Noah Baker Merrill is a member of Putney Friends Meeting in Vermont. He travels widely in the ministry, offering messages at Friends' gatherings and beyond; seeking to encourage faithfulness; and nurturing the integration of worship and witness in the Quaker movement. In this service, Noah leads workshops on spiritual activism, "prophetic service", deepening worship, traveling ministry, and the future of the Religious Society of Friends. The minute that accompanies him in this service, endorsed by New England Yearly Meeting (NEYM), recognizes his call to a ministry of "waking hearts." Noah serves on the working group launching Quaker Voluntary Service - - offering opportunities for transformative service and witness through living Quaker faith communities. In 2009, for work supporting a future of peace for and with the people of Iraq, Utne Reader magazine recognized him as one of "50 Visionaries Who Are Changing Your World." He can be reached by email.