Preparing to return to Mexico
You and your family may have to return to Mexico, either voluntarily or due to deportation. If you face this possibility, you should plan ahead to make the process as simple and safe as possible for you and your family.
Breathe. Know that your family and community are holding you in their thoughts and prayers and it is your own inner strength that will get you through this difficult transition. Take good care.
Before you leave the U.S.
If you have time:
1. Go to the Mexican Consulate to:
- Get a passport: If you do not have a Mexican passport and want to return, apply for one at the Mexican consulate. (You may also apply for one after returning to Mexico.) Make an appointment by phone with MEXITEL 1-877-639-4835 or online: https://consulmex.sre.gob.mx/denver/index.php/non-mexicans/schedule-an-appointment.
- Read the consulate website so you know what documents to bring. (They explain what to bring when you call MEXITEL.)
- Apply for your INE (voting credential and official ID) by making an appointment with the consulate calling MEXITEL 1-877-639-4835 or online: https://consulmex.sre.gob.mx/denver/index.php/non-mexicans/schedule-an-appointment.
- If you do not have a birth certificate and want to return, go to the consulate to obtain a birth certificate.
2. Mexican citizen adults: Find your CURP if you already have one. It’s a unique identity code for both citizens and residents of Mexico. Each CURP is an alphanumeric 18-character code to prevent duplicate entries. You can obtain one online https://www.gob.mx/curp.
3. Consult an immigration expert before you sign any document given to you by immigration authorities.
4. Sign and give a Power of Attorney to someone you trust in the U.S. so that this person (your representative) can handle your financial affairs after you leave.
5. Take care of your finances. Sell or transfer your real estate. Use banks to transfer funds from the U.S. to Mexico.
6. Make arrangements for where you will go in Mexico. Let your representative know how you can be contacted there.
1. Finish your family preparedness plan (http://coloradoimmigrant.org/preparados) and tell your Power of Attorney where it is. Keep all your documents safe.
2. Avoid notarios!
3. Go to the Mexican Consulate for these to:
- Get a passport: If you do not have a Mexican passport and want one for a future return, you may apply for one at the Mexican consulate. (You may also apply for one after returning to Mexico.) Make an appointment by phone with MEXITEL 1-877-639-4835 or online: https://consulmex.sre.gob.mx/denver/index.php/non-mexicans/schedule-an-appointment.
- Read the consulate website so you know what documents to bring. (They explain what to bring when you call MEXITEL.)
- Apply for passports for yourself and any Mexican-born children.
- Apply for your INE (voting credential and official ID) by making an appointment with the consulate calling MEXITEL 1-877-639-4835 or online: https://consulmex.sre.gob.mx/denver/index.php/non-mexicans/schedule-an-appointment.
- Obtain proof of dual citizenship: Children of Mexican parents have the right to dual citizenship. However, minor U.S. citizen children traveling to Mexico should have a valid U.S. passport and a notarized consent form https://www.usa.gov/passport from the other parent or legal guardian permitting their travel.
- To obtain dual citizenship, go to the Mexican consulate in Denver (or the one closest to you) between 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday.
4. Collect other documents for yourself and all children, such as school records and/or diplomas (notarized by school registrar), immunization records, and U.S. birth certificates. Birth certificates must have an apostille* which is provided by the Secretary of State from the state of the child’s birth.
5. Collect medical records; medications; marriage, and divorce, and/or death certificates for every family member.
6. If family members travel separately, make sure that you sign an authorization letter for the adult caregiver who will travel with your minor children.
7. If a child will remain in the U.S. (even for a short time) in the care of a non-parent, sign a Power of Attorney authorizing the caregiver to care for your child.
Tip: The Mexican government requires two last names (father’s last name and mother’s last name) on all official documents.
Tip: You can apply for dual citizenship in Mexico, but the process is more complicated, expensive, and takes longer.
Tip: Get more than one original birth certificate for each child. You may need to leave one with the Registro Civil and may need additional copies later.
