Sayrah Namaste
"Farmer Unwind" - A Unique Wellness Celebration for Farmers
To provide for farmers’ wellbeing, Sayrah, Angelina and a contractor organized a special event in late November. Farmers received a nourishing lunch, chair massage, foot soaks, stretching instruction, local remedios, a chance to dye a paño (handkerchief), and a time to connect with one another at the end of another season. “No one has ever done this for farmers before!” said one farmer. Read more.

Angelina Lopez-Brody
Expanding Farm to Preschool
In 2023 Angelina and Sayrah were excited to respond to requests from preschools and farmers to add more healthy food campaigns. We hired a former Head Start teacher and tribal home visitor to create the Cool Cucumber Crunch and the Sweet Potato Snack. Teachers report that children are eating more vegetables as a result of our campaigns.

James Phillips
Acequia Organizing
In partnership with the South Valley Regional Association of Acequias, Angelina accompanied a local acequiero to support parciantes on the Rogers Lateral ditch who lost access to water this season. The acequiero brought the case to district court and together the partners worked to secure the support of the District Attorney's Office.
Through this work, community members became more involved in the SVRAA’s work and a great new set of commissioners got elected to serve the Armijo Acequia. Angelina also became a licensed notary to support the community’s water rights declaration process.

AFSC staff
Farm Bill Advocacy
Every five years the federal government passes massive funding for the Farm Bill. Sayrah worked with partners across the country to advocate for shifting subsidies away from big agribusiness and to small sustainable farms. She gave educational workshops and met with congressional staffers about the importance of the Farm Bill and the systemic changes we want to see.
Tell Congress to Pass a Farm Bill to Reduce Hunger and Address Climate Change>>

Core Visual, Inc.
Donate today!
Our heartfelt thanks to those who have supported our program with funds or time! Having such a supportive community enables our work. Gifts of all sizes are welcome and appreciated!

E. Hoagstrom
“Without your support, I never could have [taken this acequia rights case] so far."
- Mr. Eddie Baca, Rogers Lateral Mayordomo (And many thanks to Mr. Santiago Maestas of the South Valley Regional Association of Acequias for his mentorship of both community and AFSC staff!)
Build a Just Economy with Us
The New Mexico People of the Land Program's overall mission is to revitalize small, sustainable farms throughout the state, thereby protecting culture, natural land, water resources, and jobs, while improving the health of New Mexico's children and their communities.