Voices of Faith at the House public hearing on the state budget, March 2025 Courtesy photo
“You are a light. You are the light. Never let anyone — any person or any force — dampen, dim or diminish your light…. Release the need to hate, to harbor division, and the enticement of revenge. Release all bitterness. Hold only love, only peace in your heart, knowing that the battle of good to overcome evil is already won. Choose confrontation wisely, but when it is your time, don’t be afraid to stand up, speak up, and speak out against injustice. And if you follow your truth down the road to peace and the affirmation of love, if you shine like a beacon for all to see, then the poetry of all the great dreamers and philosophers is yours to manifest in a nation, a world community, and a Beloved Community that is finally at peace with itself.” — John Lewis
Warm greetings, State House Watchers.
It was another alarming week – a lousy (and bipartisan) federal budget deal was approved with support from Senators Shaheen and Hassan, and immigrants were abducted as punishment for peaceful protest, free speech, or simply as a demonstration of authoritarian rule. Read more here, here, here, and here. This is not normal.
Thankfully, there’s a counterbalance to all of this in the many solidarity and protest actions that are happening with greater frequency throughout the state and the country, including a “sip-in” to support union organizing efforts at NH Starbucks stores, a visibility action to cheer on the Union Leader staff calling on management to return to the bargaining table, a celebration of voting rights as NH residents marked the anniversary of “Bloody Sunday,” a Concord protest in response to Trump administration cuts to veterans’ services, and mass demonstrations nationwide calling for the release of Palestinian activist Mahmoud Khalil. Read more here and here.
The news was disheartening at the State House last week, with votes in the House and Senate to expand the costly and unaccountable school voucher program, restrict voting rights for indigent people, erode the progress made in recent years to reform the bail system, impose school budget caps on municipalities, and restrict driver license access to much narrower group of immigrants than are currently eligible.
Many thanks to the several hundred people who made it to Concord for the one House budget hearing on Wednesday. Over the course of nearly four hours, advocates and members of the public shared with House Finance Committee members their urgent priorities for state funding, and their fears that tax cuts for wealthy people and the school voucher program will divert urgently needed funds and necessitate cuts to essential programs. Here is some analysis of Governor Ayotte’s proposed budget from the NH Fiscal Policy Institute (NHFPI). Stay up to date on the NH state budget with NHFPI’s 2025 state budget webinar series.
Next week, a bill that would allow discrimination against transgender people (HB 148) will be voted on in the full House, as well as some good bills related to wages. Read on for the action alerts.
Note that these Action Alerts are not all the same. One is for a bill coming up for a vote in the full Senate on Thursday, March 20; some are for bills coming up for votes in the full House on March 20; and some are for bills with either public hearings or executive sessions. Please read each one carefully as the instructions are different depending on where the bill is in the process.
In the full Senate:
OPPOSE SB 134-FN, relative to work requirements under the state Medicaid program. This seemingly innocuous bill would mandate “one size fits all” work requirements that would make it more difficult for people to access the healthcare they need. The bill goes to the Senate floor with a recommendation of “ought to pass.” Please contact your own senator and urge them to defeat this bill. You can find your own senator’s phone number, address and email here.
In the full House:
OPPOSE HB 148, permitting classification of individuals based on biological sex under certain circumstances. This bill will eliminate protections from discrimination for transgender people by allowing “classification of individuals based on biological sex” in three circumstances, including the use of restrooms/locker rooms, participation in sports, and housing for jails/prisons. It will create confusion and will be an alarming step backwards in terms of basic rights for transgender people. Unfortunately, the bill is headed to the House floor with an “ought to pass” recommendation from the House Judiciary Committee. Please contact your own representatives and urge them to defeat this harmful bill. You can find their phone numbers, addresses and emails here. Voices of Faith will join 603 Equality at the State House (outside) on Thursday, March 20, 9 AM to 10 AM. All are welcome!
OPPOSE HB 10, establishing the parental bill of rights. The bill goes to the House floor with a recommendation of “ought to pass.” From Rep. Heather Raymond for the Minority: “This bill claims to seek to protect the rights of parents in NH. While this is a laudable goal, the language of this amendment creates a number of insurmountable obstacles. It creates criminal penalties for medical providers and requires written permission before doctors can treat children. Currently parents can provide verbal consent for routine services like prescription refills. This bill will end that practice. The bill makes no allowances for circumstances where the Division for Children, Youth and Family (DCYF) is involved with a family and does not align with other existing federal and state laws governing medical care and medical records. In educational settings, this bill creates a new requirement for school staff to surveil students’ romantic and personal relationships for the purpose of answering parents’ questions and imposes penalties for teachers who would rather stick to just focusing on education. The public response to this bill was overwhelmingly negative; opposing testimony outnumbered support by a 10 to 1 margin and members of the committee received hundreds of emails in opposition to the bill. The minority strongly opposes the current language and encourages voting Inexpedient to Legislate.” Please contact your own representatives and urge them to defeat this bill. You can find their phone numbers, addresses and emails here.
SUPPORT HB 343, relative to reporting regarding the northern border alliance program. It is scheduled for an executive session in the House Criminal Justice & Public Safety Committee, The bill goes to the House floor with a recommendation of “ought to pass with amendment.” From Rep. Alissandra Murray: “This bill expands the existing reporting requirements for the Northern Border Alliance to ensure that sufficient data is collected and shared with the legislature. Specifically, the bill codifies certain information that is already being reported, and it requires further reporting on the distribution of program funds, as well as on the nature of Customs and Border Protection related incidents.” Please urge your own representatives to support this bill. You can find their phone numbers, addresses and emails here.