Warning: Keep in mind buying fake Mexican birth certificates can jeopardize your child’s dual citizenship.
*An apostille is the certification of a document by the Secretary of State.
Immediate deportation
- Consider using the emergency notification app called Notifica to keep your family informed and aware. Many people use WhatsApp to communicate internationally (you need Wifi to use it).
- While in GEO ICE Processing Center in Aurora, Colorado:
- Family/friends may visit you if they have a valid passport or unmarked license. They should call GEO (303-361-6612) to get your visiting days and hours and instructions for visiting.
- Family/friends can put money on your phone account at www.talton.com or 1-866-348-6231 using the detainee’s A#.
- Leaving GEO in Aurora, Colorado:
- You have the right to retrieve any clothing or possessions that you entered GEO with, such as your wallet, credit cards, and phone. Family/friends can also bring you “one of everything,” i.e. one pair of pants, underwear, bra, socks, shoes, one short-sleeve shirt, one long-sleeve shirt, coat, gloves, and hat.
- If you have medicine approved and given by a GEO doctor, you can take it with you. This includes insulin and inhalers. If you can bring a written prescription from a doctor, that can be helpful.
- If you can bring a credit card or between $200 to $500 in small bills, it will be helpful. Put the money in different pockets on your person, not in your bag. If you have money on account from the commissary, phone, or work, you will be given up to $500 in cash. If you have more than $500, you will receive a check, which can be hard to cash later.
- Detainees are not given much advance notice of their departure date to avoid “incidents” during transport to the border or airport.
- NOTE: This is how it is supposed to happen, but be prepared that you may not be able to bring all of these things.
What to bring with you
The following items can often be brought by family/friends to GEO. They must bring a photo ID to drop off items:
- Phone numbers for friends or family, both in Mexico and in the U.S. (You should memorize them before leaving the U.S.)
- Phone card, phone charger, and a backup phone battery.
- Have an address in Mexico. Many forms and job applications often ask for an address. Get an address of a family member that you can use.
- Medications and written prescriptions in your name, such as insulin; what you need to keep it cool; inhalers. If you are diabetic, you may be able to bring a PowerBar or something similar.
- Driver’s license or ID from any Mexican city or institution, like a voting card.
What to expect from ICE transport
- If you have an ankle monitor, you may have to get it removed prior to departure.
- You may be handcuffed and shackled at the ankles during transit.
- Your possessions may not be intact or returned to you at all.
- You may travel on a bus or plane depending on your destination. (As of April 2019, most Mexican deportations from GEO in Aurora, Colorado are by bus to El Paso, Texas; Nogales, Arizona; and Laredo, Texas.)
- You may experience dehumanizing behavior from ICE officials. If you can remember their name or get their badge number, it could be helpful in the future or for others.*
*ICE does not respect your human dignity, but we do. Others you will find in Mexico through this list will also treat you well and support you as much as they can.
When you arrive in Mexico
General cautions:
- To stay safe, make a friend on the bus or plane. Stay together to support each other.
- Be alert and calm. Blend in and comply with authority.
- Avoid casual street encounters, including eye contact.
- Don’t look vulnerable, but also don’t look cocky.
- Be prepared for bribes. Have $40 to $100 in cash in $10s and $20s, and keep them in different pockets.
- Beware of criminal elements. Don’t use an offered cell phone to call your family. Create a “palabra clave” or code word with family members in case someone calls asking for ransom. You should decide what you want your family to do if you are speaking to them under duress.
- Keep contact information for your family in Mexico (and all documents that prove your identity and deportation status) on you, not in your bag.
- See specific cities below for more cautions.
As a Mexican citizen:
- You have rights and access to resources in Mexico as a Mexican citizen. There are programs for people who return. However, accessing these government services requires certain documents and a lot of patience.
- Mexican government services are not always available as advertised. The nonprofit and faith-based organizations listed in this resource may help you access the government services that are available or refer you to other services.
