Nick grew up within the formative walls of the Boulder Friends Meeting, which he still considers his primary Meeting. He also attends, when possible, the Estes Park Friends/Unitarian group where his parents reside, Intermountain Yearly Meeting, and whatever Meeting he can find in the cities he visits. Nick attended Westtown School and Earlham College, wanting in both to seek out a greater understanding of Quaker practices and values beyond his upbringing.
Mira Tanna is a Grants Manager with the City of Orlando. Previously, she worked with the Technology & Education Center at the Orange County Library System and as the Program Director for Fair Lending with Community Legal Services of Mid-Florida and Assistant Director of the Metro St. Louis Equal Housing Opportunity Council.
Member of Wellesley Monthly Meeting, New England Yearly Meeting. Kenneth Oye has longstanding ties to AFSC. He served as a member of the AFSC International Programs Executive Committee, with service on Asia, Middle East and Shared Security subcommittees.
Esther is a member of Nyanko Monthly Meeting of Highland’s Yearly Meeting in Kenya. Esther is an academic with many years of experience on teaching and research on religion and community issues. She has experience on chairing boards for ecumenical and interfaith organizations.
Member, Salt Lake City Friends Meeting, Intermountain Yearly Meeting. Darlene McDonald is a technology professional, author, social and keyboard activist. She has a B.S degree in Business Information Technology Management from Western Governors University. Darlene also maintains and runs The Black Library, an online repository dedicated to literature written by African American and Black writers.
Member, Matinecock Monthly Meeting. I have been married to my wife Colleen Ahern Fortuna for 24 years, we have three children and two grandchildren. I am the owner and president of S & C Services, a small business located on Long Island, NY.
Member, Atlanta Monthly Meeting and Pocatello Friends Worship Sharing Group.
Member, Adelphi Friends Meeting, Baltimore Yearly Meeting.
Naveed is a British-born Pakistani and Muslim-Quaker. Member, Chapel Hill Friends Meeting (North Carolina), Piedmont Friends Yearly Meeting and remains affiliated with Mid-Thames Area Meeting (formerly Reading Monthly Meeting) in the UK.
Actress holds a Masters in Social Work from the University of Chicago and a Masters in Sociology from DePaul University. Actress has volunteered with the Midwest Region since interning in 2006 as a graduate student. She previously worked on capital defense teams as a mitigation specialist on state and federal cases in Illinois and Michigan.