If you saw the Nov. 7th White House briefing, you know that President Trump continues to demonize the migrant caravan (which is made up of several groups of travelers, including families with children) and to call for a wall and further militarization of the U.S.-Mexico border.
“Underlying the complexities of sanctuary's evolving role within civil society, the sanctuary covenant that gathers us into a people of peoples remains clear and present. Here in the borderlands, we join the generations that stand at Sinai. We hear ourselves called to become a people that hallows the earth — not by ritual or sacrifice, but by fulfilling our task as co-creators of humanity. At every turn we see that humankind has not yet been fully formed into an image of the Holy; many among us are violated.
AFSC grieves the tragic loss of 11 human lives from Saturday’s Tree of Life shooting and its far-reaching impact on Pittsburgh's communities. We also lift up those people injured from violence in the Squirrel Hill shooting and in the early morning shootings in Lincoln-Lemington, along with the hundreds of Pittsburghers impacted by gun violence every year.
At risk. Thugs. Illegals. There are many harmful words that people in power often use to describe communities – especially poor youth of color – around the world.
Today, young leaders around the world are leading a campaign to build awareness and change those linguistic behaviors.
Watch this slide show for visual highlights of the NH Program's work over the past year, with "Rise as One" by Aaron Fowler in the background.
“We want them to learn the process for themselves and see: I planted this seed, I watched this grow, I grew that plant, I grew my food,” said Brunisha Jones, a member of AFSC’s New Orleans Peace by Piece program. Showing young people how food is grown, where it comes from, and getting them excited about fresh vegetables are key components that make the New Orleans Hollygrove garden project thrive.