- Programa de Repatriación are services that can be found at many ports of entry. They may include food and water, shelter, medical and psychological attention, information, transportation, reentry registration, and CURP.
- Documents you may need to access these services include:
- Your deportation order.
- Constancia de Repatriación, which you get at the INM (National Institute of Migration) offices at the port of entry.
- Identity documents: CURP and INE (get them in Mexico, if you do not already have them).
- If you or your kids have dual citizenship:
- U.S.-born citizen children: long-form U.S. birth certificate (original)
- U.S. naturalized citizens: naturalization documents
- Check with the Office of Vital Records about whether you need to get an apostille for these documents.
- Receiving money in Mexico:
- Telecomm will accept (one time) the Constancia de Repatriación as an identity document and pay you the full amount of money that was sent to you.
- Some banks also allow you to open an account online and transfer money from one bank to another for free.
Nogales Arrival
- To stay safe, make a friend on the bus or plane. Stay together to support each other.
- Be alert and calm. Blend in and comply with authority.
- Avoid casual street encounters, including eye contact.
- Don’t look vulnerable, but also don’t look cocky.
- Be prepared for bribes. Have $40 to $100 or more in cash in $10s and $20s, and keep them in different pockets.
- Beware of criminal elements. Don’t use an offered cell phone to call your family. Create a “palabra clave” or code word with family members in case someone calls asking for ransom. You should decide what you want your family to do if you are speaking to them under duress.
- Keep contact information for your family in Mexico (and all documents that prove your identity and deportation status) on you, not in your bag.
**Security cautions specific to Nogales **
- Do not go out alone or near the border. The cartels believe they control the border area and anyone or anything within it.
- Only use the phones at Kino Border Initiative, also known as the “Comedor.” On the street, coyotes will offer help in making calls. If their phones are used, then they have the numbers of your family and friends.
- Do not accept work from someone on the street. This is often a ruse for kidnapping.
- Take care of money concerns (receiving money, cashing checks) at Kino. Be careful not to talk with others or loudly on the phone about receiving money.
- Do not take taxis. Not all are legitimate.
Repatriation Center
Outside: Buses pull up at the border. People are unshackled and directed off the bus. Any belongings (which are probably in clear plastic bags) can be picked up at this time.
People enter the Repatriation Center for processing:
- You will receive the Constancia de Repatriación with your photo and personal information, including length of time in the U.S., where you had been living, and a summary of your deportation details. This document (an 8½-by-11 paper) is not a valid ID, but it is required to receive services from the consulate and Kino Border Initiative (also called the “Comedor”).
- There is a Red Cross station at the Repatriation Center for immediate medical needs, including transportation to a hospital if needed.
- You will be asked: “Do you want a ride to the Comedor?” The response should be “YES!” even if you’re not hungry. The Comedor is the Kino Border Initiative where multiple services are available.
To obtain a valid ID (a CURP and INE), you need a birth certificate. You can get an ID online (https://www.gob.mx/segob/acciones-y-programas/clave-unica-de-registro-de-poblacion-curp) or with assistance at Kino, if you didn’t get it before you left the U.S. The CURP is a unique identifier or key (“clave” in Spanish) probably most similar to a Social Security Number.
As in the U.S., people need different IDs for different things. To access various processes/programs, as well as to apply for housing and jobs, you will need:
- the INE (official ID and voting credential)
- the CURP
- the Constancia
- your passport
- proof of residence, and/or children's birth certificate.
**Important: Keep all of your documents, including those issued by ICE upon leaving U.S./arriving in Mexico. Those are often used to determine eligibility for different programs and assistance in Mexico.
The Mexican Consulate in Nogales will pay for a bus ticket to a person’s home city/state. They will only provide this support once in someone’s life and only if the person has their repatriation document. At different times of the year, they have more or less money available, so sometimes they will prioritize women and people with injuries.
