Foto: GCP Partner
AFSC works for a future free of militarism and violence. But peace is more than the absence of war. We work to address the root causes of violence—and transform systems to ensure just, sustainable peace for all.
We work with communities in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East, and United States to build conditions for peace. Our programs foster vibrant and open civic space and commitment to human dignity and rights.
Burundians participated in conflict prevention & conflict resolution trainings.
Cities hosted our Light in Gaza book tour.
Related Programs
Everyone has a role to play in building a more just, sustainable, and peaceful future where all people can thrive. Our programs work in partnership with communities across the U.S. and around the world.

Burundi: Youth & Community Empowerment
AFSC’s Burundi Program aims to create a society where all people can enjoy peace and dignity, meet their basic needs, and make meaningful contributions to peace and community development.

Paz con Justicia Social
El Programa de Paz con Justicia Social trabaja con las comunidades en Guatemala y El Salvador para desmantelar sistemas de opresión (colonialismo, capitalismo y patriarcado).

Jerusalem, Ramallah & Gaza
AFSC started working in Israel and Palestine in 1948 when the organization was asked by the United Nations to respond to the needs of those displaced during the 1948 war.

Dialogue and Exchange
Global south leaders—from the grassroots, civil society, and government—come together to learn, exchange ideas, and collectively solve problems through AFSC’s Dialogue and Exchange Program (DEP).

67 Sueños
67 Sueños es un programa de organización juvenil con sede en Oakland. Nos enfocamos en la organización, la educación política, el ARTivismo (arte + activismo) y el trabajo de sanación del trauma. 67 Sueños trabaja con jóvenes latinos indocumentados y jóvenes de familias con estatus migratorio mixto.

Kenya: Peaceful Youth & Communities
In Kenya, AFSC works to promote a culture of peace among youth and the communities in which they live. We also work with grassroots leaders to enhance effective community and national-level engagement around issues of peace.

Action Center for Corporate Accountability

AFSC's Wabanaki Program works to heal the trauma of Wabanaki communities in Maine. We draw communities together to confront injustices and promote healing among Maine's four Wabanaki tribes.

South Sudan: Trauma Healing for Enhanced Peacebuilding
AFSC’s South Sudan Program addresses trauma among peacebuilders through conflict healing and reconciliation.

Indonesia: Strengthening Diversity Through Narrative Change
In Indonesia, AFSC collaborates with the Indonesian Justice and Peace Foundation (YKPI) to support partners around the country engaging in narrative change campaigning to bridge conflict divides and celebrate Indonesia’s rich diversity of religion, ethnicity, gender, social class, ability, and sexual orientation.

St. Louis Peacebuilding
The St. Louis Peace Education Program works to dismantle the school to prison pipeline and policing practices that negatively impact the lives of Black youth in St. Louis city and county.
Somalia: Youth Development and Livelihood
The AFSC Somalia Program works with youth to develop innovative and creative ideas for building lasting peace. We reach past clan and ideology to insure the inclusion of all people.

Paz con Justicia Social
El Programa de Paz con Justicia Social trabaja con las comunidades en Guatemala y El Salvador para desmantelar sistemas de opresión (colonialismo, capitalismo y patriarcado).
Salama Hub
AFSC’s Salama Hub, established in 2021, is a research and advocacy hub focused on promoting peace and stability in the Horn of Africa.

Raíces para la Paz (RFP)
Raíces para la Paz involucra a jóvenes BIPOC (de 14 a 24 años) y familias para abordar las injusticias raciales, económicas y de salud. Generamos energía para promover un entorno más saludable.

Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO)
The Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO), located in Geneva and New York, represents Quakers through Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC).

Global Policy and Strategy
AFSC has more than a century of experience working with communities across the globe. In our policy and advocacy work, we bring these perspectives to the U.S. capital, United Nations, and other policy bodies.

U.S. Palestine Activism Program
For decades, AFSC has worked to realize a just and lasting peace in Palestine and Israel.

Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea)
AFSC has a long history of involvement on the Korean peninsula dating back to 1953.

Indonesia: Strengthening Diversity Through Narrative Change
In Indonesia, AFSC collaborates with the Indonesian Justice and Peace Foundation (YKPI) to support partners around the country engaging in narrative change campaigning to bridge conflict divides and celebrate Indonesia’s rich diversity of religion, ethnicity, gender, social class, ability, and sexual orientation.
Civic Space Global Initiative
AFSC's Civic Space Global Initiative works to address the increasing closing of civic space around the world. We support active networks to protect civic space. We also conduct research and advocacy.

Israel Program on Challenging Militarization of Societies
Since 1948, AFSC has maintained a presence in and worked with both Palestinian and Jewish populations in Israel. Today, AFSC’s Israel Program works to counter the militarization of Israeli society, understanding that widespread acceptance of militarism is one of the factors sustaining inequalities, occupation, and conflict.

Kenya: Peaceful Youth & Communities
In Kenya, AFSC works to promote a culture of peace among youth and the communities in which they live. We also work with grassroots leaders to enhance effective community and national-level engagement around issues of peace.

Emerging Leaders for Liberation
Emerging Leaders for Liberation is a program for young adults looking to deepen their social justice and leadership skills.

AFSC supports multiple initiatives in Jordan. We focus on enhancing civic engagement, providing platforms and resources for the support and implementation of community-led initiatives.
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