Note: I took a walk recently with my son and partner in Tinicum, also known as the John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge.
This poem is a reflection on that walk and the conversation we had. We noticed that the destruction of the environment far away is also here in our midst, all around us.
Note: I first met Jill Anderson a couple years ago at Intermountain Yearly Meeting and got to know her better at the World Conference of Friends in Kenya.
Friends Meeting of Washington hosted an event on the American Friends Service Committee and Friends Committee on National Legislation publication "Shared Security: Reimagining US foreign policy." Listen to this short audio story to hear more about the document, as well as how audience members responded to the presentation and discussion on beginning the work of creating a world that prioritizes human rights and the peaceful resolution to conflict.
“Can the Bible be redeemed? Has it been used as a weapon so much that we cannot redeem it?” These were questions that the Rev. Naim Ateek, founder of the Friends of Sabeel, asked at the Wide Tent for Justice: Next Steps for Peace in Palestine/Israel conference at the St. James Episcopal Church in Chicago, co-sponsored by AFSC.
Note: Elaine Lane is the founder of David’s Shoes, an organization based out of Irvington, New Jersey, that is “Helping Children and Teens Honor Life.” Inspired by AFSC’s “Eyes Wide Open” exhibit, Elaine is collecting 3792 shoes to start her own exhibit, commemorating the number of children killed by gun violence in the United States in 1998, the year her own son was killed.