“Love is the motive, but justice is the instrument” — Bryan Stevenson
February 18, 2023
Greetings, State House Watchers,
Happy Presidents’ Day! Here's a newsy update to take with you into the long weekend. Enjoy!
We celebrated Valentine’s Day on Tuesday, by showing up to the governor’s budget address with cards for our lawmakers, urging them to “show love” for New Hampshire families, communities and the environment by passing a budget that invests in the good stuff – like affordable housing and childcare, healthcare, fair treatment for state workers, and more. Many thanks to NH Voices of Faith and to the NH Campaign for a People’s Budget which organized the action. Read our Demands here, and read some news coverage here and here:
“’Today is a day to recognize the love people have for family members, friends, neighbors, and communities. As a state, we show our love and care for each other in the form of policies and programs that protect each other’s health and well-being, support each other’s ability to achieve economic security and reach their fullest potential,’ said event organizer Grace Kindeke, NH Program Coordinator for the American Friends Service Committee.”
Governor Sununu’s proposed budget includes some good news - $25 million for affordable housing, a 10% pay increase for state workers, and updates to the school funding formula – and some disappointments, including insufficient funding for Medicaid reimbursements for mental health centers, and more money for “education freedom accounts,” to name a few. You can read more here and here.
We recommend this resource and this upcoming webinar from the NH Fiscal Policy Institute. Sign up today so that you don’t miss any of their reports and blog posts during this budget season.
The state budget is now in the hands of the House Finance Committee, where members have begun their work in earnest. We see many budget work sessions scheduled over the next two weeks, and we will be waiting for the announcement of the House public hearing on the budget bills, HB 1 and HB 2.
Next week is another busy one, but then the House and Senate take a break, except for a few committee hearings, especially in House Finance. State House Watch will take a short break too! You’ll hear from us next week, on February 24, but then we’ll skip March 3 and be back in your inboxes on March 10.
Please take action to support/oppose next week’s key bills:
OPPOSE HB 460, relative to eliminating voter identification exceptions. This bill would remove the ability for voters to sign an affidavit attesting to their citizenship, identity, age, and domicile when registering to vote, meaning that Granite Staters who forget or are missing documents could not register to vote. On Tuesday, February 21 at 3 PM in the House Election Law Committee, Room 306-308, LOB. Please sign in to oppose this bill. You can also join the Kent Street Coalition and Open Democracy for a visibility action at the LOB from 9 AM to 10 AM.
OPPOSE HB 538, establishing a local education freedom account program. This bill would allow parents who disenroll their children from their local public school to receive the total of their districts’ cost per pupil, to be taken directly from the district budget. These totals range from $200 to $41,000 per pupil, depending upon the district the child disenrolled from. Implementation of local vouchers would require a warrant on a town ballot and for the district to vote in favor of the program. On Tuesday, February 21 at 2:30 PM in the House Education Committee, Room 205-207, LOB. Please sign in to oppose this harmful bill.
OPPOSE HB 331, relative to the income threshold for the education freedom account program. This bill would eliminate any income barriers to eligibility for vouchers. On Tuesday, February 21 at 9 AM in the House Education Committee, Room 205-207, LOB. Please sign in to oppose this harmful bill.
SUPPORT SB 144, relative to the state minimum hourly rate. This bill would raise the minimum wage to $15/hour by 2024. The Senate Commerce Committee recommends ITL by a vote of 3-2. The full Senate will take up this bill during the session on February 23. Please contact your senator and urge them to support this economic justice proposal.
Black History Month – recommended reading
The Great White Heist (Yes Magazine, August 26, 2020): “We often talk about the unpaid wages of slavery but never talk about how free labor benefitted even those who didn’t own slaves. The cotton merchants made higher profits because they bought cotton cheaply. The shipbuilders, the textile industry, the international traders, the national defense, and every free person in America benefitted from this free labor that propped up the entire national economy. But that was only a drop in the bucket when it comes to what America owes in reparations.”
Celebrating Black History Month - Poems, articles, and podcasts that explore African American history and culture.
Immigration News
Love knows no borders, no walls, no cages - During the week of Valentine’s Day, AFSC joined people online and in communities around the U.S. to declare “Love Knows No Borders, No Walls, No Cages.” These actions were part of our ongoing call for an end to policies that criminalize and incarcerate migrants. That includes ending Title 42 and any policy that prevents people from exercising their legal and moral right to seek asylum.
You are welcome to attend a film screening this coming Tuesday night, February 21 at 7 PM. The film, “Seeking Asylum,” will be followed by a panel discussion with the film’s director and producer, and advocates from across the border.
Beyond the dome
The first claim was settled this week in the NH Youth Development Center (YDC) lawsuit for what has been called the largest child abuse scandal in New Hampshire history. The client experienced physical and sexual abuse at YDC in the 1970’s. Following the announcement, the lead attorneys for the majority of victims released a statement expressing their opposition to the government’s victim compensation process: “We represent approximately 1,000 victims of state-sponsored brutality and rape while in state custody…. Less than 1 percent of our claimants are interested in the state-imposed process because it ignored the input of the victims and is an attempt to low-ball or no-ball them.” Read more here.
Last week at the State House
We were sorry to see that HB 374, which would have created access to driver licenses for undocumented immigrants and others who lack a social security number, was defeated in the full House on Tuesday by a division vote of 191-179. We are grateful for the leadership of Representative George Sykes (D-Lebanon), who shared his family’s immigration story when he spoke in favor of the bill.
Unfortunately, the full House also defeated HB 597, which would have given NH residents the option of indicating their racial and ethnic identities on driver licenses. The bill was supported by the findings of the Law Enforcement Accountability, Community and Transparency Commission (LEACT), which was convened by Governor Sununu in the wake of George Floyd’s murder by police in 2020. Read more here.
We celebrate some good news. Two other immigration priorities – HB 282, which expands access to Medicaid for certain immigrants who are pregnant or children, and HB 624, which requires public notification of immigration checkpoints – received favorable committee recommendations and will go to the full House as “ought to pass.”
The Child Care for New Hampshire Working Families Act, (SB 237) had its first hearing on Wednesday, February 15. The bill would assist parents by expanding access to financial supports, and would assist childcare providers with regard to hiring and retention of staff. Read more here.
Wednesday and Thursday were big days for reproductive justice, with hours of compelling testimony in the House Judiciary Committee regarding seven bills that would guarantee, expand or diminish abortion rights. You can read all about it here and here.