Kino Border Initiative (the “Comedor”) https://www.kinoborderinitiative.org/
Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/Kino.Border.lnitiative/)
Edificio 3, Dept. 401
Colonia Fovissste II, C.P. 84020
Nogales, Sonora
(631) 316-2086 (in Mexico). If dialing from the U.S. or using a U.S. phone in Mexico, call 011-52 (631) 316-2086.
Daily Routine:
A morning meal is offered daily. There are welcomes, introductions to the staff and volunteers, a review of your rights as Mexican citizens, and an overview of the services provided at Kino. People seek the services they need that day. New arrivals meet with a staff member to document their situation.
Women’s and children’s shelters are located nearby. There is a seven-night limit, although a longer stay may be considered on a case-by-case basis. Men are sheltered at Albergue Juan Bosco, which has a three-night limit. (Kino is building a men’s shelter of its own across the street from the Comedor.)
Other services:
- To get a voting credential or INE (the official photo ID), a birth certificate is required. Help in obtaining the birth certificate is also offered.
- Money: It is generally not possible to bring money in (or, more accurately, to leave the U.S. with it). Kino can help cash checks from a detention center or money orders from the U.S. Kino takes great care to make sure that people get their funds without losing the money.
- Phones and internet: Kino can help search for family members online (often via Facebook) if phone numbers are not known.
- Personal items: A limited selection of clothing, shoes, and toiletries are available.
- Medical care: Kino can administer over-the-counter medicines and check blood levels. Volunteer doctors and nurses come to the Comedor regularly to administer drugs, including insulin and inhalers. If you can bring a written prescription, that helps them obtain necessary medicines.
- Transport around Nogales is provided by Grupo Beto.
- Work: There are many jobs in local factories, but they pay very little. It is hard to pay rent and food on those wages. People who speak fluent English often work at RDI Communications, an English language call center. Wages are much lower than in the U.S. but higher than the factories.
Mexico City Resources
Otros Dreams en Acción (ODA)/ Poch@ House
Poch@ House is located at José María Marroquí 83
Colonia Centro
06000 Centro, Ciudad de México
(Nearest metros are Bellas Artes, Juarez, San Juan de Letran, and Salto del Agua. Nearest Metrobus is Plaza San Juan.)
044 55 5925 9689 (Tuesday to Saturday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.)
Email: info@odamexico.org
- The best way to reach them is message them is through Facebook https://www.facebook.com/OtrosDreams/.
- We highly recommend you contact ODA. They have lots of knowledge, can help you access services, and are a great community to connect with.
- ODA primarily serves people who spent their youth in the U.S., no matter how old they are now. But anyone who can relate to ODA’s deported and returned community is always welcome.
- ODA’s Poch@ House is in the heart of Mexico City, where they help people get documents, health care, mental health services, and jobs. Poch@ House offers workshops and arts and cultural events as well as a space for listening and friendship.
- If you have family in the city, ODA can support you until they come to get you. They are connected with other organizations in Mexico City and many parts of Mexico.
- Meeting you at the airport or bus station, upon request. Waiting with you if relatives are coming.
- Phones to use.
- Help finding relatives.
- Providing shoelaces (which are taken by ICE), clothes (when available), a bookbag, and a meal.
- Help changing dollars to pesos.
- Orientation to life in Mexico.
- Referrals for shelter to Casa de los Amigos and Deportados en la Lucha.
- Help getting an ID, birth certificates, CURP, health care, and other services.
- Connecting people with addiction centers and therapists.
- Help finding jobs, including a database of companies that hire deportees. They also help English speakers contact call centers for employment and get their TEFL certificate to teach. Help revalidating educational credentials, including obtaining transcripts, diplomas, etc. from the U.S.
- Connecting with and researching services in other states across México.
- Help with family reunification, i.e. getting a visa to be able to visit the U.S. and finding ways to advocate for and support families (varies case by case).
Deportados Unidos en la Lucha (DUL)
52-55 7828 3480
Email: deportadosunidosenlalucha@gmail.com.
Deportados Unidos volunteers say that if you arrive in Mexico with no family or place to go, you should contact them immediately. If you can reach out ahead of time with details, they can meet someone at the airport or bus station. They will help you organize your documents and get other needed documents, find your family members, and help arrange food and housing.
