By Everything you need to know about AFSC Chicago Peacebuilding's Summer Youth Organizing Institute



At AFSC Chicago, we have helped build city-wide coalitions, run winning campaigns, and created resources that are used across the city and country around divesting from policing & criminalization, and investing in Black youth & communities. Every summer since 2016, our youth internships have served as powerful incubators for city-wide youth organizing, and been hands-on chances for BIPOC young folks to get skilled up in facilitation, project coordination, campaign strategy, and more.  In the past, we’ve partnered with our friends at Assata’s Daughters and Brighton Park Neighborhood Council on these internships since our capacity was super limited, but this year we have the chance to expand our programming.  

Thanks to a generous gift & partnership from Wellington UCC, an active and supportive community that’s thrown down for social justice for decades, we’re going to pilot ‘WILD!’ - a month-long, paid youth organizing institute for twenty young people, ages 15-19!  To coordinate this experience, we’ve hired four part-time interns who’ve already gotten to work planning the curriculum and helping us recruit.  Meet the interns here!

WILD! Details:

The Wellington Institute for Leadership Development - aka WILD! - Program will run through July 5th - July 29th - and we will meet every Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday from 11 am to 4 pm at 'Grace Place,' in the South Loop. Participants will receive an unlimited 30 day CTA Pass to cover transportation expenses as well as a $1,000 stipend for completion of the program.  There will be an orientation session for all accepted participants in June.

Tell us, are you ready to throw down this Summer & get WILD!?

WILD! Activities include: 

  • Workshops & Presentations on social justice issues, and community organizing methods
  • Art and creative projects in service of abolitionist campaigns in Chicago
  • Community activities/direct action & gathering community input
  • Team-building field trip(s)!
  • Creating personal goals for community work, post-WILD.

Application is now live - apply here

Deadline to apply is May 23rd.

Please note:
- COVID-19 Vaccination and Masks are required
- Immigration status will not affect your eligibility for this program
- Prior experience with social justice issues is not required
- Program workshops & trainings will be in English. Bi-lingual participants are still encouraged to apply!

Want to donate to help ensure we can offer WILD! for years to come?  Contribute here.


Got questions?  E-mail Debbie at