Dalit Baum, Ph.D., is AFSC's Director of Economic Activism. She has worked for AFSC since 2013. She is co-founder of Who Profits from the Occupation, and of the Coalition of Women for Peace in Israel. Dalit is a feminist scholar and teacher, who has been teaching about militarism and about the global economy from a feminist perspective in Israeli and American universities.
Note: Dalit Baum, AFSC’s Director of Economic Activism and an Israeli Jew, was one of the founders of Who Profits, an organization that researches companies that profit from the occupation of Palestinian territory. In this post she writes about the passbook system in South Africa and the ID system in Israel, both established to control, segregate, and limit movement.
Dalit Baum, AFSC’s Director of Economic Activism writes about the passbook system in South Africa and the ID system in Israel, both established to control, segregate, and limit movement. Boycotts and divestment are one way to take a moral stand against and resist the practices of companies benefitting from the oppression of a targeted group.
Note: This is the first of a series of several posts written in response to Rufus Jone’s essay, “What will get us Ready?” which he wrote in 1944 and wondered about Quakers role in facing the crises and tumult of the day and whether Quakers were ready to step into the breach. Here Clark Reddy responds to the question considering our current crises and quandaries.
Madeline is temporarily taking up the reins as the Friends Relations Associate. Prior to AFSC, Madeline researched alternative economies in Philadelphia and worked with people returning from prison to organize against employment discrimination. A lifelong Friend, Madeline is excited to rise with a new generation of Quaker social activists.
Mati Gomis-Perez served as AFSC's Country Representative for Israel and Palestine based in East Jerusalem. Before she joined the AFSC in 2013, she worked for a number of non-governmental organizations in Spain and the occupied Palestinian territory, for UN Women in New York and Jordan, and the Spanish Agency for Development Cooperation in Jerusalem during the Second Intifada.