Yazeed Kamaldien / AFSC
Today, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, eliminating federal protection of reproductive rights. This concerns us all. Reproductive rights are critical to guaranteeing many fundamental basic human rights. AFSC unequivocally supports reproductive freedom – and has for decades. In 1969, our report “Who Shall Live?” stated that no one should be forced to bear an unwanted child.
The impact of this decision will disproportionately affect low-income, Black and Brown women and people who can become pregnant, migrants, and survivors of sexual violence and further expose them to inhumane, unsafe, and degrading treatment.
Today’s Dobbs decision is a further erosion of rights and opens the door to criminalize access to contraception, interracial relationships, same-sex relationships, and more, as well as abortion. This is a huge setback to hard won, historic gains in promoting and preserving the rights of all people. We should all be empowered to make decisions about our own bodies, health, and sexuality.
AFSC is committed to being an active part of movements to promote and preserve the rights of all people. With solidarity, spirit, and determination, we can work together to set our society on a better course.