Coloradoans respond to Biden's border order

By Jon Krieg, Regional Communications Specialist

Colorado Public Radio aired this report on June 6, 2024 regarding Coloradoans' views on President Biden's recent border order.

The report includes:

Jennifer Piper, with the Colorado Office of the American Friends Service Committee, said the order, “directly contradicts President Biden’s commitment to rebuild the asylum system and they also violate the refugee convention. And furthermore, I don’t believe they’ll deter migration.”

“These policies don’t get at the root of what causes people to migrate. They're just making that migration more dangerous and more deadly,” she added.

Piper noted that Sen. Bennet's comments in the report echo some of AFSC's polling regarding immigration:

He said the American people want a functional, reliable immigration system, including a pathway to citizenship for the millions of undocumented who have been in the country for years, as well as a visa system.

To read AFSC's statement on the order, please click here.