Overheard at the State House
Because I was able to have children when I was ready, and not before that, I've been able to become a state Representative who is advocating for public policy based in compassion and justice. I’m tremendously grateful for being able to obtain the abortion care I needed when I was younger. Sharing my own abortion story for years, and hearing the stories of others, I know one thing for sure: abortion care is an intersectional issue. People of all economic classes, races, and religions access abortion care. Legal barriers to abortion will not stop abortions. They will only keep disenfranchised folks from accessing the care they need, sometimes with deadly results. –Representative Amanda Toll (D-Keene), prime sponsor of CACR2.
“I understand you all are probably thinking we must have done something wrong to end up in [jail or prison]. We are still human, and we are talking about a basic, biological need that should be honored in a dignified manner. I know for me, being at such a young age going to jail, I was already in a vulnerable state…. Ultimately, this conversation comes down to human dignity….. No one should be forced to risk toxic shock syndrome, infection, or infertility to manage a natural bodily function. I encourage all of you to support this essential piece of legislation and continue to serve and protect the dignity of those who menstruate.” – Ophelia Burnett, AFSC Healing Justice Organizer, testifying in support of SB 209
LOB – Legislative Office Building (33 N. State St. Concord)
SH – State House (107 N. Main St. Concord)
OTP – “Ought to Pass,” the recommendation for approving a bill or an amendment
OTP/A – Ought to Pass with Amendment
ITL – “Inexpedient to Legislate,” the recommendation for defeating a bill or an amendment.
ITL” can also be used as a verb.
IS – Referred for interim study
RC – Roll call vote. Each legislator’s vote is recorded and attributed to them.
VV – Voice vote
DV – Division vote
“Without Recommendation” - This indicates that the committee vote was a tie for both ITL and OTP. During the House session, these bills will be considered first as Ought to Pass.
Last week in the full House
The House met in session on Tuesday, February 14. Here are the outcomes of the bills on our watch list.
On the Consent Calendar
HB 291-FN, relative to false reports to certain departments. ITL by VV
HB 292-FN, establishing a criminal penalty for theft by a public servant. ITL by VV
HB 102-LOCAL, requiring high schools to include instruction on the nature and history of communism. Laid on the table by DV
HB 334-FN, relative to determination and cost of state adequate education. ITL by VV
HB 364-FN, relative to transportation for students attending career and technical education centers. OTP by VV. Referred to Finance.
HB 365, relative to a statewide facility condition assessment for school buildings. OTP by VV
HB 424-FN, relative to school lunch payment policies. ITL by VV
HB 435, relative to relief aid calculation in determining grants for adequate education. This bill increases the amount for relief based upon eligibility for free or reduced priced school meals and adjusts the grants by changes in the consumer price index as determined pursuant to RSA 198:40-d. OTP by VV
HB 101-FN, relative to requiring voters declare a party affiliation prior to a state primary election. This bill removes the ability of undeclared voters to cast a ballot in a partisan, primary election and requires them to set a registration four months before the contest. Current law allows the individual political parties to make this change on their own and the committee did not find it prudent to remove that choice at this time. ITL by VV
HB 259, relative to a study about making working at polling places on election day a civic responsibility and legal obligation for citizens. ITL by VV
HB 482-FN, requiring the use of ballots with embedded security, traceability, and relative to the chain of custody for ballots cast in elections. ITL by VV
HB 599-FN, relative to requiring an audit of the November 2022 election results. ITL by VV
CACR 1, relating to the governor. Providing that there be a lieutenant governor who shall assume the duties of the governor if the governor is incapacitated. ITL by VV
HB 266, relative to notice and public access requirements for hybrid and virtual agency public comment hearings for rulemaking. OTP by VV
CACR 5, relating to fundamental rights. Providing that the constitution protects the right to marry. ITL by VV
HB 164, relative to prohibiting towns from criminalizing the right to peacefully and orderly assemble. The purpose of this bill is to formally legalize the right to peacefully protest in any public place without restriction and to void any municipal ordinances preventing the same. ITL by VV
HB 171-FN, relative to bodily injury actions against governmental units. ITL by VV
HB 379-FN, requiring that attorneys be appointed to represent indigent tenants during residential eviction proceedings and making an appropriation therefor. This bill as originally introduced sought to establish a right to counsel paid for by the state for all eviction proceedings. The amendment changed the bill to require merely that in connection with evictions, tenants be informed that they may be eligible for legal assistance from New Hampshire Legal Assistance and informing them how to contact Legal Assistance. OTP-A by VV. Referred to Finance.
HB 633-FN, relative to electric distribution company market share, prohibiting certain electric rate increases, and requiring enforcement against Eversource. ITL by VV
HCR 3, relative to affirming states’ power over the federal constitution. Removed from Consent. Laid on the table by VV.
HR 13, affirming support for the people of Puerto Rico. By this resolution the NH House of Representatives shows its support and solidarity with the people of Puerto Rico as they decide for themselves which course they wish their island to follow, whether it involves statehood, independence, or maintaining their commonwealth status. Self-determination is their right, and theirs alone. OTP by VV
On the Regular Calendar
SB 1-FN-A, (New Title) relative to the closing of the Sununu youth services center and establishing a commission to study the public safety of the secured youth development center and surrounding communities. This bill would postpone the closure of the Sununu Youth Development Center from March 1, 2023 until a replacement facility is sufficiently completed and youth are transferred. General funds in the amount of $1.5 million are appropriated to support continuing operations the final four months of the current fiscal year. A Commission to Study Community Impacts of the Secured Youth Development Center is established with a sunset date. Construction monies are not appropriated. House - OTP-A by VV. Signed by the Governor. Effective 2/14/23.
HB 234-FN, relative to renewable energy credits. This bill is designed to end the practice of Renewable Energy Credit (REC) sweeping, a provision in statute that enables in-state utilities to use the REC NH residents produce and own without notice or compensation in order to meet their obligations under the Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS). Tabled by VV
246-FN, relative to uses of moneys in the renewable energy fund. Tabled by VV
HB 418-FN, relative to eliminating the rebates distributed by the energy efficiency fund. Laid on the table by DV, 186-182.
HB 576-FN-A-LOCAL, establishing an energy conservation program and an energy conservation project fund and establishing the state PACE reserve fund. OTP-A by VV. Referred to Finance.
HB 630-FN, establishing a revolving clean energy accelerator fund in the department of energy. The bill seeks to establish a “green bank” in which to deposit Inflation Reduction Act dollars. ITL by RC, 187-182.