DUL tends to serve an older and more diverse population than ODA and other youth-oriented programs. Many members have worked in landscaping, construction, or other industries and have limited education and English skills. DUL is not an official group, but rather a collective.
- Meeting flights at the airport, if arranged ahead of time.
- Help finding and calling families, often using social media.
- Help getting backpacks for belongings.
- Help using the Metro (subway).
- Help connecting with government programs for job opportunities.
- Promoting returnees’ projects/businesses on their website.
- Computers for use.
- Organizing encounters every Monday to provide for people’s spiritual needs.
- Help locating shelter if possible.
Casa de los Amigos
Ignacio Mariscal 132, Col. Tabacalera, México D.F. 06030
(52-55) 7095-7413, (52-55) 7095-8094
Email: amigos@casadelosamigos.org
Casa de los Amigos is a Quaker-run hostel in Mexico City that provides short-term housing to displaced people. Housing availability is limited and transportation is not provided from the airport.
You must be referred to them by an organization with which they have a formal agreement, such as Otros Dreams en Acción (ODA). Contact ODA ahead of time to ask them to make arrangements for you (see ODA contact info above). Do not contact Casa de los Amigos directly.
- Shelter and food may be available.
- A guest computer and Wifi.
IIPSOCULTA— Instituto de Investigación y Práctica Social y Cultural/ Institute for Social and Cultural Research and Practice
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/IIPSOCULTA/
Located inside the Casa de los Amigos.
(52-55) 7038-4843
- Getting official ID.
- Employment: IIPSOCULTA works with an organization that assesses your work background, skills, interests, etc. They can help you write a resume (an “hoja de vida”) and connect you with Manpower Group or other organizations for placement.
- Health: They work with the Secretary of Health/Office of Migrant Health. They have contact with a psychologist who works with those experiencing mental/emotional health issues.
- Education: They help people with varied skills. e.g. English, electrical, etc. to become certified. They work with HolaCode to help young adults who know English to learn computer programming.
Proyecto de Atención al Retorno (Attention to Returned People Project)
Work with SIBISO (Secretaria de Inclusión y Bienestar Social), a governmental organization, to help returnees get access to services.
Help getting provisional identification.
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Holacode1/
52 228 120 7876
HolaCode offers a five-month software engineering training that helps young women and men who returned from the U.S. to Mexico get high-demand jobs in the tech sector.
Other ports of entry, Mexico
- To stay safe, make a friend on the bus or plane. Stay together to support each other.
- Be alert and calm. Blend in and comply with authority.
- Avoid casual street encounters, including eye contact.
- Don’t look vulnerable, but also don’t look cocky.
- Be prepared for bribes. Have $40 to $100 or more in cash in $10s and $20s, and keep them in different pockets.
- Beware of criminal elements. Don’t use an offered cell phone to call your family.
- Keep contact information for your family in Mexico (and all documents that prove your identity and deportation status) on you, not in your bag.
**This list of shelters was provided by Zona Norte: Red de Casas y Centros de Derechos Humanos de Migrantes (2018). We have not verified them, but you may want to contact them if you are in a particular city.**
Baja California
Casa del Migrante en Tijuana A.C.
Calle Galileo #239, Colonia Postal
Tijuana, Baja California
(664) 382-7685
Servicios proporcionados: Alimentos, hospedaje, primeros auxilios, asesoría jurídica, asesoría psicológica, apoyo en reintegración sociolaboral.
Desayunador Salesiano “Padre Chava”
Calle Melchor Ocampo #700
Zona Centro
Tijuana, Baja California
(664) 688-2790/(664)-688-2792
Servicios proporcionados: Alimentos, hospedaje, primeros auxilios, asesoría jurídica, apoyo psicológico.
