On November 29, the International Day in Solidarity with the Palestinian People, we hosted our partners and fellow human rights advocates on Facebook Live to discuss the Israeli government's attempt to criminalize Palestinian civil society organizations. If you missed the live recording, you can still view it here.
We have gathered resources to learn more about this move to silence critical work for Palestinian rights here on AFSC's website. We urge you to encourage your member of Congress to speak out against Israel's attacks on these human rights defenders. You can take action here.
Ribbons of Remembrance displayed at Palestine conference!
The ribbon banner we created in October to honor the lives of Palestinians killed in Gaza last May was on display at the recent in-person American Muslims for Palestine conference in Chicago. Jennifer was among the speakers at the conference (attended by 3,000 people!) sharing the solidarity work accomplished in 2021 and what more is needed in the years ahead. To see a recording of the panel presentation click here.
Join us for our final webinar of 2021 with the No Way to Treat a Child Campaign where we will share important updates and ways to take action. Register for the Tuesday, December 7 webinar (at 11am CT/noon ET) here.
Did you miss our film premiere?
Caging Childhood: Palestinian Children in Israel’s Military Detention System is a new short documentary produced by Defense for Children International-Palestine that shares the stories of three Palestinian children in the occupied West Bank and their experiences being detained, interrogated, prosecuted, and imprisoned in the Israeli military detention system.
To see the film online, click here!
We are excited that in 2022 we will be sharing new writings about Gaza by Palestinians!
Stay tuned for exciting news about a book anthology we have been working on to be published by Haymarket Press in 2022!
Thank you for your support of our work!