OPPOSE HB 109, relative to false reports to law enforcement. This bill could discourage people from reporting police misconduct. The bill goes to the House floor with a recommendation of “ought to pass.” From Rep. Jodi Newell for the Minority: This bill would create additional categories within the statute governing the false reporting of crimes, specifically when the report alleges misconduct or criminal behavior of a law enforcement officer. While the minority certainly agrees that knowingly submitting a false report should be strongly discouraged, there are deep concerns about the chilling effect this expansion of law may have on justifiable reporting overall, particularly considering the power imbalance inherent in this situation. Further, by including allegations of misconduct, offenses that are difficult to prove, but crucial to identifying patterns of behavior, this kind of chilling effect may inadvertently result in truly bad apples from being held accountable.” Please contact your own representatives and urge them to defeat this bill. You can find their phone numbers, addresses and emails here.
SUPPORT HCR 7, recognizing abortion as a critical component of comprehensive reproductive health care. The bill goes to the House floor with a recommendation of “inexpedient to legislate.” From Rep. Janet Lucas for the Minority: “The minority recognizes that abortion is a critical component of reproductive health care, and that this fact should be affirmed by resolution. Women and their caregivers are choosing where to live, work, and study based upon their perceptions of a state’s respect for bodily autonomy and unimpeded access to abortion without infringement. States with abortion bans or restrictions have adverse outcomes including elevated death rates for women of reproductive age, maternity care deserts, departure of specialists to practice in less restrictive states, and declining enrollment in OB-GYN residency programs. It is the opinion of the minority that this issue is of sufficient importance to deserve its own resolution. For these reasons, the minority voted against Inexpedient to Legislate and instead recommends Ought to Pass.” Please urge your own representatives to support this bill. You can find their phone numbers, addresses and emails here.
In Committee:
OPPOSE HB 741-FN, allowing parents to send their children to any school district they choose. This bill is a thinly veiled attempt at creating a local voucher program that would be a drain on local school district budgets. It is scheduled for an executive session in House Education Policy And Administration, Room 205-207, LOB on Monday, March 17 at 9:30 AM. Note that the online sign-in period has passed, but please contact committee members to urge them to recommend defeat for this bill.
OPPOSE HB 524-FN, repealing the New Hampshire vaccine association. This harmful bill, which has already passe the full House once, has a public hearing scheduled in House Ways & Means, Room 202-204, LOB on Tuesday, March 18 at 10:30 AM. Read more here. Please contact committee members, and sign in to oppose and share testimony.
SUPPORT HB 638-FN, allowing an older prisoner serving a sentence of life without parole to be eligible for parole upon meeting certain criteria. This positive bill has an executive session in House Criminal Justice & Public Safety, Room 202-204, LOB on Wednesday, March 19 at 10:00 AM. Note that the online sign-in period has passed, but please contact committee members to urge them to support this bill.
LOB – Legislative Office Building (33 N. State St. Concord)
SH – State House (107 N. Main St. Concord)
OTP – “Ought to Pass,” the recommendation for approving a bill or an amendment
OTP/A – Ought to Pass with Amendment
ITL – “Inexpedient to Legislate,” the recommendation for defeating a bill or an amendment.
ITL” can also be used as a verb.
“Without Recommendation” - This indicates that the committee vote was a tie for both ITL and OTP. During the House session, these bills will be considered first as Ought to Pass.
Re-refer – When a Senate committee wishes to hold onto a bill for further consideration. The recommendation to re-refer must be approved in the full Senate. The committee will have until the end of the calendar year to meet about the bill and make a recommendation for further action.
Retain – When a House committee wishes to hold onto a bill for further consideration. The committee makes this decision for themselves; approval in the full House is not needed. The committee has until the end of the calendar year to make a recommendation for further action.
RC – Roll call vote. Each legislator’s vote is recorded and attributed to them.
VV – Voice vote
DV – Division vote
Last week in the House
The full House met in session on March 13. Here are the outcomes for the bills on our watch list.
On the Consent Calendar
HB 285-FN, relative to determination of parental rights and responsibilities. This bill adds to the list of factors for a court to consider in determining parental rights and responsibilities, including consideration of any known mental health conditions of the parent. ITL by VV.
HB 493, requiring education on child abuse and neglect for certain healthcare providers as a condition for licensure. OTP-A by VV.
HB 302, relative to enabling the state treasury to invest in precious metals and digital assets. OTP-A by VV.
HB 552-FN, relative to coverage of children under the state retiree insurance plan. OTP by VV.
HB 774-FN, requiring Medicare supplemental policies to cover pre-existing conditions. ITL by VV.
HB 550-FN, modifying the base cost of an adequate education. ITL by VV.
HB 603-FN-A, relative to increasing the adequacy grant for pupils receiving special education services. ITL by VV.
HB 717-FN, relative to catastrophic aid for special education. ITL by VV.
HB 769-FN, relative to the base annual cost per pupil of providing the opportunity for an adequate education and statewide education property tax rate. ITL by VV.
HB 384-FN, prohibiting bullying in schools. ITL by VV.
HB 781-FN, requiring school districts to adopt policies establishing a cell phone-free education, and making an appropriation therefor. OTP-A by VV.
HB 342, relative to the approval process for new construction. OTP-A by VV.
HB 382, removing authority for municipalities to regulate mandatory on-site parking requirements. OTP-A by VV.
HB 123, enabling municipalities to tax standing wood and timber on land used for carbon sequestration. OTP-A by RC, 197-158.
HB 125, relative to electing Strafford county commissioners at-large. ITL by VV.
HB 490, relative to indemnification for municipalities adopting policies to address homelessness. ITL by VV.
HB 554, enabling municipalities to choose whether or not to place political advertising on municipal property. OTP-A by VV.
HB 567-FN, relative to the elimination of useful thermal energy from renewable energy classes. ITL by VV.
