Last year, at the start of the pandemic, we watched with dismay as Congress voted to spend taxpayer dollars on 96 F-35 warplanes—17 more than the president had requested. At the same time, legislators argued over the cost of COVID-19 relief packages to provide stimulus payments, unemployment benefits, food assistance, and more to pandemic-affected communities across the U.S.
Josseline Acuña is regional officer of monitoring, evaluation and learning for AFSC in Latin America and the Caribbean. She is passionate about social justice work, especially with a youth focus that is her field of research.
Marta Corto está emocionada. En solo unas semanas, ella y su familia podrán cosechar los tomates que plantaron en junio.
Marta, de 22 años, vive en la comunidad maya ixil de Nebaj, Quiché, en las tierras altas del oeste de Guatemala. Ubicado en una de las zonas más inaccesibles del país, Nebaj es parte de lo que se conoce como "Región Ixil", junto con las comunidades de Cotzal y Chajul, y alberga a unas 72.000 personas.
Marta Corto is excited. In just a few weeks, she and her family will get to harvest the tomatoes they planted in June.
Marta, 22, lives in the Ixil Mayan community of Nebaj, Quiché in the highlands of western Guatemala. Located in one of the country’s most inaccessible areas, Nebaj is part of what’s known as the “Ixil region”—along with the communities of Cotzal and Chajul—that is home to about 72,000 people.
Asha Edwards is currently an undergraduate student attending the School of Public Health at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She is a visual artist and community organizer. Asha sometimes engages in community-organizing, abolitionist rooted campaigns, and mutual aid as a member of community-based grassroots organizations in Chicago.