Valentine’s Day actions declare “love knows no borders, walls, or cages”

Layne Mullett
Director of Media Relations


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WASHINGTON, DC (February 10, 2023) – During the week of Valentine’s Day, people across the country will host a series of actions at immigrant detention centers, jails, and other locations involved in detention and deportation. Organizers are calling for an end to all policies that criminalize and incarcerate migrants – including an end to Title 42 and any policy that prevents people from exercising their legal and moral right to seek asylum. They will show love to our community members behind walls with Valentine's Day cards and banners, and demand that those in power put an end to the human and financial harms caused by the immigration system. 

“This Valentine’s Day we want to show our love and solidarity with everyone who has been separated from their loved ones by this cruel immigration system,” said Kristin Kumpf, Director of Human Migration and Mobility for AFSC. “We are demanding the right to asylum, an end to the militarization of border communities, cuts in the federal budget for immigration enforcement, and meaningful investment in all our communities.” 

These actions are organized by the American Friends Service Committee. See a complete listing of events below: 


Monday, February 13
Love knows no borders, walls, or cages vigil 
GEO Aurora ICE processing center, 3130 Oakland St, Aurora CO 
6 p.m. MT  


Monday, February 13 
Love knows no borders, no walls 
Friendship Park 
2411 Boswell Road, Chula Vista 
9:30 a.m. PT 


Tuesday, February 14 
Love knows no borders rally 
ICE Newark field office 
970 Broad Street Newark, NJ  
11 a.m. ET 


Tuesday, February 14 
Love Our Neighbor: NH People's Budget Valentine's Day Visibility 
NH State House 
117 N Main St. Concord 
12 p.m. ET 


Wednesday, February 15 
On Valentine's Day we remember that Love Knows No Borders or Cages 
ICE ERO Center Miramar 
2805 SW 145th Ave, Miramar, FL  
9 a.m. ET


Valentine’s Day Twitter Storm 
Tuesday, February 14 at 2 p.m. ET Follow @afsc_org, @CFIRofAFSC, @AFSCSanDiego, @WelcomeWDignity, and @interfaithimm  



The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) promotes a world free of violence, inequality, and oppression. Guided by the Quaker belief in the divine light within each person, we nurture the seeds of change and the respect for human life to fundamentally transform our societies and institutions.