On the Regular Calendar
HB 59-FN, relative to the assault of a firefighter, emergency medical care provider, or law enforcement officer. OTP-A by RC, 196-179.
HB 159-FN, authorizing the state to report mental health data for firearms background check purposes and providing for processes for confiscation of firearms following certain mental health-related court proceedings and for relief from mental health-related firearms disabilities. Laid on table.
HB 592-FN, relative to magistrates and the standards applicable to and the administration of bail. OTP-A by DV, 204-175. Referred to Senate Judiciary. Hearing scheduled for March 18 at 2 PM in Room 100, SH.
HB 115-FN, relative to universal eligibility for the education freedom account program. OTP-A by RC, 198-180. Referred to Finance. Division II work session scheduled for March 18 at 10 AM in Room 209, LOB.
HB 319-FN, relative to the responsibility of local school districts to provide transportation and meals for pupils in kindergarten. OTP-A by RC, 204-171.
HB 527-FN, replacing the statewide education property tax with a local revenue contribution. ITL by VV.
HB 563-FN, relative to adequate education grant amounts for pupils receiving special education services. OTP-A by VV.
HB 646-FN-LOCAL, requiring school districts to establish an online application for participation in the free and reduced price meal program. ITL by VV.
HB 675-FN-A-LOCAL, (New Title) limiting the authority of school districts to make certain appropriations. This bill establishes a tax cap for local school districts. OTP-A by RC, 190-185. Referred to Finance. Division II work session scheduled for March 18 at 10 AM, Room 209, LOB.
HB 703-FN-A-LOCAL, relative to prohibiting school districts from denying meals to students with unpaid meal balances, and making an appropriation therefor. ITL by RC, 202-173.
HB 739-FN, relative to excess funds paid to municipalities for the use of school districts. OTP-A by VV.
HB 773-FN, relative to aid to school districts for the cost of special education. OTP-A by VV. Division II work session scheduled for March 18 at 10 AM in Room 209, LOB.
HB 667-FN, relative to health education and requiring the viewing of certain videos demonstrating gestational development from embryo to fetus through birth by public school students and college or university students. OTP-A by DV, 189-180.
HB 365-FN, relative to proof of United States citizenship for indigent voters. OTP by DV.
HB 521-FN, authorizing online voter registration. ITL by RC.
HB 714-FN, creating a single primary ballot. Laid on table by VV.
HB 52, relative to legal holidays. ITL by VV.
HB 536-FN, relative to a cost of living adjustment in the state retirement system. Laid on table by DV, 185-177.
HB 581-FN, establishing a state retirement plan group for new state employee members of the retirement system. Laid on table by VV.
HB 637-FN, relative to the reduction in the calculation of state retirement annuities at age 65 for certain group I retirement system members. Laid on table by DV, 229-136.
HB 572-FN, establishing the “partners in housing” program, a low-interest loan and grant program under the housing champions fund to assist municipalities, counties, and developers in building workforce housing. OTP-A by VV. Referred to Finance.
HB 611-FN, abolishing recoupment procedures regarding appointed counsel for indigent criminal defendants. OTP-A by DV, 199-163.
HB 615-FN, relative to drug forfeiture proceedings. Laid on table by DV, 195-163.
HB 219-FN, relative to the phasing out of the minimum electric renewable portfolio standard. OTP-A by RC, 189-173.
HB 764-FN, prohibiting the intentional release of polluting emissions, including cloud seeding, weather modification, excessive electromagnetic radio frequency, and microwave radiation and making penalties for violation of such prohibition. Laid on table by DV, 205-158.
HB 264-FN, relative to delegates to an Article V convention. Laid on table by VV.
HB 452-FN, relative to the issuance of drivers’ licenses for aliens [sic] temporarily residing in New Hampshire. OTP-A by VV.
HB 669-FN-A, relative to requiring all revenue raised under the statewide education property tax to be deposited in the education trust fund, and setting an equalized statewide tax rate. ITL by DV, 201-157.
Last week in the Senate
The Senate met in full session on March 13. Here are the outcomes for the bills on our watch list.
On the Consent Calendar
SB 86, relative to the housing finance authority's affordable housing guarantee program. OTP-A by VV.
SB 88, prohibiting state government entities from including specified terms related to labor organization agreements in construction related contracts and grants. Re-Referred to committee by VV.
SB 177, relative to requiring New Hampshire employers with over 25 employees use the E-Verify system. ITL by VV.
SB 279, establishing the housing champion business loan program and making appropriations to the department of business and economic affairs and the business finance authority. OTP by VV.
SB 33, This bill requires local school districts to adopt and publicly post policies describing materials authorized for use by students in the district and outlining procedures to address complaints alleging that material is harmful or age-inappropriate for use in the district's schools. OTP by RC, 16Y-8N.
SB 101, authorizing parents to enroll their children in any public school in the state. Rereferred to committee by VV.
SB 204, relative to the responsibility of local school districts to provide meals to students during school hours, reimbursing schools for meals provided to students at no cost, and making an appropriation therefor. OTP by VV.
SB 206, requiring public schools to adopt policies to limit the use of cell phones by students. OTP-A by VV.
SB 296, increasing the percentage of nonpublic school scholarships awarded to students who qualify for the federal free and reduced-price meal program. Laid on table by VV.
SB 44, requiring a hand recount on the request of 100 registered voters in one city, town, or municipality using electronic ballot counting machines. OTP-A by VV.
SB 103, requiring towns and cities to have at least one polling place per every 20,000 registered voters unless the town or city has received approval from the secretary of state for fewer locations. OTP-A by VV.
SB 218, This bill removes the requirement that absentee ballots be placed in outer envelopes unless such ballots are mailed to town or city clerks. This bill also allows clerks to open outer envelopes to allow applicants time to cure defects. OTP by VV.
SB 221, This bill changes the verification of the checklist from every 10 years to every 5 years. OTP-A by VV.
