Issue 27: Acting in Faith with AFSC

Dear Friend,

The transition from summer to fall always feels like a very deep and fruitful time. An opportunity to reflect on and express gratitude for the richness of warmer days. The easy cadence with which we move through the summer months seems to pick up and become more hectic as we embrace the changes that fall brings—the return to school, excitement for the holiday seasons, and a turn inward as we prepare ourselves for the shortening days. I am doing my best to embrace the changes as they come—in all forms—and I hope this new season treats you with gentle kindness.  

As we enter this season of change, I’d like to share with you one of my favorite quotes, and something that I return to both in my work and my personal life. "What is the greatest obstacle to love? Judgement. You cannot love someone you are judging, including yourself” (Mary Lenihan, CEO, co-creator, co-founder of Pause for Inspiration). In what ways do we hold onto judgement, and how can we practice a return to love?  

Here are more ways you can engage with AFSC, plus a few updates on our work:

Register: No Way to Treat a Child monthly webinar (Sept. 19, 12 p.m. ET / 9 a.m. PT): Children across the world are heading back to school, but for Palestinian children, a safe, quality education is often out of reach. Join our monthly webinar from AFSC and Defense for Children International - Palestine to learn more about the issues facing Palestinian students and how you can advocate for their right to education.

Connect with AFSC at the Bucks Country Peace Fair (Sept. 30): The Peace Fair, hosted by Bucks Quarterly Meeting of Friends in Pennsylvania, provides an opportunity for adults and children to learn about how Friends promote peaceful relations in their organizations and their own lives. ASFC staff members are hosting a table at the event and are available to answer questions and share more about the work we do to build peace around the globe. We hope to see you there!

Win a chance to meet Joan Baez – and support AFSC (Oct. 6): Joan Baez is flying one lucky winner and their guest to New York City to meet her at an exclusive screening of her new documentary “Joan Baez I Am a Noise.” The more you donate, the more entries you earn for a chance to win. Learn more. 

Register: Friends liaison call (Oct. 26, 7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT): Join us for our second liaison call where Friends from across the country gather to learn about AFSC’s efforts to promote peace and justice and share updates from their meetings. We look forward to connecting with you and learning more about the work you carry out in your communities! 

Join us: Apartheid-Free Communities in-person gathering (Oct. 26-27): AFSC and Live Oak Friends Meeting are hosting an in-person gathering of Apartheid-Free Communities in Houston, Texas, preceding the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights gathering. We hope you can join us! We also encourage you to stay for the USCPR National Conference (  

Quakers Today Podcast: AFSC is sponsoring season two of the “Quakers Today” podcast, which features musicians, writers, and others who seek wisdom and understanding in a rapidly changing world. This month, host Peterson Toscano delves into a topic that straddles the lines between activism, ethics, and trickery, raising a tantalizing question: “When it comes to activism, do the ends justify the means?” Friends are asked to consider this question and share their thoughts. Call 317-QUAKERS (317-782-5377) or email   

Thank you for your continued support of AFSC’s work and all that you do in working for a more just and peaceful world!  


Sofia Di Pietro
Quaker Engagement Coordinator 

P.S. You can find more ways to get involved at our Friends Engage page. And as always, feel free to contact me with questions or comments at