State House Watch: January 7, 2021

Greetings, State House Watchers! The 2022 state legislative session has begun!

Greetings, State House Watchers! We're back!

The 2022 state legislative session has begun!

It was wonderful to be with many of you at the NH Expo Center as we welcomed NH state representatives on Convening Day with signs in support of public education, fair wages and fair maps. Thirty or more hardy souls gathered at opposite entrances as lawmakers made their way into the building on the morning of January 5. Now that the House and Senate are in full swing, you'll receive this newsletter every week until the legislature wraps up in late May.


It's Time to Build Back Better!

Our visibility in Manchester on Wednesday was followed by an action urging our U.S. Senators to support President Biden’s Build Back Better Act. We appreciate all the folks who braved the icy rain. A livestream video of stories told can be viewed here. Grace Murray, Hub Manager of NH Youth Movement, shared her experience about why this legislation is so important:

"I was having a casual summer day at the lake with my friends when I got a call saying my sister had had a seizure and the doctors found four cancerous tumors in her brain. My first thought was 'how are we going to pay for this?' Even with the insurance, it seemed like we were getting a new bill with a lot of zeros on it in the mail every day. Unfortunately for my sister, she turned 26 five months after receiving her diagnosis and this left her uninsured, even after filing an appeal. It's stresses like these that shouldn't exist. Cancer patients shouldn't be worried about not having enough money to pay for the treatment that's saving their lives. We need to fix this system because it's not working for anyone. With Build Back Better, Medicaid would be expanded, prescription drugs would be more accessible, health care in many capacities would be more accessible. We need to try our hardest to make this bill happen. Sick people deserve health care no matter their demographic. Your net worth should not decide whether you get to live or die. That's why I’m calling on Senators Shaheen and Hassan to fight for a strengthened Build Back Better."


Anniversary of an Insurrection

Thursday marked the anniversary of the January 6 attack on Congress and our elections. Since that terrible day, the assault on our democracy has taken new forms across the nation, with efforts to unravel voting rights and to replace key election officials who might stand in the way of overturning election results in the future. The events of January 6, 2021 made it impossible to ignore the threats to our democracy—and that recognition gives us the opportunity to act, as Michael Waldman, head of the Brennan Center for Justice notes here:

"History's searing days often serve to rally public emotion, for better or worse. In World War II, soldiers fought to 'remember Pearl Harbor.' 9/11 briefly unified the country but was used to justify the invasion of Iraq. Will January 6 similarly inspire and rally? Congress is finally poised to act to protect American democracy. The Freedom to Vote Act and the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act are the most important voting rights bills in over half a century. They would stop the wave of restrictive voting laws, combat racial discrimination, establish strong national standards for elections. They would counter the antidemocratic impulse behind January 6. As the Senate returns this week from recess, these are the first item of business."


Let Us Honor Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Now is the time to renew our commitment to building the Beloved Community and to work for justice and fair elections. In this spirit, we hope you will join us for the 2022 Martin Luther King Day Celebration (online) on Monday, January 17 from 1:30 PM to 3 PM. The event is hosted by The Martin Luther King Coalition, of which AFSC is a part and which is comprised of organizations committed to the teachings, beliefs, and principles of Dr. King.


NH Secretary of State Retires

Bill Gardner announced his retirement this week after 45 years as New Hampshire's Secretary of State. Gardner's experienced deputy, David Scanlan, will serve as Acting Secretary of State. From NHPR: "The decision, which came as a surprise, opens the possibility of a multi-candidate race for secretary of state later this year. Under the state's constitution, the legislature elects the secretary of state every two years. The next election will be held in December, under a newly elected state legislature."


Coming Up in the House

The first segment of the Laurie List, also known as the Exculpatory Evidence Schedule, was made public in recent days, revealing the names of 90 NH law enforcement officers with questionable credibility due to misconduct related to "truthfulness" and excessive force. More information, including the list, can be found on NHPR.