SB 228, modifying the scope and capacity limits of the community solar projects, as well as the terminology used to describe the beneficiaries. Also places limits on the size of the solar arrays for low-moderate income community solar projects; ensures that group net metering members can sign agreements with multiple group hosts, regardless of on-bill crediting participation, as long as the combined load doesn't exceed their total load; and expands the definition of "political subdivision" to include not-for-profits, while removing the previous specification about special purpose entities. OTP-A by VV.
SB 231, adopting limits on road frontage requirements and setbacks for wetlands and lot lines to improve housing density, ensuring these requirements do not exceed 50 feet and are consistent with existing shoreland protection and environmental standards. Re-Referred to committee by VV.
SB 232, allowing renewable energy generators in ISO-NE electricity markets to retain their market participant status while qualifying for net metering tariffs; modifying requirements for the development and review of alternative net metering tariffs, and clarifying metering practices for customer-generators. OTP-A by VV.
SB 179, providing that the state council on housing stability shall be administratively attached to the department of health and human services. OTP-A by VV.
SB 184, recognizing the second Thursday in October as children's environmental health day. OTP by VV.
SB 298, requiring sober living houses to be certified by the New Hampshire Coalition of Recovery Residents, to verify resident eligibility, and to retain a paid house manager. The bill provides enforcement authority to the municipality in which the house is located and to the department of health and human services. Re-referred to committee by VV.
SB 136, establishing an uncompensated care assessment, fund, and committee within the department of insurance. Re-referred to committee by VV.
SB 243, requiring the commissioner of the department of health and human services to adopt administrative rules regarding payments for child care providers, the child care scholarship presumptive eligibility pilot program, and the child care scholarship application process study. OTP-A by VV.
SB 244, relative to expanding access to primary health care services, increasing the number of direct health care providers, increasing Medicaid reimbursement rates, and making an appropriation therefor. OTP-A by VV.
SB 245, prohibiting surprise ambulance billing and regulating ground ambulance reimbursement. OTP-A by VV.
SB 251, establishing a commission to study the delivery of public health services through regional public health networks and the continued development of coordinated responses to public health incidents and emergencies in New Hampshire. OTP by VV.
SB 259, creating an exception to physical attendance and quorum requirements under the right-to-know law for individuals with disabilities. ITL by VV.
On the Regular Calendar
SB 84, setting maximum lot sizes for single-family residential uses based on the type of infrastructure servicing the lot. Special ordered to March 20.
SB 176, providing for increases in the minimum hourly rate. ITL by RC, 16Y-8N.
SB 203, changing income eligibility and reporting requirements for the education freedom account program and modifying the program's administration and oversight. ITL by RC, 16Y-8N.
SB 205, requiring schools to offer free or reduced cost breakfast and lunch to children who meet federal income eligibility guidelines. ITL by VV.
SB 207, requiring the department of education to administer the education freedom account program. ITL by RC, 16Y-8N.
SB 208, requiring local school boards and public libraries to adopt curation policies. Re-referred to committee by VV.
SB 293, relative to using enrollment in Medicaid as a measure of eligibility for school lunches. ITL by VV.
SB 295, expanding the number of students eligible for education freedom accounts. OTP-A by RC, 16Y-8N.
SB 213, changing the standard for absentee voting to "It is more likely than not" that a voter will be absent. This bill also requires the presentation of proof of identity, citizenship, age, and domicile when applying for an absentee ballot. OTP by VV.
SB 214, allowing for no-excuse absentee registration and voting. ITL by RC, 16Y-8N.
SB 130, prohibiting health carriers and providers from balance billing for ambulance services and establishes parameters for reimbursement of ground ambulance services by participating and non-participating ambulance service providers. OTP-A by VV.
SB 249, revising the funding mechanism for uncompensated care costs under the state Medicaid program, including the distribution of disproportionate share hospital payments. OTP-A by VV.
SB 144, authorizing the state to report mental health data for firearms background check purposes and providing for processes for confiscation of firearms following certain mental health-related court proceedings and for relief from mental health-related firearms disabilities. ITL by RC, 16Y-8N.
Coming Up in the House
The full House will meet in session on March 20 at 10 AM in the House Chamber. Watch it here. The House also plans to meet on March 27, and possibly on March 26 if the additional voting day is needed to meet House deadlines. Here are the bills we’re tracking which will be considered and voted on during the March 20 session.
On the Consent Calendar
HB 560, relative to parental access to a minor child’s medical records. Committee recommends OTP-A.
HB 321-FN, requiring the division of motor vehicles to extend a fine payment period for certain motor vehicle violations from 30 days to 90 days if the driver requests the extension. Committee recommends OTP-A.
HB 343, relative to reporting regarding the northern border alliance program. Committee recommends OTP-A.
HB 231, prohibiting school district personnel from transporting students to medical procedures without parental consent. Committee recommends OTP-A.
HB 398, requiring holocaust and genocide studies in public schools to include the impacts on people with disabilities. Committee recommends ITL.
HB 171, establishing a moratorium on the issuance of permits for new landfills. Committee recommends OTP-A.
HR 13, opposing the permitting of a landfill next to Forest Lake State Park in Dalton, New Hampshire. Committee recommends OTP-A.
HB 631, permitting residential building in commercial zoning by right. Committee recommends OTP-A.
CACR 7, relating to the presumption of innocence. Providing that in all cases and suits of the state against one of the people, the defendant shall be innocent unless proven guilty. Committee recommends ITL.
On the Regular Calendar
HB 10-FN, establishing the parental bill of rights. Majority committee recommends OTP-A. Minority committee recommends ITL.
HB 433-FN, making 17 the age of consent for marriage if either party is active duty military and removing language regarding age waivers for marriage registration records, since age waivers are no longer issued in New Hampshire. Without recommendation.
