West Virginia is a state with vast natural resources—timber, oil, gas, and, most famously, coal. Those non-renewable resources are quickly disappearing and, with them, the hope for West Virginia's future unless we create a Future Fund—a mineral trust fund—to meet the challenges of tomorrow.
Since the 1880s, much of West Virginia's wealth has left the state in railcars and trucks.
In spirit-led action the condition of the heart seems central – that in order to create lasting resolution to hurts and conflict, listening, telling the truth about people’s experiences of injustice, and having the courage to love beyond assumptions and societal constructs are all central. Does this resonate with your own experience? Tell your own stories of spirit-led action here or talk about the qualities you believe are essential in spirit-led action.
Note: This interview is the fourth in the Acting in Faith series of interviews with Quaker activists. I define activist in the broadest sense - those working for justice and healing in many divergent ways. - Lucy
by Silas Wanjala