Kristin Kumpf was the director of AFSC's Human Migration and Mobility.
Rick has been a part of AFSC since 1989 in various roles, including policy change work at national, state, and local level.
Imani Cruz is the Global Policy Coordinator for Migration Justice with AFSC’s Department of Global Policy and Strategy where she promotes policies driven by non-violent Quaker values and impacted communities that protect, respect, and uphold the human rights of all migrants.
Tori Bateman is the former policy advocacy coordinator for Just Peace in AFSC's Office of Public Policy and Advocacy. She advocated for policies that align with AFSC's vision of peace and healing justice. She served as co-chair of the Peace & Security Working Group for the Washington Interreligious Staff Community.
Peniel Ibe served as the policy engagement coordinator for Just Economies & Climate Justice in AFSC's Office of Public Policy and Advocacy. She advocated for policies that align with AFSC's vision for an equitable and ecologically sustainable economy that works for people and the earth.
Pauline Muchina is AFSC public education and advocacy coordinator (PEAC) for the Africa region.
Lewis previously led AFSC’s New York-based healing justice work for over 12 years and since 2017 has been the coordinator of the organization’s national healing justice network. As the new U.S. Peacebuilding Director, Lewis leads AFSC’s work towards a future free of militarism and violence.