HB 109-FN, relative to false reports to law enforcement. Majority committee recommends OTP. Minority committee recommends ITL.
HB 218-FN, relative to providing victims of crime with a free police report of the investigation. Majority committee recommends OTP-A. Minority committee recommends OTP.
HB 718, requiring the state board of education to report the unfunded financial impact to school districts for rules adopted by the board which exceed state or federal minimum standards. Majority committee recommends OTP. Minority committee recommends ITL.
HB 235, relative to amending the educator code of ethics and code of conduct to include responsibility to parents. Majority committee recommends OTP. Minority committee recommends ITL.
HB 329, relative to school district policies governing air quality and temperature issues in schools. Majority recommends ITL. Minority recommends OTP.
HB 676, relative to the composition and responsibilities of the parent and education service provider advisory commission, and establishing education freedom account impact and parent satisfaction surveys. Majority committee recommends ITL. Minority committee recommends OTP.
CACR 5, relating to absentee ballots. Providing that no excuse shall be needed by the voter to receive an absentee ballot. Majority committee recommends ITL. Minority committee recommends OTP.
HB 136, extending the time period for delivery of an absentee ballot from 5:00 PM to the close of the polls. Majority committee recommends ITL. Minority committee recommends OTP.
HB 288, requires that absentee ballots be requested at least 6 months prior to any election for which the absentee ballot is requested. Majority committee recommends OTP-A. Minority committee recommends ITL.
HB 344, enables the processing of absentee ballots before election day. Majority committee recommends ITL. Minority committee recommends OTP.
HB 389-FN, requiring candidates to attest they have not spent more than $1,000 in an election. Majority committee recommends ITL. Minority committee recommends OTP.
HB 403, relative to weather conditions which enable absentee voting. Majority committee recommends ITL. Minority committee recommends OTP.
HB 474, requiring a second witness at the counting of write-in votes. Majority committee recommends OTP-A. Minority committee recommends ITL.
HB 630-FN, preventing the dissemination of deepfake materials of political candidates before an election. Majority committee recommends ITL. Minority committee recommends OTP.
HB 233, requiring meetings of the New Hampshire vaccine association to be audio and video recorded and published on its website within 48 hours, and requiring that questions put to it in writing or at a meeting be answered and posted on its website within 14 days. Majority committee recommends OTP-A. Minority committee recommends ITL.
HCR 7, recognizing abortion as a critical component of comprehensive reproductive health care. Majority committee recommends ITL. Minority committee recommends OTP.
HR 16, recognizing the essential contributions of frontline health workers in assisting the state to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic and urging greater attention and support for local frontline health workers. Majority committee recommends OTP-A. Minority committee recommends OTP-A.
HB 351, requiring landlords to give tenants of at-will tenancies at least 60-days notice to evict. Majority committee recommends ITL. Minority committee recommends OTP.
HB 558-FN, creating a public county registry of the monthly rent charged by landlords for each owned unit and prohibiting landlords from using algorithms or software to determine rental rates. Majority committee recommends ITL. Minority committee recommends OTP-A.
HB 628-FN, prohibiting landlords from discriminating against prospective tenants holding certain vouchers under the housing choice voucher program. Majority committee recommends ITL. Minority committee recommends OTP.
HB 148, permitting classification of individuals based on biological sex under certain circumstances. Majority committee recommends OTP. Minority committee recommends ITL.
HB 199, extending the statute of limitation on civil actions relative to damage caused by per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). Majority committee recommends OTP. Minority committee recommends ITL.
HB 254-FN, relative to options for end of life care. Majority committee recommends OTP. Minority committee recommends ITL.
HB 273, relative to a parent’s access to their minor child’s library records. Majority committee recommends OTP. Minority committee recommends ITL.
HB 280, repealing the weekly or biweekly payment of wage methods and authorizing employers to choose the payment method of their employees. Majority committee recommends OTP-A.
HB 379, relative to youth employment during the school year and at night. Majority committee recommends ITL. Minority committee recommends OTP-A.
HB 442, relative to prohibiting payment of subminimum wages. Majority committee recommends ITL. Minority committee recommends OTP.
HB 726-FN, increasing the minimum hourly rate and increasing the base rate for tipped employees. Majority committee recommends ITL. Minority committee recommends OTP-A.
HB 757, providing that employers administering a tip pooling or sharing arrangement must include an example of the arrangement in its documentation. It further provides that the employer must provide a written notice to the employee, and specifies the content of that notice. Requires certain employers using a service charge to disclose the allocation of that charge on an itemized receipt given to the customer. Majority committee recommends ITL. Minority committee recommends OTP-A.
HB 221, modifying the assessment of system benefit charges cost effectiveness. Majority committee recommends OTP. Minority committee recommends ITL.
HB 535-FN, relative to defining the role of the public utilities commission. Majority committee recommends ITL. Minority committee recommends OTP.
HB 599, establishing a committee to examine weatherization initiatives for homes in New Hampshire. Majority committee recommends ITL. Minority committee recommends OTP.
HB 672-FN, defining "off-grid electricity providers" and establishing a specific category for off-grid electricity providers, exempting them from certain regulations as long as they remain independent from the regulated electric grid. Majority committee recommends OTP-A. Minority committee recommends ITL.
HB 710-FN, defining "advanced nuclear resource" (ANR) and including ANR options alongside renewable energy sources for utility services, sets limitations and guidelines for investments in distributed electric generation, and clarifies the coordinator's duties in nuclear development and regulatory activities. Majority committee recommends OTP. Minority committee recommends ITL.
HCR 2, declaring the development of advanced nuclear energy technology to be in the best interest of the state of New Hampshire and the United States. Majority committee recommends OTP. Minority committee recommends ITL.
