Ashia Gallo served on the Home Defender team with the AFSC Atlanta Economic Justice Program.
In July, the AFSC Atlanta Economic Justice Program launched the Home Defender Project to protect people from eviction during the coronavirus pandemic. While the CDC has thankfully issued a nationwide moratorium on evictions, Home Defenders continue to help people facing housing insecurity. That includes providing organizing support to tenant associations, and assisting callers who contact the Tenant Power Hotline, operated by our partner the Housing Justice League (HJL).
Join D.C. staff Peniel Ibe, Newark Staff Serges Demefack, and Aisa Diallo, a Detention attorney with the AFSC- Newark Immigrant Rights Program-Detention Project as they reflect on Immigration as a Black issue and the need to amplify the stories and experiences of Black immigrants. This FB live is part of a Black Immigrant Advocacy Action week hosted by multiple Black led immigration organizations and partners.