On a beautiful morning in 1993, Burundian David Niyonzima found himself caught in the middle of a violent ethnic conflict. Although he escaped unharmed, 25 people, including eight of his students at a local Quaker pastoral training school, were shot and killed. David spent the next few years fearing for his life and the safety of his family. But after a transformational experience of learning to forgive his attackers, David became committed to working for peace in his war-torn country.
Regularly we will be posting a piece inspired by the rich history and archives of AFSC. The below post is the first in the series. - Lucy
This statement was issued by Britain Yearly Meeting on Nov. 18, 2012 in response to the violence in Gaza.
Patricia Sellick, AFSC Regional Director for the Middle East, shares her experience working with AFSC’s Gaza team and the young people with whom they work.
This letter was sent to Congress on October 5, 2012, from church leaders including Shan Cretin, AFSC's general secretary, as a call to make U.S. military aid to Israel conditional on Israel's "compliance with applicable U.S. laws and policies” regarding human rights.