HCR 4, relative to rejecting all offshore wind energy projects in the waters off the coast of New Hampshire and the Gulf of Maine. Majority committee recommends OTP. Minority committee recommends ITL.
HR 15, urging elected members of the United States Congress to take whatever actions are possible to change FERC’s policies. Committee recommends OTP-A.
HR 12, urging Congress to amend the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2013. Majority committee recommends OTP. Minority committee recommends ITL.
Coming Up in House Committees
You can watch the House hearings here. You can sign in for House bills here. And you can contact House committees here.
9:30 AM Executive session on HB 446, relative to parental notice for non-academic surveys in public schools.
FINANCE, Room 210-211, LOB
1:00 PM Public hearing on proposed non-germane Amendment #2025-0555h to HB 71-FN, prohibiting the use of the facilities of a public elementary school, a public secondary school, or an institution of higher education to provide shelter for aliens who have not been admitted into the United States. This amendment also requires the department of health and human services to include references to the patients’ bill of rights in contracts and contract addenda.
10:00 AM HB 518-FN, requiring the commissioner of the department of health and human services to provide a detailed annual report of all costs incurred by the division for children, youth and families.
10:00 AM HB 25-A, making appropriations for capital improvements.
WAYS AND MEANS, Room 202-204, LOB
10:00 AM HB 224-FN, relative to rebates to ratepayers from the renewable energy fund.
10:30 AM HB 524-FN, repealing the New Hampshire vaccine association.
10:00 AM Executive session on HB 517-FN, repealing the Granite State paid family leave plan.
10:00 AM Executive session on HB 638-FN, allowing an older prisoner serving a sentence of life without parole to be eligible for parole upon meeting certain criteria.
Coming Up in the Senate
The full Senate will meet in session on Thursday, March 20 in the Senate Chamber starting at 10 AM. Watch it here. Here are the bills we’re tracking which will be considered and voted on.
On the Consent Calendar
SB 90, allowing high-density residential development on land zoned for commercial use. Committee recommends to re-refer to committee.
SB 166, relative to notice required prior to sale of a manufactured housing unit located in a resident-owned community. Committee recommends OTP.
SB 170, relative to residential property subject to housing covenants under the low income housing tax credit program. Committee recommends OTP-A.
SB 171, relative to required pay for remote work. Committee recommends OTP.
SB 173, relative to residential property subject to housing covenants under the low income housing tax credit program. Committee recommends OTP.
SB 175, relative to the use of covenants by municipalities. Committee recommends to re-refer to Committee.
SB 216, relative to the authority of moderators on election day. Committee recommends ITL.
SB 299, relative to penalties for contractors violating water pollution and waste disposal regulations. Committee recommends OTP.
SB 118-FN, relative to the personal needs allowance of residents of nursing homes; making an appropriation to the department of health and human services for Hampstead hospital and residential treatment facility staff; and establishing the Hampstead hospital and residential treatment facility capital investment fund. Committee recommends OTP-A.
SB 119, This bill directs pharmacists to dispense brand name drugs to Medicaid beneficiaries when the brand name drug is on the department of health and human services preferred drug list. The bill also directs the department to develop a standing order for certain medicaid-covered, over-the-counter medications, medical supplies, and laboratory tests when deemed medically necessary and cost effective by the department. Committee recommends OTP.
SB 123, requiring coverage of ear acupuncture as a treatment for substance misuse under the state Medicaid plan. Committee recommends re-refer to committee.
SB 180-FN, designating Coos county as a distressed place-based economy. Committee recommends OTP.
SB 269, removing references to matrimonial age and time waivers in the vital records act. Committee recommends OTP.
On the Regular Calendar
SB 174, prohibiting planning boards from differentiating based on the number of bedrooms in a residential development during the hearing and approval process. Committee recommends OTP.
SB 284, limiting residential parking spaces to one per unit, with exceptions for certain workforce housing and multi-family developments. Committee recommends OTP.
SB 72-FN, establishing a parents’ bill of rights in education. Committee recommends OTP.
SB 81-FN, increasing the annual real estate transfer tax revenue contribution and making an appropriation to the affordable housing fund. Committee recommends OTP-A.
SB 122-FN, relative to financial eligibility for the Medicare savings program. Committee recommends OTP.
SB 128-FN, relative to children’s mental health services for persons 18 years of age and younger. Committee recommends OTP.
SB 134-FN, relative to work requirements under the state Medicaid program. Committee recommends OTP.
SB 137-FN, relative to hospital stays covered under the state Medicaid plan. Committee recommends OTP.
SB 286-FN, creating the New Hampshire office of film and creative media. Committee recommends OTP.
Coming Up in Senate Committees
You can watch the Senate hearings here. You can sign in for Senate bills here. And you can contact Senate committees here.
9:30 AM HB 76, relative to tracking special education complaints.
10:00 AM HB 78, requiring a person to have a domicile in the district from which they serve as county commissioner.
2:00 PM, HB 592-FN, relative to magistrates and the standards applicable to and the administration of bail.
2:15 PM HB 697, relative to witness fees in criminal cases.
9:45 AM SB 303, directing the commissioner of the department of education to compile a report on the effects of the dissolution of the United States Department of Education on New Hampshire and its residents.
10:00 AM SB 304, directing the commissioner of the department of business and economic affairs to assemble a report on the effects of tariffs on Canada and New Hampshire residents.
9:00 AM SB 288, establishing an advisory council on long-term care within the department of health and human services.
9:15 AM SB 257, establishing a committee to study state guidelines for Medicaid eligibility determinations.
The New Hampshire LGBTQ+ Coalition, supported by ACLU NH and New Hampshire Outright, invites you to share your experiences! This landscape assessment of the LGBTQ+ community in NH will help the coalition develop a deeper understanding of the needs and experiences of LGBTQ+ people in the state and to inform future actions and advocacy strategies. This anonymous survey is open to anyone who lives in New Hampshire and identifies as part of the LGBTQ+ community. Find it here.
