After the police murder of George Floyd, people of conscience of all ethnicities joined Black Lives Matter protests in Minneapolis and across the U.S.
Shanene Herbert and Sharon Goens-Bradley, AFSC staff working in the Twin Cities witnessed this response—and saw that white people of faith needed support in deepening their skills for working to end white supremacy. They proposed and co-designed an eight-part e-course, led by AFSC’s Friends Relations Director Lucy Duncan and Friends Lisa Graustein and Mila Hamilton. More than 500 Quakers and people of faith took part.
The course, titled “Radical Acting in Faith for White People,” helps white people learn to more effectively support movements for racial justice, including in following the leadership of Black Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC), speaking effectively to interrupt racist speech, and engaging in action that results in tangible, positive outcomes for BIPOC.
One participant told us, "I felt that this webinar was not just relating information but was developing tools for the participants based on experiences, failures, and realizations of the facilitators [who] were still actively learning the nuances of addressing the issues in racism.”
Interested in listening to webinar recordings and reviewing materials? They're now available as a self-study e-course. Visit