Note: This guest blog post by Angelina Conti remembers another time when a nonviolent peace encampment was used as a tool for protest.
by Angelina Conti
When the Occupy Wall Street movement began in Zuccotti Park in September, I was surprised to find myself thinking about the Bonus Army and a lesson half remembered from a high school history class … something about veterans occupying the capitol, General MacArthur, and a fire.
Note: This guest post by Paul Lacey reflects on the Occupy movement, its relationship to past movements, and the damage done by Wall Street. - Lucy
Note: Here is a guest blog post by Cara Curtis, on the living experiment that is the Occupy Together movement. - Lucy
My hope for the Occupy movement is that we continue to live humanly. It has taken me a little while, though, to arrive at this articulation.
Note: George Lakey wrote this guest post days before Occupy Wall Street began. When I asked him for a submission, he offered this as it has something to say about the potential of the movement. - Lucy
by George Lakey
I’ve thought of a metaphor that throws light on the role of Barack Obama in relation to progressives. The man decided not to follow the path of Martin Luther King, Jr., or even Jesse Jackson, admirable prophets though they have been. He decided instead to be a pragmatic politician, doing as much good as he could from inside the structure.