Upcoming Events
Every Third Tuesday
Protect, Resist and Build with AFSC– 8 PM to 9:30 PM. Hosted by AFSC. Monthly webinar series that brings together AFSC constituents to learn about how to protect, resist, and build just peace, just migration, and just economies.
Every Wednesday
Solemn Vigils for Ceasefire Now - 2 PM in Dover at the district offices of Senator Jeanne Shaheen and Congressman Chris Pappas. The March 19 vigil will be at Pappas' office, 660 Central Avenue, Dover. The March 26 vigil will be at Shaheen’s office, 340 Central Avenue, Dover. We gather at the entrance to Henry Law Park.
Every Thursday
Meeting for Worship with Attention to Peace in Palestine & Israel - 5:30 PM. Hosted by AFSC.
Solemn Vigils for Ceasefire Now – 12 noon at City Hall Plaza, in front of the State House, Concord.
Every Friday
AFSC Action Hour for a Ceasefire – 12 noon. Join AFSC staff every Friday at 12 PM ET/9 AM PT to hear updates from Gaza. Then, take action with us as we contact our elected officials and call for an immediate ceasefire and humanitarian access to Gaza. Our elected officials need to keep hearing from us.
Stronger Together Visibility – 4 PM to 5 PM. Hosted by the Stronger Together Coalition. Corner of North Main St. and Loudon Rd. Concord. Join us for a weekly visibility to stand against the war being raged against our communities. Our immigrant loved ones and neighbors are being targeted and kidnapped off the streets. Our public dollars are being funneled into a violent, bloated deportation and detention machine while local police are being weaponized against the communities they are supposed to serve, and life-giving programs are being defunded. Stand with us to protect our communities. All are welcome!
Tuesday, March 18
Empowering Communities: Guidance on KYR in Schools & NILC Office Hours - 12 PM. Hosted by the National Immigration Law Center. Join us this spring for a three-part webinar series. The Trump administration wasted no time in unleashing an assault on immigrant communities and spreading misinformation. It is important that we all stay informed of our rights and the best ways we can support immigrant communities. Our goal is to empower everyone with the tools they need to defend against increased immigration enforcement.
Understanding the NH Right-To-Know RSA 91a Law - 6 PM to 7 PM. Hosted by InDepthNH. Sunshine Week, March 16-22, 2025, celebrates the importance of open government to citizens and journalists. On Tuesday, March 18, InDepthNH.org is holding an online seminar on the state’s Right-to-Know statute featuring a panel of experts. Gain an understanding of the statute and how it can be used to access government records. Learn how to file a written RTK request, what records are not subject to RTK, and pending legislation.
Wednesday, March 19
2025 Annual Disability Statistics Conference: Progress Ahead - 10:30 AM to 4:30 PM. Hosted by the Institute on Disability. Join this one-day hybrid event in Washington, DC and via Zoom; we will be releasing the Annual Disability Statistics Collection, which fills critical gaps in national, state, and historic data related to people with disabilities by synthesizing complex data from numerous U.S. federal agencies into accessible formats. The Conference will also include two sessions addressing the latest in disability statistics, including survey methods and how disability statistics are used.
Learning to Listen: Conversations for Change - Episode 2: Mass Deportation - What's Happening to the Children? – 3 PM. Hosted by Boston Children’s Hospital. Join us for conversations featuring inspiring leaders working on the frontlines of current and emerging issues for children and families. All are welcome.
Friday, March 21
Burnout Care & Creativity Workshop for Helpers & Healers - 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM. Hosted by Kindness Corner Studio. Join us to connect with ourselves and other helpers & healers who are dealing with or preventing burnout and compassion fatigue. During our time together we will be engaging in structured creative expression exercises as well as community building and support. We will be focusing on collage and poetry. All are welcome. Workshop fee: $30-$50.
Saturday, March 22
Spring Into Summer Manchester School District - 9 AM to 1 PM. Beech Street School, 333 Beech Street, Manchester. Hosted by Manchester Proud. Back for our second annual Spring into Summer resource fair! You and your family are invited to Spring into Summer, a resource fair connecting students and families to enriching summer activities and job opportunities.
Community Convening - 10 AM to 2 PM. Eversource Building - 780 N Commercial St, Manchester. Hosted by Black Lives Matter NH, the Business Alliance for People of Color, the Black Heritage Trail of NH, Therapists of Color NH, & the NH Center for Justice & Equity. Join leaders across the state together to talk openly about how we move forward in defense of NH's communities of color and LGBTQIA+ communities. Food & beverage will be provided. Childcare can also be arranged, if needed.
NH Black & African Diaspora Community Gathering – 1 PM to 3 PM. Hosted by AFSC NH. Come together to share food, conversation, important information and critical resources. Connect with other Black and African people living in New Hampshire and share your projects, products and services with our community. Learn more about how to protect our rights and take effective action to advocate for ourselves and the people we love here in the US and in our home countries. Contact Grace Kindeke, gkindeke (at) afsc.org for more information.
Know Your Rights & Rapid Response Training – 1 PM to 3 PM. NEP House of Praise – 245 Maple St. Manchester. Hosted by Granite State Organizing Project. Join us for a comprehensive training session that will cover immigration rights and interactions with ICE, active bystander intervention and family preparedness. For more information contact: Selina.Choate@HouseOfPraiseNEP.org.
Congolese Community of NH End the Genocide Presentation - 2 PM. Peterborough Town Library, 2 Concord Street, Peterborough. Hosted by Peterborough Town Library. Join F. Noel Sagna, Djems Kwembe, and Lois Numbi, as they shine a light on the genocide taking place in the Republic Democratic of Congo (DRC) and share ways we can raise our voices to end the violence.
