Joanne Chesimard, also known as Assata Shakur, is an author and freedom fighter. Shakur's autobiography Assata looks into the ways that gender, race, and sex colored her journey as a freedom fighter during the tumultuous 1960s-1970s. (Photo: Google) Happy Women's History Month! That's all. |
WE ARE LIVE! YOUTH COUNCIL APPLICATION The mission of this council is to equip youth (middle school-through college freshman) with the tools to organize and strategize around systemic oppression in St. Louis. Through grassroots community organizing, focusing specifically on decisions made in their educational environments as well as issues within their communities, youth will be at the forefront of change. The goal is to represent youth from a wide range of backgrounds who have been impacted by punitive measures taken by decision-makers within the systems they are affected. Apply using this link: More info: Joshua Saleem at: | 314-324-7442 |
JOIN OUR MONTHLY GATHERINGS Third Sundays at 3:30pm AFSC STL is looking forward to both seeing familiar and new faces at our upcoming gathering Sunday March 21st at 3:30pm. These gatherings will be the third Sunday of every month. How do you join in? Save this zoom link here: |
EAST ST. LOUIS RESPONDS! VALENTINES DAY CARD MAKING ICYMI from the February 2021 newsletter: The weekend prior to Valentines Day, our organizing family got together virtually (see above) to write love notes to decision makers across STL area School Districts. The purpose was to encourage those in authority to challenge harmful policies around security and safety that contribute to the school-to-prison pipeline. After the cards were made, they were mailed to the offices of those in leadership. The day of Valentines Day, our organizing family also participated in a social media blast sharing memes tied to the issue. We'd like to thank all who participated in these activities. Check out the response from East St. Louis to Sarah Nash, our Potts Intern, from our blast effort below. We look forward to getting more responses in the near future. |
SCHOOL DISCIPLINE & POLICING OF STUDENTS The American Friends Service Committee in St. Louis is seeking community voice in its work around school discipline and the policing of students in schools. This survey should take an estimated 5-7 minutes to complete. Share and Fill it out here. |
PROGRAM DIRECTOR TACKLES THIS WHAT DEMOCRACY SOUNDS LIKE PODCAST WITH MCU Joshua Saleem, Program Director of American Friends Service Committee St. Louis, participated in a interview for a podcast on "Restorative Education Practices" conducted by Metropolitan Congregations United. The exchange was a part of a series of conversations on local issues under the umbrella of "This is What Democracy Sounds Like." Director Saleem drops jewels around reimagining safety in schools tied to discussions on restorating by transforming community. Calling out the antiquated and status quo tactics of disciplining youth, he states the following: "The punitive system says we are soft on kids - we say it’s the other way around that the punitive system is soft because there’s not accountability." Sit back and enjoy the podcast here. |
YOUTH ASK QUESTIONS AROUND APRIL 6th ELECTION SLPS SCHOOL BOARD CANDIDATES RESPOND STL City voters! Check out the work AFSC St. Louis has been doing this week around the upcoming election for School Board! Each day, AFSC St. Louis has been sharing a student-asked question and the responses of the 10 candidates currently running for the Board of Education! We are releasing a website soon with all the responses. In the mean time, check out the SLPS Board Candidates responses here: Instagram: /yuirstl Facebook: /AFSCstlouis |
LITERATURE St. Louis American
The Guardian