We believe that everyone has a role to play in building a more just, sustainable, and peaceful future. Our programs work in partnership with communities across the U.S. and around the world.

67 Sueños
67 Sueños es un programa de organización juvenil con sede en Oakland. Nos enfocamos en la organización, la educación política, el ARTivismo (arte + activismo) y el trabajo de sanación del trauma. 67 Sueños trabaja con jóvenes latinos indocumentados y jóvenes de familias con estatus migratorio mixto.

Action Center for Corporate Accountability

AFSC Carolina del Norte
AFSC Carolina del Norte busca construir una comunidad que aprecie el valor y la dignidad de cada persona en nuestro estado.

AFSC Florida
AFSC Florida coordina campañas locales, estatales y nacionales para exigir el trato justo de todos los inmigrantes y construir poder colectivo. Nos centramos en la justicia inmigrante, los servicios legales de inmigración y las economías justas.

Appalachian Center for Equality
The Appalachian Center for Equality (ACE) is a youth leadership program. We create opportunities for young people in southern West Virginia to pursue their goals by working and learning together.

Asia Young People for Action (AYA)
The Asia Young People for Action (AYA) initiative fosters peer-to-peer learning, transformative experiences, and collective action on structural peace-related issues.

Atlanta Economic Justice
The Atlanta Economic Justice Program (ATLEJP) works for economic and social justice. Through training, grassroots organizing and leadership development, we help build a culture of activism. We work with communities to build coalitions and resist injustice.

Birches Global Peacebuilding Fellowship
This one-year fellowship program is for recent college graduates looking to deepen their peacebuilding and leadership skills.

Burundi: Youth & Community Empowerment
AFSC’s Burundi Program aims to create a society where all people can enjoy peace and dignity, meet their basic needs, and make meaningful contributions to peace and community development.

California Healing Justice
The California Healing Justice Program works to reduce reliance on incarceration and policing and replace them with restorative, healing practices. We concentrate on three areas: ending mass incarceration, demilitarizing police, and the promotion of healing alternatives.