In This Issue:

  • Highlights of the Legislature's First Days
  • Redistricting Update
  • Coming Up in the House and Senate
  • State House Watch on the Radio
  • Upcoming Events


Highlights of the Legislature's First Days

The House met in Manchester for two days last week to take up Governor Sununu's vetoes and the retained bills from the 2021 session. The 400-member body gathered at the NH Expo to allow for physical distancing during an acute period of the pandemic. Since there is no mask requirement for these sessions, there were masked and unmasked sections for seating. There was also a great deal of mingling in the open room. It is frustrating and disheartening that House members must face significant risks to their health, and the health of their family members, in order to fulfill the duties of their elected office. We urge the Speaker of the House to accommodate members' health concerns by providing a remote option for voting days.
According to NHPR: "At one point Thursday afternoon, House Speaker Sherman Packard told any lawmaker who had COVID to leave. 'If there is somebody in this room that has tested positive, I say right now, bluntly, 'Get out, you shouldn't be here,'' Packard said. His warning came after Brookfield Rep. William Marsh, a former Republican who switched parties to protest what he sees as GOP inaction on COVID, claimed a lawmaker infected with the coronavirus was at the session. 'I have reason to believe at least one lawmaker in this room has tested positive for COVID,' Marsh said."

Meanwhile, the Senate gathered in Representatives Hall at the State House; some were masked and some unmasked—also mingling. Unlike the House, the Senate approved by voice vote an amendment to its rules to allow for remote participation by senators for the 2022 session.

"Upon the vote of two-thirds of members present and voting, a member may participate in a Senate session from a remote location by electronic or other means that ensures that the member participating remotely is able to simultaneously see and hear each of the other members of the Senate speak during the session... A quorum of the Senate shall be present in the chamber at all times. This rule shall expire at the end of the 2022 legislative session."

There is still no option in either the House or Senate for remote testimony for legislative hearings, although these hearings will be broadcast online. There will also be an option to sign in online to register support or opposition to a bill.

The House appears to have changed its practice of scheduling the Executive Sessions for each bill (when committee members vote on their recommendations to approve or defeat a bill). Wording in the latest calendar suggests this may now happen without advance notice, making the process less transparent to the public by allowing votes to move forward unannounced.


Last Week in the House

The House started the year with a big stack of retained bills. The Speaker had allotted three days to vote on them all, but they completed their work in two days. Here are some of the outcomes.

First, a reminder about abbreviations:
Bodies can recommend Ought to Pass (OTP), or OTP as amended (OTP/A), or Inexpedient to Legislate (ITL). They can also 'Refer for Interim Study' (IS) which means the committee wants to keep working in it.

HB 607, establishing local education savings accounts for students, was tabled. In addition to the costly school voucher program passed into law with the state budget, HB 607 would create another, even more dangerous school voucher plan that allocates locally raised school taxes to fund school voucher accounts that can be used to pay for private, religious, or homeschooling. For most NH communities, the majority of the funding needed for their public schools is raised at the local level through local property taxes. HB 607 targets that funding. This bill would have devastating impacts on local communities and public schools.

According to NEA-NH "Today’s vote to table HB 607 is a bi-partisan acknowledgement of the reality that the majority of Granite Staters believe we should be investing in our public schools, not defunding them to pay private, religious, and home school expenses," said Megan Tuttle, NEA-NH President.

Tabled bills can be removed from the table with a simple majority until March 31 ("Crossover Day"); after that date, it would take a 2/3 vote to advance the bill.

HB 622, an abortion bill amended to eliminate a section of the Fetal Life Protection Act requiring an invasive ultrasound, was tabled by a vote of 325-23 after the Speaker unexpectedly ruled the amendment non-germane. The controversy is described in more detail here by InDepth NH.

Three redistricting bills, including (gerrymandered) Congressional district maps (HB 52), House district maps (HB 50) and those affecting the election of certain County Commissioners (HB 54) were approved. Note that the Senate will hold a public hearing on their redistricting bills on Monday, January 10. Scroll down for details.

HB 579, requiring notice to the public before immigration checkpoints are conducted, voted OTP/A by a vote of 254-85.

HB 238, prohibiting provocations based on a victim's actual or perceived gender, gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation from being used as a defense in manslaughter case, passed by a vote of 199-156. In effect this would prohibit the use of the so-called "panic defense" by defendants who kill someone who identifies as LGBTQ.

HB 103, establishing a dental benefit under the state Medicaid program, passed by a vote of 225-127.

