Yesterday, Israel remotely detonated explosives hidden in pagers allegedly belonging to members of Hezbollah, killing twelve people and injuring more than 2750 others. The explosions came less than 24 hours after the Israeli War Cabinet announced an expansion of their objectives in relation to the Lebanese border. We are holding the victims of these attacks and their loved ones in the Light.
Indiscriminately exploding communications devices terrorizes civilian populations and is stoking fears that Israel will launch a ground war on Lebanon. The explosions also targeted people inside Syria, further increasing the risk of regional escalation.
The best way to stop this violence – in Lebanon, in the West Bank, and in Gaza – is for the U.S. to enact an immediate arms embargo on Israel. The Biden Administration has the power to stop the flow of weapons to Israel and end U.S. complicity in genocide and war crimes. We must keep the pressure on them until they do.
The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) promotes a world free of violence, inequality, and oppression. Guided by the Quaker belief in the divine light within each person, we nurture the seeds of change and the respect for human life to fundamentally transform our societies and institutions. We work with people and partners worldwide, of all faiths and backgrounds, to meet urgent community needs, challenge injustice, and build peace.