Climate Justice Consortium

The Climate Justice Consortium is housed under the RACI Hub, and currently consists of nine members spread across three countries; Palestine, Lebanon, and Jordan. Consortium members are a collective of individuals and organizations who are local experts, practitioners, and activists in climate change, environmentalism, and climate justice. All members are dedicated to representing the needs and priorities of the region and local communities, and base their initiatives, research, and advocacy efforts on their collective expertise and a shared vision for achieving climate justice through locally led movements.  

Consortium members

  • Al Marsad- Social & Economic Policies Monitor 
  • MAS- Palestine Economic Policy Research Institute  
  • PENGON- Palestinian Environmental NGOs Network 
  • Holy Spirit University of Kaslik; Faculty of Agricultural & Food Sciences 
  • MORES s.a.r.l 
  • Jordan Environmental Union 
  • Regional Expert- Nidal Atallah 
  • APN- The Arab Group for the Protection of Nature 
  • ARI- Arab Reform Initiative