SB 92, relative to increasing the penalty for criminal mischief, the release of a defendant pending trial, and requiring law enforcement candidate background checks. Tabled.

HB 60, raising the minimum age of marriage. Voted ITL. This leaves the minimum age of marriage at 16, rather than raising it to 18.

HB 473, establishing a renter's insurance notification requirement. Voted ITL.

SB 68, requiring an employer to provide reasonable accommodations for pregnant employees. Referred for IS.

SB 69, requiring employers to provide access to a sufficient space for nursing mothers and reasonable break time. Tabled.

HB 238, prohibiting provocations based on a victim's actual or perceived gender, gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation from being used as a defense in manslaughter case. In effect this would prohibit the use of the so-called "panic defense" by defendants who kill someone who identifies as LGBTQ. Voted OTP 199-156.

HB 629, relative to the home cultivation of cannabis plants and the possession of certain cannabis-infused products. OTP by a vote of 241-113.

HB 255, relative to limited liability for institutions of higher education and businesses. This bill, as amended, would broadly prohibit any requirement that people be vaccinated for COVID-19 at work, at school, or in community gatherings. Tabled by a vote of 213-142.

HB 359, creating a private cause of action for discrimination based on hairstyles relative to a person's ethnicity. Tabled.

HB 549, relative to the energy efficiency resource standard and the system benefits charge. Voted OTP/A 343-0.


Last Week in the Senate

The Senate made it through its list of re-referred bills from 2021 with the lion's share of the debate going to HB 307, which ultimately passed on a party-line vote 14-10, OTP/A. The bill, "relative to the state preemption of the regulation of firearms and ammunition," will expand the right to carry weapons on NH state university and college campuses and municipal property by restricting local rulemaking authority and imposing fines of up to $10,000 for violations of the statute. Democratic senators offered amendments to eliminate the fines, and to remove NH state colleges and universities from the bill, but both failed on party line votes. Because the bill was amended, it will return to the House for a vote. InDepth NH has more on this legislation and other Senate actions here.

SB 63, relative to business liability protection for exposure to coronavirus and COVID-19. Referred for IS.
HB 227, relative to termination of tenancy at the expiration of the tenancy or lease term. This would allow landlords to evict tenants for no other reason than that their lease had ended. Voted ITL.
HB 319, requiring students in the university and community college systems of New Hampshire to pass the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services civics naturalization test. Moved for consideration at a future date.
HB 135, requiring parties responsible for pollution of a drinking water supply to be financially responsible for certain consequences of that pollution. Voted ITL.
SB 75, relative to school district information on the COVID-19 dashboard maintained by the department of health and human services. Referred for IS.
SB 156, relative to management of the secure psychiatric unit facility at New Hampshire hospital. Voted ITL.

SB 39, exempting information and records contained in law enforcement personnel files from disclosure under the right-to-know law. Referred for IS.
HB 125, relative to post-arrest photo distribution by law enforcement officers. Referred for IS.
HB 427, prohibiting corporal punishment of children in state agency programs. Voted OTP.
SB 151, relative to renewable energy procurement. Referred for IS.
SB 121, relative to a state-based health exchange, allowing the state Department of Insurance to study the option of setting up a state-based health exchange for people to enroll in Affordable Care Act policies. NH currently uses the federal system and gets charged a small fee for that. Voted OTP/A.
SB 144, relative to childcare scholarships, allowing a pilot program for childcare scholarships based on enrollment instead of attendance. Voted OTP/A and referred to Finance Committee.
HB 503, codifying the council on housing stability. This bill also addresses access to medication-assisted treatment for addiction and coverage under Medicaid. Voted OTP/A.
HB 196, adding trespass as an exception to the charge of criminal threatening. Referred for IS.
HB 197, relative to the use of deadly force in defense of another. This would essentially expand the right to use deadly force to one's vehicles. Referred for IS.
HB 440, prohibiting the suspension of civil liberties during a state of emergency. Voted OTP/A.


Vetoes Upheld

The House and Senate also took up the governor's vetoes. While the Senate managed to override Sununu's veto of for-profit cannabis dispensaries, the House failed to do the same, so the veto stands. In the end, all the vetoes of 2021 were upheld, including bills changing the date of the primary, streamlining procedures for gun background checks, addressing the statute of limitations for juvenile victims, and adding requirement for financial literacy education.


