Javier is the first person in his family to graduate from high school. Both his parents are undocumented, and he spends his time supporting his parents. Most days he is working with his father in landscaping.
In his free time, Javier sketches and draws comics. He is always eager to try new art techniques and uses them to do many self-portraits. His art has been his escape from the realities his family face because of their lack of immigration status. He knows that his community faces discrimination and sees the importance in youth like him being the ones to bring real changes that will protect not just his family but families like his.
Artist statement:
“The painting represents me alone in a room with the only thing to do is to be on the game and talk with others all the while having to think and talk about the problems that this pandemic has brought. This painting shows that I'm constantly worrying. The black surrounding represents the feeling of isolation even if I'm occupied.”
Javier Gamino
“The painting represents me alone in a room with the only thing to do is to be on the game and talk with others all the while having to think and talk about the problems that this pandemic has brought. This painting shows that I'm constantly worrying. The black surrounding represents the feeling of isolation even if I'm occupied.”