of five was braindead and had suffered a heart attack. He died three days later.
En la comunidad de San Julián, Sonsonate, un grupo de mujeres camina por una ladera, llevan azadones, bandejas de plantines y sacos de abono orgánico. La comunidad al occidente de El Salvador es el hogar de la mayoría de las comunidades indígenas del país.
On Aug. 5, 2022, Israel launched another military assault of Gaza. Over three days, the attacks killed at least 47 people—including 16 children—and injured over 300.
In this interview, Gaza Program Officer Serena Awad and Program Coordinator Ali Abdalbari share their experiences from the escalation—and how communities have worked to recover since then.
In the rural community of San Julián, a group of women hike along a hillside. They carry hoes, trays of seedlings, and sacks of natural fertilizer. The town is part of Sonsonate in western El Salvador, which is home to most of the country’s Indigenous communities.