Woman holding a sign that says

pie de foto de la edición Foto: Matthew Paul D'Agostino

Economies should work for all people and our planet. They should also promote thriving communities. AFSC challenges growing inequality and the corporate abuse of human rights.

Today, communities have inadequate access to food, housing, health care, and education. Meanwhile governments spend billions on war, incarceration, and systems of repression. We support community initiatives for food justice, housing rights, and sustainable income. We also provide tools to help people and institutions make socially responsible investments.


Small, organic New Mexico farmers have received technical assistance and green infrastructure since 2012.


Volunteers in Atlanta have been trained to assist those facing a housing emergency.

Related Programs

Everyone has a role to play in building an economy based on solidarity—and grounded in the values of cooperation, equity, and sustainability. Our programs work in partnership with communities across the U.S. and around the world.

People arranging potted plants around a sidewalk sign

Action Center for Corporate Accountability

people at an outdoor action holding signs about the child tax credit

West Virginia Economic Justice

The West Virginia Economic Justice Project (WVEJ) works statewide on issues affecting low income and working families. We build effective coalitions in support of economic justice for all people.

man holding sign that says house not for sale

Atlanta Economic Justice

The Atlanta Economic Justice Program (ATLEJP) works for economic and social justice. Through training, grassroots organizing and leadership development, we help build a culture of activism. We work with communities to build coalitions and resist injustice.

An organizer addresses a press conference from the steps of San Francisco City hall, concerning police use of killer robots

California Healing Justice

The California Healing Justice Program works to reduce reliance on incarceration and policing and replace them with restorative, healing practices. We concentrate on three areas: ending mass incarceration, demilitarizing police, and the promotion of healing alternatives.

High school students standing in a school library talking together

Appalachian Center for Equality

The Appalachian Center for Equality (ACE) is a youth leadership program. We create opportunities for young people in southern West Virginia to pursue their goals by working and learning together.

A group of people stand in a line, several holding a banner that says


AFSC's Wabanaki Program works to heal the trauma of Wabanaki communities in Maine. We draw communities together to confront injustices and promote healing among Maine's four Wabanaki tribes. 

Roots For Peace youth

Raíces para la Paz (RFP)

Raíces para la Paz involucra a jóvenes BIPOC (de 14 a 24 años) y familias para abordar las injusticias raciales, económicas y de salud. Generamos energía para promover un entorno más saludable.

Global Policy and Strategy

Global Policy and Strategy

AFSC has more than a century of experience working with communities across the globe. In our policy and advocacy work, we bring these perspectives to the U.S. capital, United Nations, and other policy bodies.

A young man painting a planter in a community garden

Peace by Piece New Orleans

Peace by Piece supports and mobilizes Black youth in New Orleans. We focus on political education and community organizing. Together we work to realize sustainable and equitable communities rooted in self-determination.

An artist speaking at a mural unveiling with dancers in indigenous costumes

Instituto Pan Valley

La misión de PVI es proporcionar espacios donde los inmigrantes y refugiados se sientan seguros y bienvenidos, aprendan unos de otros, reclamen sus derechos culturales y desarrollen un sentido de pertenencia y poder para el cambio social.

Image of a group of community members with a sign and shirts that read 'Keep Gate City Housed'

AFSC Carolina del Norte

AFSC Carolina del Norte busca construir una comunidad que aprecie el valor y la dignidad de cada persona en nuestro estado.

A woman in a hijab leads a march holding a banner and a bullhorn microphone

New Hampshire

AFSC’s New Hampshire Program works to nourish a growing movement of people calling for social, racial, and economic justice.

New Mexico Annual Farmer Gathering 2024

Nuevo México: Pueblos Originarios

AFSC imagina comunidades autónomas en Nuevo México que tengan la capacidad de alimentar y cuidar a nuestros niños, ancianos y vecinos (humanos, animales y plantas).

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