Participants in AFSC's MENA Region Dialogue and Exchange Program. Photo: Shady Adwan
AFSC works with communities worldwide to build conditions for lasting peace. We conduct research grounded in the wisdom, knowledge, and experiences of those most harmed by injustice.
We support communities in working on some of the most urgent issues of our time. We use an intersectional approach to build peace and transform systems of oppression. Read some of our recent findings in our work to support peacebuilding and advocacy around the world.
Just & Sustainable Peace
The Horn of Africa Advocacy Strategy for Peace and Stability (ASPS) 2023-2033
22,000 Uses of Force: Hidden Violence of Militarized Weapons in California Prisons and Jails
Ten Years of Impact and Insights: AFSC’s Palestine Youth Program (2013-2023)
How civil society can help build a more stable, peaceful future in the Horn of Africa
Equipped for War: Exposing Militarized Policing in California
Just Economies
Just Responses to Forced Displacement & Migration
- Countering ICE’s Abusive Practices with Community Resiliency
- Free Them All: The double crisis of human caging and COVID-19 in New Jersey and how to end it
- The Toxic Truth: Organizing Against Migrant Child Detention, Militarism, and Environmental Racism in Homestead, Florida
- Health at Risk: Potential Toxic and Noise Exposure Endangering Children at the Homestead Temporary Shelter for Unaccompanied Migrant Children