Redistricting Update

A Senate Election Law Committee hearing will be held in Representatives Hall at the State House on Monday, January 10 from 1 to 4 PM so that members of the public can comment on the draft maps for Executive Council and Senate districts. Comments may also be submitted to
InDepthNH has an overview of what's proposed here. As with the House maps, Senate proposals seek to lock in Republican advantages and limit the number of competitive seats for the next 10 years. Both Democrat and Republican-authored proposals will be discussed at the hearing. 

The Fair Maps Coalition has this analysis and a set of talking points (scroll past the Congressional and House talking points to get to the ones specific to the Senate bills). The coalition also has this guidance about how to testify before the redistricting committee.

The Senate bills under consideration on Monday include SB 240, SB 241, SB 253 and SB 254, along with several amendments, which can be found in the Senate Calendar here. The first two bills come from the Republicans, the second set from the Democrats.

Getting the most attention has been HB 52, the Republican redraw of NH's two Congressional districts. According to Open Democracy Action, the proposal would leave the 2nd Congressional District heavily Democratic, voting 17.3% more Democratic than the state overall. The 1st Congressional District would lean Republican by 1.8% more than the state overall. NHPR has this to say about the redistricting efforts.

As with all bills, the redistricting proposals will have to be voted on in the originating body (House or Senate) then move to the other body to be passed by both before advancing to the governor's desk.


Coming Up in the House

We recommend to readers to use the House and Senate digital calendars, which tell you everything you need to know about what is coming up on any given day, and provide the online links for each committee. The handy House digital calendar can be found here. The Senate digital calendar is here. You can sign in to indicate your position on a bill or sign up to testify here for the Senate and here for the House.
We are encouraging those concerned about affordable housing in NH to express opposition to HB 1216 and HB 1254, which are scheduled for hearings in the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, January 12 at 2 PM. These bills would weaken or dismantle the Housing Appeals Board, which provides a more efficient process for review of housing related issues. Housing Action NH has more information here.

January 11

EDUCATION Room 205-207, LOB
1:00 PM HB 1574-FN, prohibiting the university system and community college systems of New Hampshire from charging out-of-state tuition to students voting in New Hampshire.
2:00 PM HB 1313, relative to rights to freedom from discrimination in higher education.

2:00 PM HB 1037, relative to the governor's duties during a state of emergency.
10:15 AM HB 1642-FN, relative to lead testing in children.

2:00 PM HB 1601-FN, relative to funding of the NHSaves program
3:00 PM HB 1621-FN, relative to reducing the rebates distributed by the energy efficiency fund.
January 12

2:45 PM HB 1392-FN, relative to penalties for nonviolent drug offenses and repealing the criminal penalties for possession of drug paraphernalia.
EDUCATION, Room 205-207, LOB
2:15 PM HB 1684-FN-A-L, limiting education freedom account funding to budgeted amounts.
JUDICIARY, Room 206-208, LOB
2:00 PM HB 1254, relative to the housing appeals board.
2:30 PM HB 1216-FN, repealing the housing appeals board.
3:00 PM HB 1200, relative to notice of rent increases in residential rental property.

2:30 PM CACR 29, relating to the general court. Providing that the number of representatives be no more than 150 and the number of senators be no more than 35.

January 13

EDUCATION, Room 205-207, LOB
2:15 PM HB 1137, relative to the duty of school boards to provide education.
3:00 PM HB 1169, relative to public comment and inquiry during school board meetings.

ELECTION LAW, Room 306-308, LOB
10:00 AM HB 1482-FN, relative to ranked-choice voting.
10:30 AM HB 1264, establishing ranked-choice voting for state party primary elections and municipal elections.
11:00 AM CACR 22, relating to elections. Providing that all elections in New Hampshire shall be by ranked-choice voting.

10:00 AM CACR 14, relating to unions. Providing that all workers have the right to join a union.
11:00 AM CACR 28, relating to the minimum wage. Providing that all workers have a right to a minimum wage that provides them with well-being and a dignified existence.