HB 374-FN, relative to the application process for driver’s licenses and the privacy of motor vehicle records. ITL by DV, 191-179
HB 597-FN, relative to race and ethnicity data on driver’s licenses, and race and ethnicity data collection. ITL by VV
HB 34-FN, relative to raising the age of marriage to eighteen. ITL by DV, 188-184
HB 560-FN-A, establishing a contact person notification program to assist law enforcement personnel who have contact with a person with mental or physical disabilities and making an appropriation therefor. OTP by VV. Referred to Finance.
HB 309-FN, relative to civil rights education in public elementary and secondary schools. ITL by DV, 253-118
HB 420-FN-A, relative to the availability and funding for the dual and concurrent enrollment program by the community college system and making an appropriation therefor. OTP by VV
429-FN-LOCAL, requiring the offering of breakfast and lunch in all public and chartered public schools. Laid on the table by DV, 190-173
HB 430-FN-LOCAL, relative to applications for the education freedom accounts program. The bill limits applications for Education Freedom Accounts (EFAs) to students who are presently enrolled in public school for at least one year or will be entering kindergarten or first grade. Laid on the table by RC, 186-183
HB 626-FN, requiring the department of education to administer the education freedom account. Under current law, EFAs are administered by a private contractor that keeps 10% of the taxpayer dollars allocated to these accounts. OTP by RC, 183-180. Referred to Finance.
HB 638-FN-LOCAL, relative to the extraordinary need grants to schools. OTP by VV
HB 502-FN, relative to voter affidavit ballots. This bill repeals HB 418 which became law in 2022, creating provisional ballots. ITL by DV, 182-181
HB 508-FN, relative to the payment of postage on absentee ballot return envelopes. This bill would have the Secretary of State provide pre-paid, first-class postage for all return envelopes accompanying absentee ballots. ITL by DV, 189-172
HB 300-FN, prohibiting the disposal of certain food waste. This bill, as amended, comports with the findings, goals, and recommendations of the Solid Waste Working Group and the committee’s work to address waste disposal hierarchy goals. OTP-A by VV. Referred to Finance.
HB 462-FN-A, making an appropriation to the solid waste management fund and targeting food waste reduction and diversion. OTP-A by VV
HB 620-FN, establishing a department of early childhood education and relative to a pre-kindergarten pilot program. OTP-A by VV
Next week at the State House
The full House will meet in session on Wednesday, February 22 at 10 AM and Thursday, February 23 at 10 AM in Representatives Hall. House members are asked to hold March 9, 21, 22 and 23 for session days as well.
Coming up in the House
On the Consent Calendar
HB 491, relative to prohibiting the use of the prone restraint for minors. Rep. Mark Pearson for the committee: This bill as amended takes a balanced and realistic approach to prone restraint. On the one hand, it appropriately notes this form of subduing someone who may be dangerous to him or herself or others is fraught with danger and has been responsible for the deaths of numbers of children. On the other hand, it wisely notes that there are extreme cases in which prone restraint is the best or only way initially to bring under control someone who is in need of restraint. It includes the provisions that it is to be but a brief and transitory method on the way to other and safer forms of restraint and during the administration of restraint, the physical status of the restrained child must continually be monitored. Committee recommends OTP-A by a vote of 16-0
HB 46-FN, relative to the appointment of magistrates and repealing the statutes governing bail commissioners. As amended, this bill establishes a committee to study the use of court magistrates throughout the state court system to supplement or replace the current bail commissioner positions. Committee recommends OTP-A by a vote of 20-0.
HB 453-FN-A, relative to prohibiting the folding of election ballots and providing adequate envelops for absentee ballots to prevent folding. Rep. Steven Smith for Election Law. This bill would have prevented the folding of ballots to reduce machine counting errors. Subsequent investigation found that there are other ways to avoid the errors which do not require legislation. Committee recommends ITL by a vote of 18-2
HB 397, relative to the prohibition of the possession of hypodermic needles by minors. Committee recommends OTP-A by a vote of 20-0.
HB 598-FN, relative to funding maternal mortality reviews. The committee finds that redirecting monies from the domestic violence fund to the maternal mortality review committee fund is not the answer to increasing monies for the maternal mortality review committee fund. Committee recommends ITL by a vote of 20-0.
HB 235, establishing a commission to study the expansion of the landlord tenant mediation program in circuit courts. The study commission would provide the General Court and all relevant stakeholders with an appropriate venue to analyze the program and assess what has and has not worked and recommend changes going forward. The mediation approach is conciliatory rather than punitive and could lead to preservation of tenancy and prevent homelessness. The amendment changed the study format from a study commission to a legislative study committee in keeping with the House’s desire to reduce the number of commissions. Committee recommends OTP-A by a vote of 18-1.
HB 99-FN-LOCAL, requiring tax bills to provide information about a state tax rebate program for lower income homeowners. Committee recommends ITL by a vote of 20-0.
HB 273, requiring composting and waste recycling to be made available to residents of public housing. Committee recommends ITL by a vote of 20-0.
HR 7, calling for the federal government to preserve and protect Medicare and Social Security without cuts to benefits. Committee recommends OTP by a vote of 18-0.
HCR 7, recognizing the Nulhegan Band of the Coosuk Abenaki Nation. Rep. Tom Mannion for State-Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs. After hearing heated testimony from both sides on this issue, the committee concluded that passing this resolution would be detrimental to overall tribal relations. While nothing in the resolution precluded other tribes from submitting similar measures, HCR 7 would establish a new precedent involving a House committee choosing to recognize certain bands. Several committee members agreed that a recognition process for native tribes within New Hampshire should be considered and studied, but this resolution did not do that, as it was specific to only one band. Committee recommends ITL by a vote of 18-0.
On the Regular Calendars I and II
HB 108, relative to the confidentiality of reports made to the division of children, youth, and families and requiring guardians ad litem be appointed in certain instances. Committee recommends OTP by a vote of 9-7.
HB 639-FN-A, relative to the legalization and regulation of cannabis and making appropriations therefor. This bill legalizes the possession and use of cannabis for persons 21 years of age and older. As amended, the bill authorizes the liquor commission to regulate and administer the cultivation, manufacture, and retail sale of cannabis statewide, and makes an appropriation therefor. The bill maintains the Alternative Treatment Centers (ATC’s) currently registered to dispense therapeutic cannabis as a separate entity to manufacture, cultivate, or transport cannabis to their NH Health and Human Services-regulated retail locations. Committee recommends OTP by a vote of 17-3.
