Last night the Trump Administration issued an executive order attempting to criminalize and silence people protesting Israel’s genocide in Gaza. The order calls for the deportation of students involved in protests and instructs the Justice Department to aggressively prosecute pro-Palestinian activists. This is a clear infringement on freedom of speech and expression, which are essential components of democracy. It is imperative to defend these rights not only because we support anti-genocide activism but because of the potential ramifications for civil society as a whole.
For the past 15 months, millions of people – of all religions, races, and backgrounds – have taken to the streets in the U.S. to demand a permanent ceasefire and an arms embargo on Israel. Under the guise of stopping antisemitism, the Trump administration is ignoring the very real antisemitism that overwhelmingly comes from white nationalist extremists who target both anti-Zionist Palestinian and Jewish activists.
As a Quaker organization that has worked for decades to support peace and justice in Palestine and around the world, we strongly oppose this order and any effort to persecute and silence those speaking out against injustice. And we will continue to work in solidarity with student movements and call for an end to genocide and occupation.
The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) promotes a world free of violence, inequality, and oppression. Guided by the Quaker belief in the divine light within each person, we nurture the seeds of change and the respect for human life to fundamentally transform our societies and institutions. We work with people and partners worldwide, of all faiths and backgrounds, to meet urgent community needs, challenge injustice, and build peace.