Sunday, March 23
Trans Resource & Community Fair! - 1 PM to 4 PM. COLAB – 46 N Main St. Concord. Hosted by Southern NH DSA, NHYM, 603 Equality, NHYM, ACLU NH & Partners. In honor of Trans Day of Visibility, we’re bringing together resources, support, and celebration for our trans community! Whether you're looking for health resources, legal advocacy, affirming spaces, or just a place to connect, this fair is for YOU. Come find support, connect with your community, and celebrate trans joy!
Wednesday, March 26
Solidarity 2025: Public School Strong Training Series - Deep Canvassing to Build A Bigger We - 7 PM to 8:30 PM. Hosted by Heal Together. Solidarity 2025 is a training series equipping activist educators, school board members, students, parents, and allies to unite against attacks on public education outlined in Project 2025. This training series is part of the Public School Strong campaign, and is designed to empower participants to advocate for students, schools, and communities at local school boards and beyond. Participants will gain critical insights into federal policy proposals, actionable strategies for mobilizing around shared values, and tools like model policies, school board resolutions, and organizing lessons.
Thursday, March 27 – Saturday, March 29
Undoing Racism Workshop – 6 PM to 8 PM. YWCA-NH, 72 Concord Street, Manchester. Hosted by the People’s Institute For Survival & Beyond. Through dialogue, reflection, role-playing and presentations, this intensive workshop challenges participants to analyze the structures of power and privilege that prohibits social equity and prepares participants to be effective organizers for justice. The cost to attend is: $300 for small organizations / individuals; $350 for large institutions & businesses. Fee includes Snacks and Lunches. Limited Scholarships are available for Students, and Haymarket grantees. Please contact NHBWHP nhbwhp@gmail.com, 603-840-5819 to preregister today!
Saturday, March 29
International Women’s Day Celebration – 2 PM to 5 PM. YWCA – 72 Concord St. Manchester. Hosted by Victory Women of Vision. Join us to celebrate International Women’s Day. We forge a better work when we inspire others to understand and value women’s inclusion.
Wednesday, April 2
Empowering Communities: Guidance on KYR in Health Access & NILC Office Hours – 1 PM to 2 PM. Hosted by the National Immigration Law Center. Join us for a three-part webinar series. The Trump administration wasted no time in unleashing an assault on immigrant communities and spreading misinformation. It is important that we all stay informed of our rights and the best ways we can support immigrant communities. Our goal is to empower everyone with the tools they need to defend against increased immigration enforcement.
Saturday, April 5
5th Annual BLM New Hampshire Excellence Awards – 5 PM to 8 PM. The Office Lounge in Dover. Hosted by BLM NH. Join us to honor Black, Indigenous and Person of Color community members older than 14 years old from all walks of life; artists, educators, activists, entrepreneurs, inventors, musicians, students, etc., that have made contributions to benefit New Hampshire and the Seacoast areas of Maine and Massachusetts!
Thursday, April 10
Empowering Communities: Guidance on KYR in Protected Areas & NILC Office Hours - 4 PM to 5 PM. Hosted by the National Immigration Law Center. Join us for a three-part webinar series. The Trump administration wasted no time in unleashing an assault on immigrant communities and spreading misinformation. It is important that we all stay informed of our rights and the best ways we can support immigrant communities. Our goal is to empower everyone with the tools they need to defend against increased immigration enforcement.
Tuesday, April 15
Open Democracy Book Club: 100% Democracy - 7 PM. Hosted by Open Democracy. Join us for a discussion of the book 100% Democracy: The Case for Universal Voting. Author Miles Rapoport will be joining us for the first half hour for discussion and Q&A. In 100% Democracy, E.J. Dionne and Miles Rapoport argue that universal participation in our elections should be a cornerstone of our system. It would be the surest way to protect against voter suppression and the active disenfranchisement of a large share of our citizens. And it would create a system true to the Declaration of Independence’s aspirations by calling for a government based on the consent of all of the governed.
Wednesday, April 23
“No Other Land” Film Screening – 6:30 PM doors open, 7 PM film starts. 3S Artspace, 319 Vaughan Street, Portsmouth. Hosted by Not In My Name NH; cosponsored by AFSC-NH.
Saturday, April 26
Courage to Resist: Commemorating 50 Years Since Vietnam - 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM. Hosted by AFSC. Join us for an evening of stories, connection, resistance, and inspiration for a more just, peaceful future. With opportunities to join in person or online, we will highlight the efforts of AFSC staff, volunteers, conscientious objectors, and other war resisters in the struggle for peace.
Wednesdays, April 30
“There Is Another Way” Film Screening – 6:30 PM doors open, 7 PM film starts. 3S Artspace, 319 Vaughan Street, Portsmouth. Hosted by Not In My Name NH; cosponsored by AFSC-NH.
With best wishes,
Maggie Fogarty, Grace Kindeke and Kathleen Wooten
AFSC’s New Hampshire “State House Watch“ newsletter is published to bring you information about matters being discussed in Concord including housing, the death penalty, immigration, education, civil liberties, and labor rights. We also follow the state budget and tax system, voting rights, corrections policy, and more.
The AFSC is a Quaker organization supported by people of many faiths who care about peace, social justice, humanitarian service, and nonviolent change. Maggie Fogarty and Grace Kindeke staff the New Hampshire Program which publishes this newsletter. Kathleen Wooten is AFSC’s State House Watch researcher and database manager.
"State House Watch" is made possible in part by a grant from the Anne Slade Frey Charitable Trust. Your donations make our work possible. Click the DONATE NOW button on our web page to send a secure donation to support the work of the AFSC’s New Hampshire Program. Thank you!