Much to do in 2022

By Jennifer Bing and Jehad Abusalim

Thank you for making our work possible in 2022!

Israeli Apartheid made news headlines this week as Amnesty International released their long-anticipated report “Crime of Apartheid: The Government of Israel's System of Oppression Against Palestinians.” Amnesty joins a number of other human rights organizations in documenting how ongoing human rights violations against Palestinians by the government of Israel amount to apartheid, which is a crime against humanity under international law.

For decades AFSC has called attention to the systematic inequality that exists between Palestinians and Jewish Israelis. These inequalities are not just the result of the ongoing occupation, but also are a reality for Palestinians living inside Israel. Read more about why AFSC uses the term “apartheid” to make clear our commitment to the realization of not just the end of Israel’s occupation, but justice and equality for all people in Israel and Palestine regardless of their location. AFSC’s support for divestment from Israeli apartheid brings us in line with this commitment.


Al Mezan: Gaza Bantustan

Late in 2021, the Al Mezan Center for Human rights issued a report “The Gaza Bantustan – Israeli Apartheid in the Gaza Strip” which considers Israeli apartheid from the perspective of two million Palestinians living in Gaza.

“As a sealed-off enclave, fragmented from the rest of the occupied Palestinian territory (OPT) and controlled by Israel within its apartheid system, Gaza is a strip of land that can in many respects be likened to a South African bantustan. While the Israeli government purports to justify the closure and related restrictions under the guise of ‘security,’ this report shows how Israel’s policies are in fact motivated by its intent to separate and divide Palestinians and thereby to assert its domination over them, in furtherance of its overarching settler-colonialist agenda.” 

To read the report online, click here!


Take Action: Tell Congress to Stop the Displacement of Palestinians 

Contact Congress today! Tell your elected officials to speak out against the forced displacement of Palestinians and to urge the State Department to take action to end Israel’s demolitions of Palestinian homes and property.

Join our monthly No Way To Treat a Child Campaign webinar, Tuesday, February 8 at noon EST (11 am CT) as we discuss home demolitions and land seizure through the lens of international law. Learn about the impacts on children living this reality in Palestine. Register for the webinar here. 


Jehad and Jennifer in the news

"Tantura and the Continuing Palestinian Plight in Plain Sight" is a recent article by Jehad published in The New Arab 

For decades, Palestinians have told the story of the Tantura massacre, but only when Israeli veterans confessed did the world listen. Until Palestinians have the authority to narrate their own history, justice remains elusive, writes Jehad.

Jennifer was recently invited by We are Not Numbers and Days of Palestine to speak at their international forum organized in Gaza in January. Read about the event here and watch the proceedings. 

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