HB 97-FN, establishing an additional penalty for a violation of privacy. This legislation is a bipartisan effort of state representatives and senators to address inconsistencies in the law when it comes to adequately protecting individuals against sexual exploitation, especially when it comes to repeat offenses. Committee recommends OTP by a vote of 19-0.
HB 201-FN, relative to changing the penalties for driving without a license. This bill will change the penalties for driving without a license to a violation, unless the individual is convicted for a second time in a 12-month period. This bill was requested to reverse a change made in 2015. The current higher offense has the unintended consequence of disproportionately affecting single parents, people who are economically challenged, and persons who may be new immigrants or visa holders who are still learning our laws. Changing this penalty back to a violation for a first offence would help alleviate the overloaded court system for a relatively minor offense and would not have an impact on subsequent offences within a 12-month period. WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION
HB 643-FN-A, relative to legalizing marijuana. This bill would legalize marijuana possession for anyone over 21 and put the state liquor commission in charge of selling it. The committee felt this was too complicated and some objected to the state holding a monopoly on the production and sale. Committee recommends ITL by a vote of 16-4.
HB 131, requiring reports concerning school policies on classroom recordings and in-classroom observers. This bill requires school districts to report in-classroom observer policies and in-classroom audio/video streaming and recording policies to the Department of Education. The majority of the committee believe this bill is not needed as school district policies as adopted by each school board are available and open to the public. There are a number of associated issues that contribute to in-classroom policies and in-classroom streaming such as: special education confidentiality, privacy of all students, safety, class and building security, and student teaching. Committee recommends ITL by a vote 15-5.
HB 272-FN, increasing chartered public school per pupil funding. Chartered schools have not had a funding increase for five years. There have been nine chartered school closures since 2005 and all related to financial reasons. This bill, as amended, will increase the “additional grant” for chartered schools by approximately $1,000 per student. Committee recommends OTP-A by a vote of 19-1.
HB 492-FN, requiring the department of education to provide the house and senate standing committees responsible for education with copies of the laws and rules relative to education. Committee recommends OTP-A by a vote of 19-1.
HB 529-FN-A-LOCAL, relative to additional aid grants for schools based on free and reduced price meals and fiscal capacity disparity. The ultimate purpose of this bill, recommendation is to improve educational quality while ensuring that all students, regardless of educational needs or community valuation, shall benefit and have access and opportunity to educational services, criteria and elements defined by the state as an adequate education. Committee recommends OTP-A by a vote of 20-0.
HB 540-FN-LOCAL, relative to adequate education grant amounts for pupils receiving special education services. Committee recommends OTP by a vote of 20-0.
HB 601-FN-LOCAL, relative to state participation in the Medicaid direct certification program for free and reduced-price school meals. Committee recommends OTP by a vote of 13-7.
HB 196, establishing a commission to review and make recommendations on campaign finance laws. The intent of this bill is to create a bi-partisan study committee to review New Hampshire’s campaign finance laws with the aim of promoting the integrity of, and public confidence in, the campaign finance system. Supporters of HB 196 are concerned with the growing influence of dark money in state elections and want to examine the existing campaign finance disclosure requirements in New Hampshire. The study committee was supported by the Secretary of State and was one of the recommendations included in the Report of the Special Committee on Voter Confidence. WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION
HB 180, renaming Columbus Day as Indigenous People’s Day. The original bill would change the name of Columbus Day to Indigenous People’s Day. It has been amended to change the name of Columbus Day to Italian Heritage Day. Committee recommends OTP-A by a vote of 13-7.
HB 282-FN-A, relative to including certain children and pregnant women in Medicaid and the children’s health insurance program. This bill will ease Medicaid eligibility requirements for certain groups of “lawfully residing” minor and pregnant immigrants. Taking the federal option provided in the 2009 Children’s Health Insurance Plan Reauthorization Act, New Hampshire will join 35 other states and all of our New England neighbors in waiving the current 5 year wait for otherwise Medicaid-eligible children and pregnant women. It will apply to recent Green Card holders, those awaiting a final hearing for asylum, those on Temporary Protected Status (TPS), and victims of domestic violence. It will not apply to undocumented immigrants. Increasing access to healthcare is a wise and practical investment in the health and wellbeing of New Hampshire families. Committee recommends OTP-A by a vote of 12-8.
HB 565-FN-A, relative to expanding Medicaid to include certain postpartum health care services. There is a growing recognition that the postpartum period extends far beyond 60 days. This bill would extend Medicaid maternity care benefits from the current 60 days to a full year pursuant to the state option under federal law. Expanding postpartum healthcare coverage is a wise investment in the health and wellbeing of New Hampshire families. WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION
HB 574-FN-A, re-establishing the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Farmers Market Nutrition Program. This program gives women and children on the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program an extra $30 per growing season to purchase locally grown fruits and vegetables at farmers markets. In addition to the obvious nutritional benefits to the program recipients, the bill also benefits the local farming community by allowing greater purchasing power and ensuring greater demand for their produce. The bill includes an appropriation of $300,000. WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION
HB 240, relative to equal access to marriage. This bill would codify that the NH Constitutional Right to Privacy protects the right of interracial marriage in New Hampshire. WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION
HB 254, relative to remote participation in public meetings under the right to know law. This bill seeks to modify the requirements for remote participation in public meetings under the right to know law. This bill would make it possible for remote participants to count toward a quorum. Committee recommends ITL by a vote of 13-7.
HB 256, prohibiting cities and towns from discriminating in the use of public facilities. Committee recommends ITL by a vote of 16-4.
HB 308, relative to a quorum for meetings open to the public to include remote presence. Although the majority of the committee did not support another bill that would have permitted local governing bodies to hold remote meetings, it felt that permitting such meetings for state boards that may derive their membership from citizens who reside anywhere in the four corners of the state made sense because of travel times. Committee recommends OTP-A by a vote of 15-5.
HB 63, relative to religious use of land and structures. Committee recommends ITL by a vote of 12-8.
