6 principles of welcoming, dignified, and just immigration

Photo: Gabriela Flora/AFSC

Everyone deserves a chance to build a good life, regardless of where they were born or when or how they migrate.

But right now, migrants are too often subjected to unnecessary harm and suffering. It doesn't have to be this way. Here are six principles of welcoming, just, and dignified approaches to immigration. 

Welcome people with dignity

People who migrate should be welcomed. Their basic human needs should be met. And their human and civil rights should be respected. That includes keeping families together.  Learn more.

Offer paths to citizenship

Opportunities to pursue citizenship should be equally available to all immigrants, regardless of where they were born, or when or how they came. People who desire to return to their home countries should be able to do so safely, whether on a temporary or permanent basis.  Learn more.

Protect the right to seek asylum

People who need asylum or other forms of protection should have access to just, orderly, accessible, and humane processes. Learn more.

Ensure everyone can meet basic needs, regardless of status

Everyone should have access to a living wage, health care, education, and decent housing. Employment opportunities should be open to all. And everyone’s labor rights should be protected. Learn more.

Value immigrant leadership

Immigrants are leading efforts to build resilient communities for everyone. Their efforts should be recognized and supported. Learn more.

Help people live safely wherever they are

Migration should be a choice for all of us. No one should be forced to migrate because they can’t meet basic needs or because of violence, inequitable economic policies, climate degradation, or other forms of injustice. Learn more.

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