Laura Magnani, a member of Strawberry Creek Friends Meeting in Berkeley, Calif., and the director of AFSC’s Bay Area Healing Justice program, tells the story of how local Quaker congregations accompanied a formerly incarcerated man back into the community.
Note: Max Carter, the Director of the Friends Center at Guilford College, has led study tours to Israel-Palestine in the summer for many years. He sent me this post after returning from his most recent trip. - Lucy
Note: All included images are by Michael Fleshman.
“The master's tools will never dismantle the master's house." Audre Lorde
Note: My friend Niyonu Spann, a Quaker healer who has been a very important teacher to me, posted the below piece on Facebook earlier this week. She graciously gave me permission to re-publish it here. Her reflection offers a sense of the unmediated pain of the George Zimmerman verdict and some sense of the deep need for healing from the disease of racism NOW.
Note: The below minute from Swannanoa Valley Friends Meeting was presented for consideration by the Southern Applachian Yearly Meeting and Association (SAYMA) at its June, 2013 annual gathering. In the coming year each SAYMA monthly meeting will consider the ideas in the minute and whether they are led to take similar action or to affirm this minute.
In the immediate aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombings, Carlos Arredondo made headlines for courageously rushing to save the lives of victims—distinctive in his cowboy hat, he quickly became the iconic hero amid tragedy. As the dust settled, people learned that Carlos was there with his wife, Melida, honoring the memory of their sons—Alex, a soldier who died in the Iraq War and Brian, who struggled with mental health issues after his brother’s death and eventually took his own life.