WAYS AND MEANS, Room 202-204, LOB
9:00 AM HB 1063, relative to the technical changes to the administration of certain taxes by the department of revenue administration.
9:30 AM HB 1430-FN-A, repealing the tax on rentals of motor vehicles under the meals and rooms tax.
10:15 AM HB 1221-FN, relative to the rates of the business profits tax and the business enterprise tax.

January 14

11:15 AM HB 1682-FN-A, establishing the law enforcement conduct review committee in the New Hampshire police standards and training council and making an appropriation therefor.
3:45 PM HB 1483, relative to the use of physical force by a law enforcement officer.
9:30 AM HB 1092-FN, requiring an official declaration of war for the activation of the New Hampshire national guard.
4:15 PM HB 1284, establishing a committee to study the effects of deportation of primary earners on family members who are United States citizens.

January 20

EDUCATION, Room 205-207, LOB
11:15 AM HB 1255, relative to teachers' loyalty.


Coming Up in the Senate

January 10

1:00 PM SB 240, apportioning state senate districts. Amendment #0013s to SB 240 will be proposed.
1:00 PM SB 241, apportioning executive council districts.
1:00 PM SB 253, apportioning state senate districts. Amendment #0009s to SB 253 will be proposed.
1:00 PM SB 254, apportioning executive council districts. Amendment #0010s to SB 254 will be proposed.

January 12

1:45 PM SB 304, relative to discrimination in public workplaces and education. This would protect anyone employed by a school district, SAU or public academy from civil liability for receiving training in or "engaging in any form of instruction concerning the historical or current experiences of any group that is protected from discrimination."
9:00 AM SB 279, establishing a study committee on harm reduction and overdose prevention programs.

January 13

HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, Representatives' Hall, SH
9:30 AM SB 288, prohibiting the requiring of COVID-19 vaccinations for schools or child care agencies.

January 18

1:40 PM SB 308, relative to driver's licenses for certain visa holders.


State House Watch on the Radio

State House Watch radio returns to the airwaves on January 10! You can listen at 94.7 FM, WNHN in Concord, and online at Our show airs on Mondays at 5 PM and is rebroadcast on Tuesdays at 8 AM. This week's guests are Gilles Bissonnette and Frank Knaack from the American Civil Liberties Union NH Program.


Upcoming Events

Tuesday, January 11

H.E.A.L. Together NH Monthly Gathering – 6 to 7:30 PM. Hosted by Rights & Democracy. Through H.E.A.L. Together New Hampshire (Honest Education Action & Leadership), we are working to help local communities organize nurture a vision of honest, accurate and fully-funded public education, and a just, multi-racial democracy. Amid targeted attacks on public education by an elite that seeks to divide us, we are fighting to change the narrative and deepen commitments to truth and equity in our schools, so that our students can have the education they deserve. These monthly calls are an opportunity to come together to build concrete skills that will support this organizing, share and learn from each other's experiences on the ground organizing for change in our local schools, and to discuss our broader collective goals and strategies on statewide campaigns related to education justice.
#NoWayToTreatAChild Webinar – 8 to 9 PM. Co-hosted by Defense for Children International Palestine & AFSC.  Please join the #NoWayToTreatAChild campaign for a webinar where we will share the latest updates on U.S. congressional advocacy for Palestinian children's rights and priorities for advocacy this year, including the 2022 elections. We'll end with a debunking exercise to help you become more confident in discussing Palestinian human rights.

Wednesday, January 12

AFSC Facebook Live – 1 PM. Hosted by AFSC. Sign up to receive updates and reminders for our ongoing series of livestream conversations, happening on Facebook Live every other Wednesday at 1 PM ET/12 PM CT/10 AM. Join in and view past conversations here.