Comedor el Buen Samaritano
Calle Sur y Av. Celaya
Col. Bella Vista
Mexicali, Baja California
(686) 552-6122
Casa del Migrante Betania, A.C
Calle Hudson #2408,
Fraccionamiento Xochimilco
Mexicali, Baja California
(686) 580-0687
Servicios proporcionados: Alimentos, hospedaje, ropa, artículos de aseo, llamadas gratuitas, primeros auxilios, gestión de servicios médicos.
Casa Maná
Avenida Jesús García #1799 y Calle J
Colonia Nacozari
Mexicali, Baja California
(686) 556-0271
Servicios proporcionados: Alimentos, hospedaje, artículos de aseo
Módulo Fronterizo “Juntos en el Camino”
Garita #1, Módulo #3
Zona Centro
Mexicali, Baja California
(686) 551-9060
Servicios proporcionados: recepción a personas deportadas a México, alimentos, artículos de aseo personal, trámites con consulado, apoyo de busqueda, pertenecias, pasajes, calzado ropa y atención médica.
Centro de Atención al Migrante Exodus A.C.
Calle 6 y Avenida Anáhuac S/N,
Colonia Ferrocarril
Agua Prieta, Sonora
(633) 338-2514
Servicios proporcionados: Alimentos, hospedaje, primeros auxilios, acompañamiento médico, repatriación, asesoría jurídica y acompañamiento juridico.
Centro de Recursos para Migrantes
Calle 1ra., Avenida Panamericana S/N
Agua Prieta, Sonora
(633) 338-1529
Servicios proporcionados: Alimentos, primeros auxilios, acompañamiento médico, asesoría jurídica, acompañamiento jurídico, repatriación.
Centro Comunitario de Atención al
Migrante y Necesitado (CCAMYN)
Avenida Gonzalo Senday, núm. 79,
Colonia Buenos Aires
Altar, Sonora
(637) 374-0360
Servicios proporcionados: Alimentos, hospedaje, primeros auxilios
Centro Comunitario de Ayuda a Migrantes
(637) 102-2228
(637) 110-5168
Caborca, Sonora
Servicios proporcionados: Ropa y desayunos miércoles, viernes, y sábado. Los domingo se ofrece desayuno y comida.
Laura Ayúdame Volver a Casa
(637) 122-8864
Caborca, Sonora
Servicios proporcionados: desayunos, orientación, gestión de servicios médicos, llamadas, acompañamiento legal, búsqueda de personas, repatriación de los cuerpos.
Comedor para Migrantes del Santuario de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Latinos núm. 193,
Colonia Fundo Legal, entre Calle Doctor Silva y Padre Nacho
Nogales, Sonora
(631) 313-5824
Servicios proporcionados: Alimentos
Iniciativa Kino, A.C.
Blvd. Luis Donaldo Colosio, núm. 55
Colonia Del Rosario
Nogales, Sonora
(631) 316-2086
Servicios proporcionados: Alimentos, hospedaje para mujeres, ropa y útiles de aseo, primeros auxilios, gestión de servicios médicos, asesoría jurídica, acompañamiento jurídico, orientación, servicios para personas repatriadas.
Casa del Migrante Divina Providencia
Avenida Zaragoza núm. 912
Colonia Centro
San Luis Rio Colorado, Sonora
(653) 534-9543
Servicios proporcionados: Alimentos, hospedaje, primeros auxilios
Casa del Migrante Culiacan
Av. Álvaro Obregón #1519,
Col. Gabriel Leyva
Culiacán, Sinaloa
(667) 713-4594
Correo electrónico: casadelmigranteculiacan@gmail.com
Servicios proporcionados: Alimentos, hospedaje, ropa
Uno de Siete Migrando, A.C.
Calle Ciudad Camargo #101
Col. Revolución
Chihuahua, Chihuahua
(614) 688-2842
Servicios proporcionados: Alimentos, hospedaje, primeros auxilios, asesoría jurídica, asesoría psicológica, gestión de atención médica.
Casa del Migrante en Juárez
Calle Neptuno #1855
Colonia Satélite
Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua
(656) 687-0676
Servicios proporcionados: Alimentación, hospedaje, ropa y servicios médicos.
