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Making noise to free incarcerated youth in Illinois
Last year, AFSC Chicago Peacebuilding and partners in the Final 5 Campaign showed the youth inside the Juvenile Temporary Detention Center (JTDC) and Illinois Youth Center-Chicago that they are loved and deserve to be home for the holidays. Proponents of ending all youth incarceration will again demonstrate for freedom on Tuesday December 14 at 7pm CT at the JTDC.
Confronting racism in education
AFSC Twin Cities Youth Undoing Institutional Racism (YUIR) will hold a youth-focused critical conversation about racism in education on Wednesday, December 15 at 5:30 pm CT. This virtual event will cover topics such as the increase in the use of the N-Word by white students and faculty, the experience of microaggressions, and the battle against teaching critical race theory. Register here.
Join in writing letters to people serving long prison sentences in Michigan
The Michigan Criminal Justice Program invites you to come together with others to write letters to people serving life and long sentences in Michigan prisons. The
Zoom call on Wednesday, December 16 at 6:30 pm ET will also include time with AFSC’s new website, Let Me Tell You, which features the stories of some of the 13,000 people serving long sentences in that state.
St. Louis office to host holiday card-making for justice-involved youth
Join AFSC St. Louis on Saturday, December 18, at 10 am CT for our second annual gathering to make homemade holiday cards for justice-involved young people in St. Louis. We’ll be on Zoom connecting with each other and listening to holiday music while making the cards from our own homes. We will provide you with all the card-making supplies you need as well as a holiday treat to enjoy. Bring yourself or the whole family! Register here.
Opposing Israel’s attacks on Palestinian rights organizations
The latest newsletter of the Chicago Palestine Activism Program features an AFSC Facebook Live discussion on the Israeli government's attempt to criminalize Palestinian civil society organizations. Learn more and take action. AFSC staff also served on a panel reflecting on the work at the recent American Muslims for Palestine conference in Chicago.
From Afghanistan to Iowa: Sadaf (left) and Barsat say thank you.
Short takes
Here’s the latest update from AFSC alums with Iowa Migrant Movement for Justice and a few photos of more alums from a recent anti-drone vigil in Des Moines….A warm welcome to Alicia Brown, the Michael McConnell Peace with Justice Fellow in Chicago….Check out AFSC’s week of action to #FreeThemAll through December 18….Joyce Ajlouny of AFSC is quoted in this press release opposing sanctions and ensuring Covid vaccine access for everyone….Anyone looking for professional research, campaign, or survey research experience is encouraged to apply for this paid AFSC research assistant/internship.
Grateful for your support
As 2021 draws to a close, please know how much we appreciate your gifts of time and money. Please renew your support of AFSC by donating now; please consider becoming a Partner for Peace by donating monthly. Thanks for sharing this subscription link for the Midwest Digest, and check out AFSC Midwest on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. Thank you!