How Militarism Fuels the Climate Crisis – 7 PM. Hosted by NH Peace Action. Militarism and climate disruption are intimately linked, a reality often not understood or highlighted in the environmental movement. Marcy Winograd of CODEPINK Congress and Janet Weil of Veterans for Peace's climate-militarism project will present a slideshow on how US militarism—750 overseas bases, troop deployments and weapons production—exacerbates the climate crisis. Our presenters will include concrete steps and actions peace activists can pursue to cut the Pentagon budget, curb military emissions and demand accountability from the Pentagon. Veterans for Peace, with support from CODEPINK, has spearheaded H.Res 767, a resolution introduced by Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA), calling on the Pentagon to track, reduce and report its greenhouse gas emissions. The Pentagon is the largest institutional consumer of oil and, therefore, the largest single U.S. emitter of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). Brown University's Cost of War Project reports that the Pentagon's GHGs exceed those of many industrialized nations. Yet, both major US parties continue to propose higher and higher budgets and expand U.S. military presence around the world. Join us to explore more of the facts and talk about how to make change.

Thursday, January 13

6th Annual Capital Coalition 2022 Legislative Review – 6:30 to 8:30 PM. Hosted by Kent Street Coalition. Join us to learn more about the upcoming legislative session with a wonderful cast of knowledgeable legislators who are eager to share their thoughts.
Open Democracy Book Club: Democracy in Chains – 7 to 8:30 PM. Hosted by Open Democracy. Please join us for our next Open Democracy Book Club. The book that has been chosen is Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right's Stealth Plan for America by Nancy MacLean. We will be joined by Nancy for the beginning portion of the program. Democracy in Chains is an explosive exposé of the right's relentless campaign to eliminate unions, suppress voting, privatize public education, stop action on climate change, and alter the Constitution.

Saturday, January 15

Leadership for Honest Education: School Board Candidate Training – 10 AM to 12 PM. Hosted by Rights & Democracy. The targeted attacks on public education in 2021 by an elite that seeks to divide us—nationwide and in our states—highlighted the importance of bringing elected leaders onto our school boards who are deeply committed to truth, equity and safety in our schools. If you have ever thought about stepping up and running for school board, now is the time! One of the best ways to serve your community is to run for local office, and for 2022, school boards are of ever-increasing importance. Ahead of the filing deadline for Town Meeting Day races, we're holding a prospective candidate training for anyone interested in running for their local school board in New Hampshire or Vermont. In this training we will cover campaign basics, connect with current elected leaders, and introduce some of the ways you can create lasting change as a member of your local school board.
Sunday, January 16

"What Stories are we telling ourselves and our kids about race?" 7 PM Zoom. Hosted by the Dover Area Religious Leaders Association (DARLA). Join us for our 2022 Celebration of Dr Martin Luther King Jr., with speakers, music, and discussion groups. Zoom link:
+1 929 205 6099. Meeting ID: 829 5703 5202 Passcode: 366792

Electric Voices – 7 PM. Hosted by Theater for the People and Community Church of Durham, 17 Main Street, Durham. This pop-up event featuring spoken word performances, live music, and great discussion hosted by Theater for the People, a BIPOC-produced, New England-based touring company and will be honoring the words of Toni Morrison. $10 suggested donation.

Martin Luther King Day – Monday, January 17

Invisibility: An Art Conversation and Visual Response – 11 AM to 12 noon at the Currier Museum, Manchester. Inspired by the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr., the Currier Museum of Art will present a live program over Zoom about invisibility and related issues of love and hate. We'll begin with a conversation about paintings by Norman Lewis and Glenn Ligon and conclude with a collaborative visual response. No art experience is necessary. We encourage adults and children to attend together.

Martin Luther King Celebration 2022 – 1:30 to to 3 PM. Hosted by MLK Coalition, including AFSC. All are welcome to join the 40th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Community Celebration on Zoom and on Manchester Public Television (MPTS) channel. Free to the public. Special Guest: TJ Wheeler is a jazz, blues and roots-related concert festival musician and educator. Musical sections by the Manchester High School West Jazz Band. Shared reading from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s sermon "Loving your Enemies" delivered at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church (November 17, 1957). We are proud to welcome back the Greater Manchester Area Choir with Director James McKim. The Martin Luther King Coalition is comprised of organizations that are committed to the teachings, beliefs, and principles of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Peace & Justice Conversations: On the Road to Reparations: The Struggle for Equity and Inclusion in the Granite State – 7 to 8 PM. Hosted by NH Peace Action. Please join us for a special Peace & Justice Conversation program honoring Martin Luther King, Jr. with special guest Brenda Lett, who has been a leader in racial justice and reparations work for several decades. Our conversation will commemorate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Brenda's work with the National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (N'COBRA), which is the premiere mass-based coalition of organizations and individuals organized for the sole purpose of obtaining reparations for African descendants in the United States. We will also discuss what racial equity looks like in a state that resisted celebrating Dr. King's work for many years and how the Triads of Evil—Racism, Militarism and Extreme consumerism—divert resources and lives away from lasting racial and economic progress.
Workplace Racial Equity Learning Challenge – January 17 to February 11. Hosted by NH Businesses for Social Responsibility & NAACP. The Workplace Racial Equity Learning Challenge will provide participants with daily emails, each with a theme, and links to resources. Weekly dialogues will allow participants to share challenges, ideas and inspirations each Friday.
Tuesday, January 18