Centro de Derechos Humanos del Migrante
Calle Neptuno #1855
Colonia Satélite
Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua
(656) 687-2864
Servicios proporcionados: Orientación, asistencia jurídica
Derechos Humanos Integrales en Acción (DHIA)
Av. 20 de noviembre #4305, Int. 12
Fraccionamiento El Colegio
Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua
(656) 614-7150
Servicios proporcionados: Asesoría y acompañamiento jurídico para personas migrantes indocumentadas en México y personas mexicanas repatriadas desde EEUU.
Frontera y Dignidad de Acuña (Casa
Calles Victoria y Dr. Coss
Núm. 47 Zona Centro
Ciudad Acuña, Coahuila
(877) 772-5715
Servicios proporcionados: Alimentos, hospedaje primeros auxilios, acompañamiento médico, orientación y canalización.
Casa del Migrante Frontera Digna
Calle Anáhuac núm 605
Norte, Zona Centro
Piedras Negras, Coahuila
(878) 782-3260
Servicios proporcionados: Alimentos, hospedaje, primeros auxilios, orientación y Canalización
Casa del Migrante Saltillo (Frontera con Justicia A.C.)
Calle Juan de Erbaez núm. 2406
Colonia Landín
Saltillo, Coahuila
(844) 111-3273
Servicios proporcionados: Alimentos, hospedaje primeros auxilios, acompañamiento médico, asesoría jurídica, asesoría psicológica, acompañamiento jurídico, repatriación.
Nuevo León
Casa del Forastero Santa Martha
Asistencia Social y Formación Juvenil,
Entre calles José Bocanegra y Amado
Colonia Industrial
Monterrey, Nuevo León
(81) 8372-3355
Servicios proporcionados: Alimentos, hospedaje, primeros auxilios
Av. Bernardo Reyes #2404
Monterrey, Nuevo León
(81) 1158-2830
Servicios proporcionados: Alimentos, hospedaje, servicios médicos
Casa del Migrante Casa Nicolás
Calle Emiliano Zapata, núm. 4417
Colonia Guadalupe Victoria
Monterrey, Nuevo León
(81) 8007-3574
Servicios proporcionados: Alimentos, hospedaje, acompañamiento médico, asesoría jurídica, asesoría psicológica
Casa Monarca
Nicolás Bravo 510, Nueva Santa Catarina
Santa Catarina, Nuevo León
Correo electrónico: casamonarca2015@gmail.com
(81) 8390-6305
Servicios proporcionados: Alimentos, ropa y calzado, aseo personal, atención médica, asesoría jurídica, acompañamiento pastoral
Casa San Juan Diego y San Francisco
de Asís, A.C.
Avenida Golfo de México, núm. 48,
Colonia Ampliación Solidaridad
Matamoros, Tamaulipas
(868) 822-2213
Servicios proporcionados: Alimentos, hospedaje, primeros auxilios, acompañamiento médico, asesoría jurídica, asesoría psicológica
Módulo de Atención Católica a Migrantes
Luis Aguilar 7, Modelo
Matamoros, Tamaulipas
(868) 812-1327
Servicios proporcionados: Alimentos, hospedaje, primeros auxilios, acompañamiento médico, asesoría jurídica, asesoría psicológica
Casa del Migrante Nazareth, A.C.
Calle Francisco I. Madero, núm. 350,
Colonia Viveros
Nuevo Laredo, Tamualipas
(867) 189-8883
Servicios proporcionados: Alimentos, hospedaje, primeros auxilios, acompañamiento médico, asesoría jurídica, asesoría psicológica
Casa del Migrante de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Calle J. María González, núm. 501,
Colonia Aquiles Serdán
Reynosa, Tamaulipas
(899) 922-4268
Servicios proporcionados: Alimentos, hospedaje, primeros auxilios, acompañamiento médico, asesoría jurídica, asesoría psicológica