If you've never had a salad turnip before, you are in for a treat! They are sweet and crunchy, like eating a combination of an apple and a sweet radish. We invite school and early childhood education centers in Albuquerque to participate in a fun, free campaign this spring called the “Terrific Turnip Tasting.” Everyone who takes the tasting challenge to try a local, organic salad turnip will get a sticker and we will spotlight your school on social media sites. Early childhood education centers and schools in Albuquerque will participate in Spring 2020.
The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) is a local nonprofit that works with farmers and schools to get healthy food to children. We want to encourage children to eat healthy and link local farmers with schools like yours by asking students to eat a local salad turnip this spring. We are partnering with Agri-Cultura Network, a South Valley cooperative made up of local farmers.
It’s easy to participate: Register your school here and specify which day you will do the Tasting. Registre aquí en Español. AFSC will send you our Activity Guide with related activities for different grade levels to prepare and excite your students. AFSC will provide the local organic salad turnips to you and highlight the photos you share with us on social media.
The Terrific Turnip Tasting is modeled on the Great Apple Crunch in the Midwest, which has grown over five years to include 6 states and 1.5 million people participating.