Post one:
Women's Huron Valley has been overcrowded for years. People who live at WHV experience difficult conditions always. And now, due to COVID 19 the conditions are worse. Pass SB 487 Outside Oversight of the Valley. We need #PrisonOversight and #CareNotConfinement
Post two:
We applaud pregnancy prison standards of care policy improvements, and still need to stop sending parents to prison and when they do go to prison, they should be allowed to breastfeed and care for their babies. #breastfeedingisahumanright #keepparentshome #CareNotConfinement
Post three:
EVERY PREGNANCY IN PRISON IS HIGH RISK Join Detroit Activist Siwatu-Salama Ra and others in fighting to pass SB 487 WHV Outside Oversight bill at #carenotconfinement #oversightnow