In person event in Chicago!
Thursday, April 27, 6:30pm at Grace Place in Chicago, join us to hear from +972 Magazine editor Haggai Matar who will be sharing his analysis of recent protests in Israel. “Democracy or Apartheid: A Report from the Israeli Protests.” Admission is free, but donations accepted! To read some of Haggai's analysis, follow him on twitter @Ha_Matar or read +972 article at the end of March on this topic. The event is co-sponsored by Tzedek Chicago, Jewish Voice for Peace-Chicago, and the Committee for a Just Peace in Israel and Palestine. Some of you may remember Haggai from his visit to Chicago in 2002 as an Israeli military refuser!
Act to end military aid!
In March, AFSC joined faith leaders in sending a letter to President Biden and members of Congress to express concern about the deteriorating human rights situation and rise in violence in both the occupied Palestinian territory and Israel.
U.S. military funding to Israel in part sustains violence, making the U.S. government complicit in ongoing abuses. “As U.S churches and church-based organizations, we call for change to end this U.S. complicity and ask that the U.S. government hold Israel accountable for its abuses including by cutting military aid.”
Senator Sanders and Rep. Bowman Letter
Two Illinois representatives, Rep. Chuy Garcia and Rep. Delia Ramirez, were among the 12 signatories to a letter led by Senator Bernie Sanders and Rep. Jamaal Bowman calling on President Biden and Secretary of State Blinken to “ensure that all U.S. future funding assistance to Israel, including weapons and equipment, is not used in support of gross violations of human rights, including by strengthening end-use monitoring and financial tracking.” Click here to read the full letter sent in April.
Gaza: Humanitarian Appeal for Elderly
Contribute to our appeal to support elderly Palestinians in Gaza. Read more about this AFSC humanitarian effort and follow this link to send a message to Congress urging them to lift the blockade.
Looking for other ways to support Palestinians in Gaza? Check out these suggestions online.
New Study Guide Available
Have you purchased a copy of our Gaza anthology “Light in Gaza: Writings Born of Fire”? Copies can be ordered directly from the publisher here. Recommend the book to your book group and use our Study Guide to help facilitate a conversation about Gaza.
Best Wishes to Jehad!
AFSC and the Palestine Activism Program congratulate Jehad Abusalim on his appointment as Executive Director of the Jerusalem Fund in Washington, DC. We miss his daily insights and invaluable contributions to our work but look forward to further partnerships with him in his new role! Check out the work of the center and follow Jehad on Twitter, @JehadAbusalim.
Upcoming Events
In Chicago:
- 22nd Annual Chicago Palestine Film Festival starts April 29 at Gene Siskel Film Center. For more information:
- Chicago Webinar Nakba event, Saturday, May 13 sponsored by American Muslims for Palestine and the Chicago Faith Coalition on Middle East Policy, Indiana Center for Middle East Policy. Link to register coming soon.
Stay tuned in May…
- A new bill in the works by members of U.S. Congress on Palestinian children's rights. Join the No Way to Treat a Child Campaign May 16 webinar at 11am CT, link to register coming soon.
- New U.S. House resolution to be introduced on recognizing the Palestinian Nakba… May 10 in Washington, DC.
- Three part Zoom series: “Nakba @75: The Ongoing Palestinian Catastrophe” organized by the Indiana Center for Middle East Peace, starting Thursday, May 4. Click here for more information and to register for the first conversation with Sandra Tamari of the Adalah Justice Project.
- Public launch of new Apartheid-free communities campaign…