HB 57-FN, relative to the state minimum hourly rate. This bill reinstates the New Hampshire minimum wage and increases the minimum wage to $13.50 in year one, $14.25 in year two and $15.00 in year three. It then increases the minimum wage by the Consumer Price Index each year thereafter. Committee members who support an Ought to Pass motion believe that New Hampshire, like our neighboring New England states, should move toward a $15.00 minimum wage. Recent statistics indicate that more than 144,000 New Hampshire workers earn less than $15.00 per hour and would therefore benefit from the increases this bill would provide. Since lower income workers tend to spend whatever income they receive, any increased wages created by an increased minimum wage would be be put back into the local economy creating a positive impact on the economy. States that have increased their minimum wage have not experienced the negative economic impacts that opponents have warned about. WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION
HB 44, relative to permissible residential units in a residential zone. The majority believes this bill will help ease the state’s housing shortage, which has reached crisis proportions with a vacancy rate of less than .05%. It provides for up to four dwelling units by right on any single-family lot in residential zones served by public water and sewer. In order to qualify, the residential lot must be connected to a municipal water and sewer service. Committee recommends OTP/A by a vote of 11-9.
HB 226, enabling municipalities to regulate the distribution and disposal of certain solid waste within landfills. This bill allows municipalities to enact ordinances that restrict the use of single use plastics and limit how they can be disposed of in landfills. Committee recommends ITL by a vote of 16-4.
HB 212-FN-A, appropriating funding for investigations, testing, and monitoring relative to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances. Public and private wells throughout the state, and particularly in the seacoast and southern NH, supply drinking water contaminated with PFAS at levels beyond the NH Maximum Contaminant Levels. This bill expands the eligible uses of the PFAS Loan Fund, adds $2 million dollars to it, and renames it the “PFAS Response Fund” in order for the NH Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) to improve response to the growing need for water testing, scientific investigation, and anticipated response to federal regulation of PFAS in drinking water. Multiple environmental groups, the NH Municipal Association, and NHDES spoke in support of the bill. Committee recommends OTP by a vote of 20-0.
HCR 1, a resolution applying for a convention of the states under Article V of the Constitution of the United States. Committee recommends OTP by a vote of 13-5.
HR 8, urging Congress to enact legislation regulating and banning certain semi-automatic assault weapons and large capacity ammunition feeding devices. Committee recommends ITL by a vote of 10-8.
HR 9, calling for the federal government to enact an American Marshall Plan to rebuild economically impoverished communities and strengthen climate resilience infrastructure. Committee recommends ILT by a vote of 11-7.
HR 10, supporting statehood for the District of Columbia. Committee recommends ITL by a vote of 10-8.
HR 15, relative to affirming support against the establishment of a state religion. Committee recommends ITL by a vote of 14-3.
Coming up in House committees
You can watch the House hearings here. You can sign in for House bills here. And you can contact House committees.
Tuesday, February 21
2:45 PM HB 455-FN, relative to creating a new state cause of action and special findings for abused, neglected, and abandoned children seeking special immigrant juvenile status under federal law.
EDUCATION, Room 205-207, LOB
9 AM HB 331-FN-L, relative to the income threshold for the education freedom account program.
10 AM HB 432-FN, relative to participation in the education freedom accounts program.
10:45 AM HB 446, relative to participation in the education freedom accounts program by students with disabilities.
11:30 AM HB 603-FN, relative to education service providers under the education freedom accounts program.
1 PM HB 573-FN-A-L, limiting education freedom account funding to budgeted amounts.
1:45 PM HB 621-FN, relative to funds of the education freedom accounts program after termination of a student’s participation and responsibilities of the scholarship organization.
2:30 PM HB 538-FN, establishing a local education freedom account program
ELECTION LAW, Room 306-308, LOB
1 AM HB 243, requiring the tabulation of votes in elections to be done in public.
1 PM HB 415, making ballots cast in elections public documents.
1:30 PM HB 484, relative to the handling of the absentee ballot envelopes prior to election day.
2 PM HB 495, relative to counting votes.
3 PM HB 460-FN, relative to eliminating voter identification exceptions.
1 PM HB 56, relative to permits for the siting of new landfills.
2:30 PM HB 602-FN, relative to landfill siting.
10 AM Budget Work Session - DHHS Office of the Commissioner: Office of Business Operations; Legal & Regulatory Services; Bureau of Human Resources; Employee Assistance Program; Office of Health Equity; Division of Program Quality & Integrity; Prescription Drug Affordability Board.
10 AM HB 55-FN, relative to driver education. This bill would allow youth operators to waive a driver’s education course and allow them to be instructed by a parent, guardian or other responsible adult.
2 PM Executive session on HB 570, relative to Real ID compliant New Hampshire driver’s licenses.
Friday, February 24
9:00 AM Executive Session on HB 135-FN, prohibiting no-knock warrants; HB 328-FN, an act legalizing certain controlled substances for persons 21 years of age or older; HB 344-FN, relative to the home cultivation of cannabis plants and the possession of certain cannabis-infused products; HB 481-FN, relative to arrest warrants and search warrants; HB 503-FN, relative to the rights afforded to a person accused of a crime; HB 593-FN, relative to the forfeiture of assets in connection with a drug offense. HB 421, requiring feminine hygiene products to be provided to prisoners who menstruate in state and county correctional facilities.
EDUCATION, Room 205-207, LOB
9:30 AM CACR 7, relating to use of money raised by taxation for education. Providing that money raised by taxation may be applied for the use of religious educational institutions.
11 AM HB 515, relative to education freedom accounts.
12:45 PM HB 181, establishing a committee to study school meal programs in New Hampshire’s public schools and nonsectarian schools that accept public funds.
1:30 PM HB 516-FN, relative to freedom of speech and association at public institutions of higher education.
2:30 PM HB 451, relative to the state board of education prohibition on discrimination.
10 AM Budget work sessions with various state agencies.
1 PM Budget Work Session with DHHS Office of the Commissioner, continued: Facilities Administration; Bureau of Information Services.
Coming up in the Senate
The Senate will meet in full session on Thursday, February 23 in the Senate Chamber. You can watch it here.
On the Consent Calendar
SB 202-FN-A, relative to establishing a homeownership innovations fund in the New Hampshire housing finance authority. This bill would establish the Homeownership Innovations Fund, which would be administered by the NH Housing Finance Authority, to help foster innovation and financing of starter homes. Pilot programs would explore innovative construction alternatives, such as modulars or 3D printed homes, while also ensuring homes are affordable for families. Committee recommends OTP by a vote of 5-0.
SB 93-FN-L, relative to the individualized education programs of chartered public school students. Re-refer to Committee by a vote of 5-0.
