A just and lasting peace in Israel and Palestine

Layne Mullett
Director of Media Relations


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Earlier today, Palestinians from Gaza carried out attacks in Israel that killed at least 90 Israelis, injured nearly 1,000, and hostages have been taken. Israeli air strikes on Gaza have killed more than 200 Palestinians and injured at least 1,600. There are also reports of arrests of Palestinians in Israel. This is in addition to the 247 Palestinians and nearly 30 Israelis killed this year, the deadliest year in some time. 

AFSC mourns with those who have lost loved ones and all who are suffering. We will continue to work for the changes needed to end this violence and build a just and lasting peace.  

Military action will accomplish nothing but death and destruction. Instead, we need leadership that demands an immediate end to all violence and that seeks long-term solutions to end the apartheid system and pervasive inequality at the root cause of this violence.