In the face of the ongoing crisis in Gaza and the occupied West Bank, people across the U.S. are coming together every week to take action.
You’ll get updates from AFSC staff in Gaza, hear what’s happening on Capitol Hill, and get resources for your activism. Together, we’ll contact Congress to demand an arms embargo on Israel, a permanent cease-fire in Gaza, and fully funded humanitarian aid for Palestinians.
4 ways to take action today
1. Contact your members of Congress regularly. Take a few minutes today to both call them and send them an email.
2. Write a letter to the editor calling for a cease-fire. Here are some tips on effective letter-writing.
3. Donate today to support AFSC’s Gaza emergency response in Gaza.
4. Take part in protests. Download and print our free posters for Palestine. Check out our guide to protesting for tips to prepare and keep you and others safe.
Sign up for periodic emails from AFSC’s Palestine Activism Program.
14 Guides for Action
Learn more
Mounting violence in Gaza and Israel has created a humanitarian crisis. Get more resources to learn more and take action.