SB 158, relative to absentee ballot outer envelopes. This bill amends the absentee ballot process by requiring the clerks to open the outer envelope, upon receipt and review of the affidavit, in order to allow voters the opportunity to correct errors. Absentee ballots hand delivered to the clerk will no longer require the outer envelope. These changes will reduce the number of disenfranchised voters and provide support for election officials. Committee recommends OTP-A by a vote of 5-0.
SB 164-FN-L, relative to biodiverse environments. Committee recommends OTP-A by a vote of 5-0.
SB 108-FN, relative to participation of the New Hampshire public defender program in the state employee health insurance plan. If passed, SB 108 will require the public defender program to reimburse the state for the cost of all insurance premiums for all participating employees. The public defender program will also pay the same premium rates as those set for the majority of participating state employees. Committee recommends OTP-A by a vote of 5-0.
SB 85-FN-A, relative to emergency behavioral health services and behavioral health crisis programs. This bill defines behavioral health crisis programs within the mental health treatment laws, creates a commission to study behavioral health crisis programs, and limits pre-authorization requirements for emergency behavioral health services. This bill recognizes the severe crisis New Hampshire is facing with regard to behavioral health and takes several critical steps to move the State forward in responding to the crisis. Committee recommends OTP-A by a vote of 5-0.
SB 178-FN-A, relative to certain specialty formulas under Medicaid. This bill prohibits the Department of Health and Human Services from requiring Medicaid beneficiaries to spend their own personal income on specialty formulas, food products, or enteral formulas and makes an appropriation to implement the provision. SB 178-FN-A will exempt critical specialty formulas from In and Out Medicaid coverage, ensuring families have access to essential foods necessary for their medical conditions. Committee recommends OTP by a vote of 5-0.
SB 233-FN-A, re-establishing the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Farmers Market Nutrition Program. Committee recommends OTP by a vote of 5-0.
SB 238-FN, relative to the use of telemedicine to treat mental health conditions. This bill permits doctors and APRNs to use telemedicine to prescribe medication to treat mental health conditions. This is a continuation of a COVID-19 pandemic-era practice that has made mental health treatment available to a wider portion of the population. This is an important policy that will help our providers address the growing mental health crisis in our state and continue access for patients when the national public health emergency ends. Committee recommends OTP-A by a vote of 5-0.
SB 179, relative to eliminating the use of seclusion as a form of punishment or discipline on children in schools and treatment facilities. The committee heard compelling testimony that seclusion is harmful to a child’s development, and should only be used in times of crisis for children or when they pose a threat to themselves or others. Used incorrectly, seclusion can be extremely traumatic for a child. Committee recommends OTP by a vote of 5-0.
SB 244-FN, relative to false public alarms. Currently, most false reports of catastrophes or emergencies to governmental agencies constitute misdemeanors. SB 244-FN would make an exception to the penalty for false public alarm if the report concerns the presence of an active shooter; such action would now be a class B felony. The Committee Amendment adds the false reporting of an explosive device as a class B felony, as well. This bill is designed to hold those who perpetrate hoaxes accountable. Committee recommends OTP-A by a vote of 5-0.
SB 248-FN, relative to bail for a defendant. Re-refer to Committee by a vote of 5-0.
SB 187-FN, relative to driver’s licenses for certain visa holders. This bill prohibits a nonresident employed in New Hampshire through the federal H-2A temporary agricultural worker program from operating a motor vehicle unless they possess a license issued by another U.S. jurisdiction or meet other listed requirements. This bill would help to ease the worker shortage by allowing nonresident workers to have driver’s licenses honored under U.S. jurisdiction. Committee recommends OTP by a vote of 5-0.
On the Regular Calendar
SB 46, relative to electronic payments to employee debit cards. Committee recommends ITL by a vote of 3-2.
SB 144, relative to the state minimum hourly rate. Committee recommends ITL by a vote of 3-2.
SB 141-FN, relative to administration of the education freedom accounts program. Committee recommends ITL by a vote of 3-2.
SB 134-FN, relative to disability pensions for public safety employees who are victims of violence. Re-refer to Committee by a vote of 4-0.
SB 128-FN, relative to payment for legal services for persons involuntarily admitted for mental health services. Committee recommends OTP by a vote of 7-0.
SB 129-FN, relative to the payment of costs for indigent persons involved in mediation services. Committee recommends OTP by a vote of 7-0.
SB 138-FN-A, making an appropriation to PFAS remediation fund grants. Committee recommends OTP by a vote of 7-0.
SB 172-FN, allowing court-appointed guardians to receive Temporary Assistance to Needy Families benefits. Committee recommends OTP by a vote of 7-0.
SB 175-FN, relative to Medicaid coverage for mothers. Committee recommends OTP-A by a vote of 5-0.
SB 58, relative to arrests without a warrant while in the care of a medical professional on the premises of a residential care or health care facility. Committee recommends ITL by vote of 3-2.
SB 181-FN, relative to access to abortion care. Committee recommends ITL by vote of 3-2.
SB 184, relative to the age at which a minor may receive mental health treatment without parental consent. Committee recommends ITL by a vote of 3-2.
SB 249-FN, relative to the release of a defendant pending trial. Committee recommends OTP by a vote of 3-2.
SB 252-FN, relative to release of a defendant pending trial. Committee recommends OTP by a vote of 4-1.
SB 186-FN, relative to an electric bicycle low-income transportation incentive program and making an appropriation therefor. Committee recommends ITL by a vote of 3-2.
SB 189-FN, relative to the definition of gross business profits in determining taxable business profits. Committee recommends OTP-A by a vote of 3-2.
SB 261-FN, relative to the interest and dividends tax rate and threshold. Committee recommends ITL by a vote of 3-2.
Coming up in Senate committees
You can watch the Senate hearings here. You can sign in for Senate bills here. And you can contact Senate committees.
Tuesday, February 21
9 AM SB 219-FN-L, relative to a salary floor for public school teachers. (The previous hearing for this bill was recessed on February 14.)
9:45 AM SB 136, prohibiting the employment or volunteering of a revoked or suspended educator.
10 AM SB 266, relative to the statewide education improvement and assessment program.
9:15 AM SB 79, relative to the participation of customer generators in net energy metering.
FINANCE, Room 103, SH
1 PM SB 231-FN, establishing a historic housing tax credit and making appropriations for workforce housing and affordable housing.
1 PM SB 245, relative to the inspection of hotel guest records.
1:30 PM SB 250, relative to remote participation in government meetings.