Policy in the Time of a Pandemic: What happened in 2021? – 7 PM. Hosted by AFSC. Join our policy team of Aura Kanegis, Tori Bateman, Peniel Ibe, Imani Cruz, and Alison Kahn to recap our policy advocacy from 2021! Last year, we saw a whirlwind of federal policy action as the Biden administration took office and Congress got to work on COVID-19 relief packages, migration policy, voting rights, police reform legislation, federal spending, the Selective Service, and more. Together, we will review how AFSC and supporters like you engaged in policy work in 2021 and map out where these policy issues stand in 2022. Meet new team members, celebrate wins from your efforts and learn how to continue your advocacy for a just and more humane society.

Sunday, January 23

Granny D Birthday Celebration – 2 to 3 PM. Hosted by Open Democracy. Please join us via Zoom for the annual Granny D Birthday Celebration. The planning committee is working on an exciting program to honor Doris "Granny D" Haddock, legendary campaign finance reformer!

Wednesday, January 26

COVID-19 Vaccine Panel Discussion – 4 to 5:30 PM. Hosted by New Futures. Join us for a virtual panel discussion moderated by Dr. Gary Sobelson, a family medicine specialist at Concord Hospital, featuring renowned experts on vaccination safety and effectiveness.

Friday, January 28

College and Career Planning with C4C – 5:45 to 7 PM. Hosted by Change for Concord. Are you unsure about what you want to do after high school? Do you want to learn about resources and opportunities that you may not be getting from your counselors? Do you want to continue your education after high school, but don't know where to start? If you answered yes to one (or more) of these questions, this event is meant for you! At this planning event you will:

  • Learn how to create a plan for success
  • Receive guidance from college graduates and a professional life and career coach
  • Take an assessment to find out your interests and passion
  • Connect your interests/passion to college majors
  • Learn about colleges that serve underserved communities

Monday, January 31

Peace & Justice Conversations: Priorities for Peace Discussion – 7 PM. Hosted by NH Peace Action. Join us for a discussion of the question: What are your peace priorities? Rather than a speaker, this will be a facilitated dialogue on the topic where all can share, reflect, and listen. This program will not be recorded so people can feel more comfortable expressing their thoughts. NH Peace Action recently solidified our 12 organizational Peace Pillars—the areas we see as critical to work on to bring about a peaceful and just world. They include: the U.S. military budget, Middle Eastern wars, racism, climate, poverty and others. In this discussion, we can tell you more about NHPA's Peace Pillars and we want to hear what issues you think need to be addressed so that we can build peace in the world. Maybe they will be the same ones we've identified, maybe you will have other ideas. Let's talk!

With best wishes, 

Maggie Fogarty, Grace Kindeke and Anne Saunders

AFSC's New Hampshire "State House Watch" newsletter is published to bring you information about matters being discussed in Concord including housing, the death penalty, immigration, and labor rights. We also follow the state budget and tax system, voting rights, corrections policy, and more. 

The AFSC is a Quaker organization supported by people of many faiths who care about peace, social justice, humanitarian service, and nonviolent change. Maggie Fogarty and Grace Kindeke staff the New Hampshire Program which publishes this newsletter. Susan Bruce was our State House Watch researcher and writer for 7+ years until she passed away in mid-June 2021.

"State House Watch" is made possible in part by a grant from the Anne Slade Frey Charitable Trust. Your donations make our work possible. Donate now to support the work of the AFSC's New Hampshire Program. Thank you!