1:45 PM SB 253, relative to parental access to a minor child’s medical records.
2 PM SB 251, establishing a committee to study the long-term impact of the New Hampshire adult parole system.
2:15 PM SB 247, repealing limited liability for manufacturers, distributors, dealers, or importers of firearms or ammunition.
Wednesday, February 22
9 AM SB 236, establishing a committee to study nonprofit organizations contracting with the department of health and human services for children’s services.
9:15 AM SB 243, establishing a committee to study implementing a state-based health insurance exchange.
9:30 AM SB 263-FN, extending the New Hampshire granite advantage health care program and reestablishing the commission to evaluate the effectiveness and future of the New Hampshire granite advantage health care program.
Upcoming Events
Sign up for the DEI workplace innovation challenge hosted by NH Businesses for Social Responsibility.
Saturday, February 4 to Saturday, April 8
Black Quaker Lives Matter Film Festival & Forum – 1 PM. Hosted by The Black Quaker Project. We are proud to announce the 2023 Black Quaker Lives Matter Film Festival & Forum, a groundbreaking exploration of Black Friends who made a difference throughout both USA and world history. From February 4 to April 8, we will hold screenings, dedicated to Quakers of Color, over Zoom.
Sunday, February 19
Beyond Forty Acres: Land Ownership, and Black Wealth – 2 PM to 3:30 PM. Portsmouth Public Library, Livingston Room, 175 Parrott Avenue, Portsmouth. Hosted by the Black Heritage Trail NH. In the 1930s and 1940s, as African Americans in urban centers like New York, Washington, D.C., and Boston began to establish themselves as part of the middle and upper-middle class, they flocked to the East Coast shoreline in summer to take in the beach and the bonfires. For this conversation, panelists will share the history and personal stories of land ownership, discriminatory practices that have prevented wealth accumulation, and the enormous loss of farmland that Black families have experienced. Panelists will share stories of upwardly mobile Black communities and how they have recast the borders of white spaces. They will also discuss innovative ways Black New England farmers are reclaiming the land and sowing the seeds of health and empowerment.
NH Peace Action Acts! – 7 PM to 8 PM. Hosted by NH Peace Action. Did you know that it only takes six calls in one day coming in to get that issue discussed in the daily staff meeting of a Congressperson or Senator? While it can feel daunting to advocate for our positions with officials who we often disagree with, we have seen that we can change minds and policy, especially when we coordinate our efforts. In this Zoom meeting, we will start with a quick update on current legislation on a peace issue (exact focus TBA). Then we will take action together, calling and writing our representatives and using social media to spread our message.
Tuesday, February 21
Don't Step on My Feet Again: A Poetic Exploration of Life in Gaza - 12 PM to 1 PM. Hosted by AFSC. Join us for the second AFSC "Light in Gaza" webinar, where we will have the privilege of listening to Basman al-Dirawi in conversation with poet Tariq Luthun. This event will delve into the richness of poetry, culture, and life in Gaza, as the speakers shed light on the challenges posed by the blockade and occupation.
The Kent Street Coalition Book Club – 7 PM. Hosted by the Kent Street Coalition. We will discuss the book The Common Good by Robert Reich on Zoom. All are welcome to join us. Contact GaleTaylor for the Zoom link. "Robert B. Reich makes a powerful case for the expansion of America’s moral imagination. Rooting his argument in common sense and everyday reality, he demonstrates that a common good constitutes the very essence of any society or nation. Societies, he says, undergo virtuous cycles that reinforce the common good as well as vicious cycles that undermine it, one of which America has been experiencing for the past five decades. This process can and must be reversed. But first we need to weigh the moral obligations of citizenship and carefully consider how we relate to honor, shame, patriotism, truth, and the meaning of leadership." - IndieBound.org
Wednesday, February 22
A Friend's Call to a Farm Bill - 7 PM to 8:30 PM. Hosted by AFSC. Our food system is failing to address hunger in the United States. Nearly 38 million people—including 12 million children—are food insecure. The U.S. 2023 Farm Bill can expand efforts to alleviate hunger in the U.S. and ensure that no one is forced to go without food. Join AFSC staff and partners for our second roundtable discussion on the U.S. Farm Bill on how we can collectively call for policies that build a more just, equitable, and sustainable food system. In this Farm Bill learning series, all are welcome to join. We will deepen our understanding of how the Farm Bill functions, its crucial role in responding to the climate crisis, and how we can advocate for legislation that prioritizes the growing needs of our communities and environment.
Saturday, February 25
Prepared to Serve 2023 – 9 AM to 4 PM. Pembroke Academy, Pembroke. Hosted by the NH Conference United Church of Christ. With the theme “Connecting & Reconnecting”, we will offer a slate of workshops that will provide training and sharing on the topics most commonly asked for in this time of emergence. This year’s theme is from the scripture passage found in Romans 1:11-12 (CEV): “I want to see you and share with you the same blessings that God's Spirit has given me. Then you will grow stronger in your faith. What I am saying is that we can encourage each other by the faith that is ours.”
Black Excellence Conference - 9 AM to 4 PM. University of NH, Durham. Hosted by BLM Seacoast. On February 25th in Hamilton Smith Hall at UNH, we are holding our first Black Excellence Conference! This empowering, one day conference draws talented BIPOC professionals from across different industries by offering access to distinguished speakers and panelists, as well as a trusted environment to network, celebrate excellence among our peers, and share innovative practices to advance our community.
Sunday, February 26
Shades of Black: Connected by Color, Culture & Community – 2 PM to 3:30 PM. Portsmouth Public Library, Livingston Room, 175 Parrott Avenue, Portsmouth. Hosted by the Black Heritage Trail NH. Black folk in predominantly white environments have often found it “exhausting” to continually describe for others the negative impact of racism on them. They also have felt it a burden to serve in the position of “teacher” representing the wider Black community, instead of being viewed as individuals with their own unique stories and needs. For this panel, Black Americans from diverse backgrounds will share their stories on what it means to live in and love their own skin.
Black Excellence Awards Night – 5 PM to 8 PM. University of NH, Durham. Hosted by BLM Seacoast. In the Strafford Room in the Memorial Union Building, we are hosting our 3rd Black Lives Matter Seacoast Awards Night but this time in person! On this night, we will be honoring Black, Indigenous and People of Color community members who have contributed greatly to the Seacoast! This space is to give a platform to those who's recognition is long overdue. The night will feature an amazing keynote speaker, a dinner, performers, and the honoring of great award winners!
Monday, February 27
Peace and Justice Conversations: Ukraine’s Path to Peace – 7 PM to 8 PM. Hosted by NH Peace Action. One year into the Russian invasion of Ukraine, join retired Colonel and former Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell Lawrence Wilkerson for a discussion of the current state of affairs in Ukraine, and the ways the US policy can help work toward a peaceful future.
Tuesday, February 28
The Cost Of Living and Utilities Crisis Panel & Community Forum - 6 PM to 7:30 PM. Manchester City Library. Hosted by 350 New Hampshire and Party for Socialism and Liberation - Southern NH. Join us for a discussion on the cost of living crisis and what we can do about it. Bring your friends and bring your questions for us!
Self Care for Organizers - Close Art Looking - 6:30 PM to 8 PM. Hosted by RENEW US. “Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation and that is an act of political warfare.” - Audre Lorde. Organizing and movement work isn't easy - if you're reading this, you've probably experienced compassion fatigue, overwhelm, and issues around caring for yourself while you continue to do this work. Self-care looks different for everyone: how can you start caring for yourself when you're too busy caring for everyone else? We'll start with a brief grounding and relaxation exercise, and then spend time with a work of art. We'll do close looking, conversation prompts, and deep discussion about what we notice. Organizers of all levels are welcome to join, zero art skills or knowledge necessary!
Saturday, March 4
Light Up Keach Park Community Forum – 11:30 AM. 14 Canterbury Road Concord. Hosted by Change for Concord. We invite you to come to our community forum for the Keach Park Lights at the City-Wide Community Center in the Heights. Our program will include food, music, and presentations about our work. Our hope is that this event will build connections among the residents of our community, promote understanding of our campaign, and provide feedback, questions and suggestions which will strengthen our work. Concord residents, please sign the petition. Thank you!
Sunday, March 5
Remembering Selma: Charting the Path Forward to a Multiracial Democracy - 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM. Hartnett Parking Lot - 99 Lowell St. Manchester. Hosted by Open Democracy & partners. The events on the Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama on "Bloody Sunday," March 7, 1965, were a pivotal event in the civil rights movement and in United States history, galvanizing public opinion and mobilizing Congress to pass the Voting Rights Act. Join us to commemorate the 58th anniversary of "Bloody Sunday" with a community march, teach-in and potluck lunch. We will hear stories from members of our community who were present, witnessed or led in the Civil Rights Movement. Join in the discussion to learn more about NH’s connection to that history, the challenges to maintain the gains of that era and ways we can come together to continue to ensure that voting remains accessible to all citizens.
Exploring the Heart of Cross-Racial Conversation – 2 PM to 3:30 PM. Portsmouth Public Library, Livingston Room, 175 Parrott Ave. Portsmouth. Hosted by the Black Heritage Trail NH. Since the end of WWII, the perceived success of Asian Americans – who have been wrongly portrayed as a monolithic group – has led white apologists to cast this group as the “model minority.” The lack of cross-racial conversations keeps people isolated in their own racial groups at the expense of personal, professional, and societal growth. This panel will explore what happens when racialized groups begin to dialogue. Panelists will discuss the myth of the model minority, what happens when language is used as a social construct to divide, and what happens when the American racial hierarchy forces one to choose a particular identity or culture over another. How can we speak openly and honestly in cross-racial conversations?
Monday, March 6
Organizing 101 - What is Organizing and why are we doing this? (and why it matters!) -7 PM to 8:30 PM. Hosted by Renew US. Working together and organizing is the beginning of the path forward for the kind of change we want to see in the world: deep, structural change that makes life better for everyone. Our Organizing 101 five-part series seeks to demystify aspects of organizing, activate you into your community, and plug you into collaboration moments with Renew US partner organizations. Each session will focus on a component of organizing, and each will conclude with an action for you to take. You do not have to attend all five (you’re welcome to!) and each session stands alone. Please click here for all of the upcoming programs and times.
Tuesday, March 7
Faithfully Showing Up for Our LGBTQ+ Youth - 8 AM. NH State House, Concord. Hosted by NH Council of Churches & NH Voices of Faith. Join us to show up faithfully for our LGBTQ+ youth in NH. On March 7, the House HHS committee will hear two bills, including HB 619 which seeks to overturn the state ban on conversion therapy, target affirming medical care for transgender youth, and more. Please join us in front of the State House at 8 AM for a joint visibility with coalition partners. Hearings begin at 9 AM in Reps Hall. Voices of faith are especially crucial to these bills. Let's show our LGBTQ+ youth that they have strong support from voices, and communities of faith across NH!
Thursday, March 9
From Nonotuck to Northampton: Recovering Indigenous Histories - 7PM. Hosted by Historic Northampton. Historic Northampton’s newly launched “Indigenous Histories” on our website features the scholarship of Dr. Margaret M. Bruchac, including her extended essay titled “From Nonotuck to Northampton: Recovering Indigenous Histories." In her essay, Bruchac re-examines colonial era encounters between Nonotuck and settlers, offers Indigenous perspectives, and gives readers the tools to better understand the historical record. The website also includes a visual history, maps, links to relevant historical publications and documents, and more.
Sunday, March 12
“Youth to Power”: Black Female Activists – 2 PM to 3:30 PM. Temple Israel, 200 State Street Portsmouth. Hosted by the Black Heritage Trail NH. Black Women have been leaders in this country for centuries as abolitionists, voting rights advocates, college founders, civil rights defenders, labor leaders, entrepreneurs, and more. Often, their work to overcome race and gender stereotypes have been seen as unusual or magical, serving to minimize their labor and talent. This closing discussion will feature a group of young BIPOC women exploring where we are culturally as a state and where we want to be heading. Panelists will share how their activism is shaping their world view and hopes for the future.
Be well,
Maggie Fogarty and Grace Kindeke
AFSC’s New Hampshire "State House Watch" newsletter is published to bring you information about matters being discussed in Concord which relate to racial, social, and economic justice. Bookmark https://afsc.org/state-house-watch to read current and past newsletters, including our 2022 End of Session Report.
The AFSC is a Quaker organization supported by people of many faiths who care about peace, social justice, humanitarian service, and nonviolent change. Maggie Fogarty and Grace Kindeke staff the New Hampshire Program which publishes this newsletter. You can support our work by donating to the NH Program online or by sending a check payable to: AFSC-NH, 4 Park Street #304, Concord NH 03301. Thank you!